I’m old enough to remember when CA put gay marriage up for a popular vote, it lost, and everyone was a philosopher when the state forced it through anyway
We have to start prosecuting the people that take money to propagate CCP propaganda in the West. Early quarantine I caught a show on PBS where a white women tours the world and tries to trace inventions and accomplishments back to ancient China. Like to the extent she claimed they invented whiskey because “historical records don’t really confirm they didn’t”
Because this has nothing to do with black lives or gays or whatever and everything to do with appealing to the sentiments of basic, middle-class moms.
and may still get disciplined by the coach for insubordination.
Literally no reason to include that in the press release BUT a good coach should have them running laps for acting out
I’m sure there’s an incredible amount of overlap between these angry people and baby Yoda enthusiasts
It’s scary in that I had thought they were until now
I’m not a big Candace or Cardi fan but I’m fully read up on their twitter fight. It’s not about the supporters but the regular people that might hear about this in the comments at the shade room page or something and they might like the points Candace is making
What’s weird is this seems out of character for him. If Colin fucking Cowherd goes race-baiter we’ll have lost a good one, boys
Look I’ll say it, Black Panther was based as fuck and if you can’t see that because of some surface shit you’re as sensitive as an SJW
Man... is America broken?
Ehhhh, the article peaks at describing this real-life censorship from a totalitarian regime “a bit much”. I wouldn’t call that complaining
These kind of posts are just showing them that their propaganda is working on you. Trump is in the White House, Republicans control the senate and leftists openly dislike their own representatives. All the good parts of the Internet are also against this shit too. Every MP game I play (even while the game is actively fellating BLM or whatever) is full of MAGA usernames or other related memes at a like 10/1 ratio to liberal BS.
These people are terrible and their ideas are monstrous only because they’re taking the angle you’re proposing now. If we jump the shark and get overly militant and they pivot back to that “UwU, I just want people to love each other and maybe have a little healthcare coverage” we’ll just be right back at square one.
These women went home and had Twitter tell them they were the good guys
Haters. Anyone that carries on about this stuff is just a hater, no exceptions. Like if you really believed in sacred Buffalos or bird spirits and shit to the extent you’re mad some white girl has a plastic headdress on wtf are you doing at fucking Coachella in the first place
Goodwill from the first, release during a quarantine and honestly it’s not a “bad” game. It’s nowhere close to the first in terms of being like something special, but as a generic zombie game it’s pretty okay. A zombie Kane and Lynch imo
Michelle Obama sincerely declared this election a matter of life and death and there was no mainstream criticism of her fearmongering. My money is the 1st amendment is the first thing to go