Graphenium -9 points ago +4 / -13

I just mean people who aren’t making any effort to integrate into the ethos of this place:


Another post by OP with a totally rational take, left at [+41,-37]. It’s one thing to treat your own community as a 24/7 trump rally or a 24/7 book burning, it’s pretty gay and soft to try and impose that on everyone else

Graphenium -12 points ago +6 / -18

It’s TD tourists vs ConPro tourists - should be funny just let them have at it

Graphenium 28 points ago +32 / -4

Simple little trick for increasing the size of your house that not many stupid goyim know: just tie a string around your neighborhood and now it’s all part of your home!

Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

How can these both be true?

when people try to manipulate others for their own gain by asking others to sacrifice while they themselves sacrifice nothing then that's a negative, always

Ideas can be used to manipulate others in order to increase one's power but any idea works for that regardless of the truth of the idea or not and that's ultimately all that matters is how useful then the idea is in providing power to your aims.

A sacrifice to risk your life away should be rooted in some sort of gain. For example, say you join the military but raping and pillaging the enemy is allowed as well as taking on slaves and war brides. You may risk your life and sacrifice for your community but you're also doing so for your own benefit as well as the benefit of others. This is fair.

Isn’t the perpetuation of your civilization, where people aren’t forcibly raped, enough of a “gain” for a civilized man? I just don’t see the implicit necessity of linking these two things. I think back to the gentle place, ringed in spears.

I think God is True Neutral and our perceptions of what is good or bad don't pertain to God.

Hmm…not sure I’ve ever really come across an ideology of God like that which didn’t ultimately boil down to “do as thou wilt shall be the whole of law”… what separates your view from Crowlyism or more generically satanism?

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't reject spiritualism at all, I just reject ideas that use the spiritual to justify manipulation of the material. I think the spiritual and material are linked. One affects the other so to speak so if you act a slave in the material, you've enslaved yourself spiritually also. I reject notions where people use a spiritual framework that none of us truly understand to justify taking actions that are not beneficial to one in the material but beneficial to others and justify it because the spiritual will be better in a manner you can't perceive.

I agree, glad we can build from this common foundation. I assume that your acknowledgement of the spiritual side of life includes an acknowledgement of an “ultimate” spirit or entity which we can label God for the sake of convenience?

Of course with no attempt to overly specify as “this God” or “that God” - we can fairly regard God as the ultimate Creator (in addition to the other things which he represents the existential pinnacle of), right?

Now does it make sense that the ultimate creator would ever favor wanton destruction? Is there any means of logically understanding the God that we agree exists favoring the dropping of atomic bombs in Nagasaki or firebombing Dresden? Both of which are examples of decisions made, supposedly difficultly for those who made them, for the “greater good”.

If one is willing to use the “greater good” to justify despicable means, where does it end? By what means can you assure your success? Surely not through and appeal to the God of what is good?

Regarding your example, I just note both the absurdity of it:

A man with a gun comes to your house and points it at you. He says give me all your stuff or I'll kill you.

take your gun and defend your property by killing the guy. Assuming there's no other risks involved and you will kill the guy and successfully defend your property that to me is the correct choice

And how both guys are suggesting things where none of the risk or harm can apply to them.

All good ideas for your spirit will benefit you in the material as well.

I feel like this neglects the entire realm of “sacrifice” - surely there is some validity to the realities of patience, humbleness, delayed gratification, achieving a better future through a sacrifice of some kind in the present

Regarding the short bit, I would say I interpret it (not my writing) as more of a metaphor and less of a “story”, though it is obviously written in “story” form. It’s comparing the two paths available to a being of free will: merciless, godless competition or merciful, future-thinking altruism (and the requisite accompanying need to defend that merciful civilization from outside attack, something we presumably has been lacking for quite some time) - a gentle place, ringed in spears. I thought it also spoke directly to the notion of ideas and words as weapons (and offspring).

Lastly, I would ask your thoughts on the thrust of my previous comment, the microcosmic example of our discussion and its macrocosmic applicability

Graphenium 1 point ago +2 / -1

From this glimpse past the facade (which I appreciate), I see a man ground down to spiritual nihilism, leading to a kind of economic materialist world view which includes ideas within that economic materialism. Do you outright reject the “spiritual” nature/aspect of existence? It sounds like you do, and I would suggest that is perhaps neutering the wholistic potential of your perspective.

