Thanks, Elon.
The same thing happened to former NHL coach Bill Peters.
"Full n-word"
Mein sides.
It looks like it will require a falsey.
I got out months before the hammer dropped. I will never come back. I have a new life far away now, and to return only to be trapped again is just not an option.
My eyes are squinting at your luminesce.
Brazen witch.
Isn't that right, (((my fellow white people)))?
Every. Single. Time.
Meitraya is the Antichrist, and Jesus Christ is GOD.
Fuck off, New Age faggot. I HATE the Antichrist... and your faggot Meitraya is the Antichrist.
Every. Single. Time.
Passive aggressive media smearing is just part of Solomon's tribal nature.
Yep... unethical nature indeed.
Well, he's Jewish, so he's got an itchy trigger finger to call everyone else one.
Early Life?
Ah yes... there it is.
I consider this another win for Russia.
Oh no, the shame.
Dirty liars get what they deserve.
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
I've got a gut feeling about Gutman.
He's also a giant faggot.
True, but then why can anyone now say nigger, kike, faggot, cunt, retard, dyke without the algorithm stinging them... but dropping science does?