Valmar33 1 point ago +1 / -0

Workers' "Rights" is just shiny anglerfish bait. Socialism will only oppress workers more and more. what's happening today in America?

It was not "shiny bait" ~ that was the reality of Socialism back when it began.

But, it got infiltrated by those who wanted to hide behind the idea of fighting for workers' rights, while not actually giving a shit about it.

Genuine movements get infiltrated and turned to nefarious purposes.

Valmar33 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's an extremely unfair assessment, because you get crazy individuals everywhere along the economic axis.

You may as well be saying that all Centrists and Leftists are Neo-Liberal crazies, which is a overly-massive broad brush to be painting individuals you don't even know, with.

I'm a Centrist, but would traditionally be on the Left, except that the Neo-Liberal virus has gone far too rampart, and has now more or less become synonymous with Leftism, which horrifies and worries me.

Why would I traditionally be a Leftist? Because economically I care purely about workers' rights ~ and care not at all for the pure insanity of Neo-Liberal identity politics. Indeed, I loathe it, because it causes endless amounts of division among everyone.

by Chem
Valmar33 0 points ago +1 / -1


I would disagree.

The real white supremacists, the Neo-Liberals and Democrats, have been deliberately nurturing this mindset in black communities for decades, because they want to use them as weapons in their long-planned race war.

Valmar33 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmmmm. What if I call these Neo-Liberal Antifa / BLM freaks the real fascists?

They certainly act like the fascists they accuse everyone else of being.

Valmar33 15 points ago +18 / -3

Legal immigrants are fine ~ they go through the right channels to integrate with US society.

Showing that they deserve to be part of US society.

Valmar33 0 points ago +1 / -1

I mostly lurk on KiA2, as it's a very good source of information on Neo-Lib insanity.

Here's a comment:


Can get more posts if you need them.