Just to use our current interaction as an example of my point about truth being the only path to defeating deception, look at how fragile your power actually is. Once the truth about multiple accounts comes out (which again, I appreciate, for the truth of admitting it at the start, and I suppose here for its illustrative purposes), your power erodes. Logically, when ultimate truth is revealed, it is the only thing capable of eroding the power of ultimate evil, and thus logically since it happens at both sides of the spectrum (our tiny and insignificant evil here, of using multiple accounts and, presumably astroturfing them to appear “more popular” - given your mercenary approach to ideas themselves - and the hypothetical though logically existant “ultimate evil”), it also applies throughout the spectrum as well.

Just like you can’t cure a wound by causing more harm, I don’t see how more lies could ever beat older and stronger lies.

I’d be interested in your thoughts on this short piece, I think it actually gets to the crux of this discussion quite nicely:


Graphenium 3 points ago +5 / -2

Huh, you sound different from the other guy I knew who used 50+ (emphasis on the +) accounts to troll TD and post about christcucks on ConPro. Though your thoughts on the reduction of ideas to mere weapons interestingly echos him, I wonder if you guys are being pumped out by the same school-of-thought…

The actual truth is entirely irrelevant. Just make up whatever theory you want to convince people to promote a good outcome for you and your people.

Doesn’t it worry you that by disregarding the truth you will inevitably select “the wrong” theories to promote, leading to potentially catastrophically negative outcomes? It seems to me that “truth” and “the right thing to do” are completely entwined in reality…I suppose you disagree?

Regarding immigration, absolutely. Along with all the “pseudo-legal” means they’ve been using over and above “net immigration rates”. In this example, you see how disregard for truth amongst the people who run our society (at the ground level made up of mostly gentiles) has led to disastrous consequences for society, due to the pursuit of perceived benefit. Think of everyone who has been convinced we “need” migrant labor to prop up the economy. Those people are genetically identical to you and I for the most part. The only thing that stands a chance at winning is truth, don’t you think?

Graphenium 2 points ago +3 / -1

Interesting…what are your thoughts on the White Israelite theory and arguments in favor of natalist ideologies?

Graphenium 26 points ago +28 / -2

> account’s last activity was 7 months ago, which happens to be when it was created


Graphenium 4 points ago +4 / -0

They’re remaking one piece? The 1500 episode show which is still on-going (or has it finally ended?) Why? Condensing it like dbz Kai?

Graphenium 14 points ago +14 / -0

Courage Cannot Be Outsourced

From a just published review of the book:

Who Lost America? Why the United States Went “Communist” and What to Do About It

By Stephen Baskerville

Since the early months of 2020, what Stephen Baskerville fittingly describes as “a junta of amateurish, semi-adolescent ideologues” has been able to seize control of America while millions opposed to them were “forced to sit by, virtually helpless.” In rapid succession we witnessed a manufactured epidemic accompanied by demands for compliance with absurd response measures, orchestrated rioting in America’s larger cities, government-led censorship of the internet, the elimination of electoral safeguards and a stolen election, mass incarceration of citizens who protested, staged trials of opposition politicians and their supporters, the abolition of the nation’s border controls, and a reckless response to the Ukrainian crisis that risks plunging us into nuclear war. It is the closest thing to a revolution this country has witnessed since the radical phase of reconstruction.

Some good accounts of these events have already been written, but Baskerville claims his new book is the first to try to explain why they occurred—or more precisely, why they were not prevented. For the motives of those who carried out the coup are less important than the inability of wiser men to stop them.

The author begins from what he calls the Iron Law of Washington: People who are paid to solve problems acquire a vested interest in perpetuating the problems they are paid to solve. In other words, ineffectiveness is a consequence of the perverse incentives created by professionalization: “We are now experiencing the culmination of the long tragedy of Americans delegating and abdicating their civic responsibilities to a professional political class.”

Most efforts to influence policy are now the business of “public interest” lobbying firms staffed mainly by attorneys. The resulting mindset is typified by conservative columnist Rod Dreher; after bemoaning the decline of religious freedom, he exhorts his readers: “We have to fight!” But how does he suggest we do this? “If you aren’t donating to the Becket Fund and/or the Alliance Defending Freedom, please consider it.” Citizenship now means writing a check to a bunch of lawyers.

Continued in the review


Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

I need to be off, it's a day of obligation after all.

