Making yourself understood does not equal having fun communicating.
I want to talk to others that can see the apple in 3D and spin it around in their heads. "But I did have breakfast"-tier of communication is not sufficient for enjoyment. It is not my responsibility to bring stupid people up to my level. But I'm starting to accept that maybe it is my responsibility.
It's lonely. You're surrounded by fucking idiots, and you realize all the bad stuff going on. And with immigration as it is, it's only going to get worse. jews destroying civilization and we are arguing over what MIGA candidate is better.
It's going to keep getting worse until the meatgrinder of WW3 kills off billions of mongrels.
If souls games ans their input lag is your bar of difficulty, you need to play competitive multi-player and games like DOOM eternal on max difficulty.
Souls games are a meme, cut down console garbage running at shit framerate
You are afraid of the entire military because of a few blowhards lol.
There are more vets that would refuse to kill Americans.
Keep shivering in your boots over a nonexistent scenario though.
If the government could kill us they would have done it already.