Ah, if you’re Catholic know that I have no qualms with the individuals, just the system that controls them

That's a milquetoast motte definition of gnosticism, as is gospel of Thomas itself. That definition isn't all that objectionable on its face, and nor is this one example text.

What’s your definition?

That's a big assumption. That it even is. You seem to object to verse 114 in particular being included.

Well, most of the quotes are in the Bible too. And no, I personally have no issue with verse 114, that text is included in the source I copied and pasted…

One or the other must be rejected, and I think it's clear which.

The one currently controlled by pedophiles, who have used lies to cook up additions to canon and then used those additions to justify killing hundreds of thousands? Or you mean the one which says “think for yourself”?

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well they range from goofy and easily dismissed to dogmatic beliefs built on lies and enforced through the deaths of tens if not hundreds of thousands of innocents.

You have the “gay priests” and the “lesbian pastors”, which I won’t even bother finding links for, and which represent the worst of “Churchianity” or the notion that you can just “pick your favorite interpretations” such that the religion is one of your own making. Easily dismissible, these people are just part of random churches with no broader affiliations, ok whatever fair enough

Next you have issues like the fact that Joe Biden hasn’t been excommunicated from Roman Catholicism despite all the times he’s supported abortion. That’s just a hyper specific example, but I make it to show that even the “trad”, “based” strains have been subverted, not just these random no name churches with the gay trans pastor-of-color. One need look no further than the pope for confirmation of this point.

“Ok”, you might say, “so what, it’s been corrupted recently, all that means is we just need to look at the history of the Church with an analytical mind and determine the truth from that” - I mostly agree with this hypothetical I just made you say, but I want to show one example of just how far back this corruption went:

The Johannine Comma:


Basically, the exact specifics of Trinitarianism is one of the oldest topics of debate in Christianity. The Catholic Church has never liked this, because they are defined by their Trinitarian beliefs. The specifics are nuanced, but effectively, what was once perhaps a marginal note (the “comma”), a wise insight left by a reader, was transformed into Canon, which was enforced with murder most commonly. I can’t write a dissertation on the subject but I personally don’t see Trinitarianism as a dogma supported by scripture, you might find some interesting information on the subject in this loooong wiki page or related ones on specific sects who were slaughtered en masse. Newton for example was a Unitarian, what a different world we would live in had he been killed for his unorthodox thinking!


Whole sects of nontrinitarians have, for the last ~1800 years, been systematically murdered by the tens of thousand. And this wasn’t just in the brutal early days of the Roman church but continued basically up until the Protestant Reformation and for a while after.

So all that is to say, “Christianity” today already consists of so many (conflicting) interpretations and views and perspectives. How I understand “gnosticism” is basically just “use your wisdom and the knowledge you can glean from the world around you to determine the truth”, thus “Christian gnosticism” is basically just “use your wisdom to interpret scripture, never thinking you already have ‘all the answers’, but instead humbly seeking His wisdom in His word”. Which is probably effectively what most real Christians these days are already doing, I’m just willing to look beyond the bounds of these books selected and edited and selectively edited by the liars and murders discussed above. Hence I’ll look at something like the Gospel of Thomas with an open mind, and see the beauty of the New Testament in the lean form of 114 sayings by the wisest teacher men have known, Jesus

Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gnosticism seems more logically consistant to me than mainstream Christianity.

Do you think a lot of subversion has snuck into Christianity in the last 2,000 years? I ask that rhetorically because I think it’s obvious that there has been a lot, but if you want me to point to specifics I can.

Thus, if “the true faith” of Christianity can be apparently subverted, what makes you so convinced that true gnosticism and true Christianity are in opposition?

One of the most interesting threads of “gnosticism” I’ve come across is the conjoined ideas that

1)the Essenes were “gnostics”

2)the Essenes were the sect that John the Baptist came from, and thus logically the sect that his cousin Jesus of Nazareth came from

Have you ever come across any of that?

Secondly, the “foundational text” of Christian gnosticism is the (so-called apochrypha) the Gospel of Thomas.


Copied and pasted^ the full text into a post recently. I’m interested in any flaws there you can point to, because based on my studies I’ve not come across anything specific that Christians can point to when they call gnosticism “satanic”. They often like to say it is too dualistic in the way it portrays our existence, yet will neglect the exact same dualism present in the canonical text of the Bible. Gnosticism is cast aside for calling the physical world corrupted and for saying satan (in various names across various groups) is “the god of this world”. Well one need only look at Genesis 1 and 2 Corinthians 4:4 for those notions to be echoed in scripture.

Why are you convinced to “throw the baby out with the bath water” on the subject of gnosticism and Christianity?

Graphenium 16 points ago +16 / -0

I think you’re tapping into something vital here but slightly missing the mark:

I don’t see the problem here as “women voting” per se, but I think the way that atrocity propaganda works can absolutely be understood as “exploiting feminine thought patterns”. Because I think it’s safe to say that at some point in our lives every man here has believed in some piece of atrocity propaganda. Whether that’s The Big One™️ or one of the smaller ones, none of us were born immune to this.

[Left|logical|masculine] brain / [right|emotional|feminine] brain dichtomy might be an “oversimplification” but I think it’s a far more valuable starting point than the current standard model of the tabula rasa/blank slate ideology. The feminine mind has its appropriate place in the order of existence, and sending/manipulating men to fight is absolutely not within that remit

Graphenium 7 points ago +7 / -0

Because the accounts are “sleepers” who have been “seasoned” in some way. Here is the most recent one to slip by:


If you look, it’s over a year old, despite being a handshake still

Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

+39 -37? What the actual fuck. Admins should ban whichever faggots have been manipulating and astroturfing this forum recently. Fat chance of course.

This community is mostly eurofags and people who are “over” the political system. Yet I’m supposed to believe it’s full of die hard drumpfers? Uh huh

Graphenium 17 points ago +19 / -2


On 5 February 2003, Ernst Zündel was detained by local police in the U.S. and deported to Canada, where he was detained for two years on a security certificate for being a foreign national considered a threat to national security pending a court decision on the validity of the certificate. Once the certificate was upheld, he was deported to Germany and tried in the state court of Mannheim on outstanding charges of incitement of Holocaust denial dating from the early 1990s. On February 15, 2007, he was convicted and sentenced to the maximum term of five years in prison. All these imprisonments and prosecutions were for inciting hatred against an identifiable group.[9] He was released on March 1, 2010.[10]

If they even TRY with Americans then Trump would grandstand telling them to get fucked to their face.I can think of NO country, not even Canada or Australia or even the EU, that would extradite it's citizens for 'breaking UK speech laws'.

It wouldn’t be totally without precedent… though I suppose Zundel’s citizenship status complicated things, he had been a resident of Canada from 1958-2000

Graphenium 3 points ago +5 / -2

Coming up next week:

>Guess who debunked out-of-Africa? https://x.com/MauricePinay/status/1662171844147855366

I like his work, and watched a fair bit of it across the subjects he touches on. It’s all interesting and mostly good, but his “answers” are scant more than nods in what look like promising directions, imo.

Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

Communism as practiced? Yes, but I see the same vices manifest in Capitalism as practiced (or whatever label you want to give the ideology “opposed” to communism).

On the flip side, I see many of the values of Christianity in “communism” as written (not marxism per se but the more general ideas of communal-ism which can be shown to long predate marxism (for instance, the reason that the Jerusalem Church collapsed while the Church of Rome thrived was that the Jerusalem Christian community was largely operated “communistically” while the Church of Rome imposed a capitalistic tithing system which helped contribute to their practically ruling the world for a time - one might point to this as yet more proof that “communism is idealism and not achievable in reality”, I wouldn’t disagree but I simply point to it to enrich the conversation which draws threads between “communism” and “Christianity”).

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

The ultraright version of: the Western world is controlled by WHITE MEN.

This doesn’t even make sense, they’re waging a war against white men…the ruling class, even by your definition, hates white men. How tf do you explain that if they are only white men with no outside coordinated and malicious influences on their perspectives?

Now let's be real, are all the people here who say "the Holocaust wasn't real but it should have been" interested in a good faith explanation?

Not to a large extent, but if one were achieved, I think far far more than you give credit for would be open to it. However that number shrinks and shrinks as the charade goes on and polarization continues. We are currently at a precipice that has been approached by our ancestors (both) many times but never with success and always with mass needless suffering. Whatever that “burnt offering” was, precisely, it has been turned into a cudgel of the charade. Just like I said about the subject in general, that subject in specific cannot be wholistically addressed until the veil of ignorance is ripped away.

Unexplained to you, or others, is not quite the same as being 'inexplicable'.

Go ahead and explain it then. Your argument is dead on arrival because they’ve all been tried and found wanting. It requires stepping outside of the Overton window.

Regardless, you made the same mistake as the woke in assuming that the default situation is equality. No, it is inequality. That is what is universal. That is why the Chinese in Malaysia outperform Malays massively, despite being discriminated against.

So your good faith explanation is just, “they’re smarter than you, goy”? Pathetic.

If holders of capital say to let in many millions of immigrants, they will, because those holders are in a position to reward them.

“Holders of capital” golly that’s ironic. Is there anything in common about these holders of capital and where their anti-human beliefs and ideologies come from? Anything at all you can think of?

Besides, your simplistic reduction again neglects vital context - the only reason the ruling elite was able to get away with “replacement migration” was because of the reality that the local population had ceased to propagate itself at “economically necessary” rates. That subject alone requires an in depth analysis before you ever step foot near “and so it’s the fault of rich white people who wanted to pay mexicans to pick all the fruit consumed by Americans, grown inside of America. “Ultimately” serves no one but ignorance and the Father of Lies in these conversations, imo

Graphenium 11 points ago +11 / -0

So now 'subverting' previous theories is a terrible thing. Wait till you hear about plate tectonics.

It’s funny you mention that. Did you know plate tectonics was originally conceived of as a “catastrophist” explanation for the evidently rapid shifts in the location of the continents relative to the planet’s poles? In fact, it was a shady campaign of accusations of “Science Denier!” that eventually cowed Wegener and his eventual re-writers into the orthodoxy of the “gradualists”. Now we know that the catastrophist interpretation is far more accurate than the Scientific Establishment™️ could ever allow for

So you accidentally have brought up yet another example of valid theories being smashed and contorted to accommodate dogmatic ignorances. Just found that funny.

I don't think it does, and even then, you'd have to show that this was the actual intent of the theory.

No I don’t, I directly addressed this dude why waste a paragraph on this:

I take less issue with the actual data the theory is based on (basically attempting to reconstruct a history of haplogroup migration), than I do the broad and absurd popular delusions that have been constructed on that theory and data.

Also, out of Africa or not, ultimately, all humans share the same ancestors - so why?

Because, like you demonstrate in this pat, one-sentence reduction, it allows for woefully incomplete analysis to appear to be some kind of “ultimately honed in on” insight. Which it’s the farthest thing from. It’s a very messy and broad series of claims based on a very messy and broad array of data and the picture it sets out to paint is so incomplete as to be harmful in its reductionism. let me give it to you in a hypothetical - let’s say atleast 0.1% of every human can be traced to some dna we found in africa - that doesn’t actually say anything of value about the nature of the world, certainly nothing with counteracts the valid study of group differences, yet it’s used, ultimately (as you demonstrated) to dismiss these differences with ideas like “we’re all the same, ultimately

I don't care if it stands or falls. The claims made in this thread are strange at best though.

Yeah, the theory definitely isn’t incorrect because this guy was jewish. It’s an unfortunately reality of the polarization of the current times. I wish it was more clear to me how to introduce nuance back into discussions of black and white.

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

And for that, you'd rather scapegoat a small group rather than acknowledge the reality that the entire Western ruling class consists of traitors.

Wrong, I acknowledge the latter and make the further observation that this “Western” “ruling class” is disproportionately made up of that small group. This reality demands a genuine, good faith explanation beyond “we’re smarter than you, goy” - or the equivalent delivered by a designated “shabbos” spokesgoy. Personally, I believe that this “small group” you mention, and accuse me of blaming, is in fact more of a “sacrificial goat” than the Evil Masterminds. BUT!!! That explanation of mine cannot even be broached while the veil of ignorance surrounds the initial point of disproportionate and currently (within the Overton Window) inexplicable domination of this “ruling class”.

People with an undying hatred for a particular group are hardly impartial observers trying to 'unearth motivations'.

Agreed, unfortunately these populations are growing, on both sides of all relavent polarities. One could say something like “misery loves company”, to diagnose the symptom, but what is the cause of the initial illness? Instead of addressing valid concerns, the “ruling class” plays dumb, and always fans the flames. Clearly they aren’t dumb, so what’s going on? Are we being (b)led to another ”burnt offering”?

Agreed. But the cause is not 'da Joooz are evil'.

True, but one must consider the possibility that the talmud is evil, and that the people responsible for its evil had and have a larger role in “world jewry”/da joooz than is evident on the surface.

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