Ho boy, these mutilated Muricans are going to be doubleplus mad.
They hate da Joooz but love their barbaric practices.
It's like Robert De Niro, sure he made some popular movies in his younger days but what good is it if he's spending his 70s and 80s as a poster,
The best De Niro videos are those where he's getting heckled by Trump supporters in NYC.
No Burr fan here, but is there anyone you guys don't call 'controlled opposition'?
Keep files secret for 60 years, then attack critics that they don't have non-circumstantial evidence. Also, now that we've covered it up for so long, it's been too long and who cares? Get a life!
Name checks out.
Jews killed your president
Man, they sure are resourceful. Is there anything Jews can't do? Apparently not.
when they brazenly killed your president and faced no consequences afterward
What are the consequences you'd like to see for 'the Jews'?
Has anyone, anyone, ever seen any accuse someone else of being in on the JFK assassination?
Other than Trump?
It's such a shame that you feel the need to deny what you would doubtless celebrate if you didn't have to pretend that it didn't happen.
Wait, Colin Powell is dead? Hadn't noticed.
Actually, I think Asian culture's response to disrespect is to try to ignore it until you really can't. They've pushed them so far that they can't ignore it.
You can also tell that it's not Polish based on the fact that it has a 'v'.
Why does this keep happening?
You making stuff up?
I'm not entirely sure about the "drown the dog in the airport bathroom" instinct.
True, Japan is famously low-trust.
Look at the hair.
Are there any that don't work? On one browser, I use uBlock, which blocks everything, on another I use Adblock Plus, which blocks the ad but not the nag screen telling me that I'm not allowed to use an ad blocker.
Since 2019?
What could possibly have happened in 2020?
Here they still have the "keep your distance" signs and the garbage bins "for disposing of your masks" that no one wears.
From the comments:
Listening to this episode, it seemed that the two scholars were of the opinion that the shutdown was ineffective and sought to prove it versus questioning the effectiveness of the shutdown and seeking the answer.
This is like if a patient has appendicitis and the hospital doesn't have enough anesthesia these guys would recommend not using the anesthesia they do have on hand. The problem isn't that isolation doesn't work, the problem is bone-headed people that won't self-isolate. "Honey everyone is dying from that gunman down the road anyway, so we might as well go outside with everyone else and get a good close look."
Two rich Princeton professors who never saw how bad things were in our hospitals, or had friends buried in mass graves, or watched their parents carried out of nursing homes in trash bags saying that the lives saved were not worth the "inconvenience."
Absolutely worth it. If the lockdowns had saved only one life, they would still have been worth it. The people who complained about the lockdowns or wearing a mask were the weak ones. And they hurt and killed others because of their weakness.
Based on the comments I’d say this was a very tone deaf episode. We still are grieving over losses from Covid. Many of us have been changed forever because of what happened. Looking back and judging all of us doing our best as “inconvenient” to some fails us all. It’s a shameful exercise to suggest it wasn’t “worth the trouble” when it is entirely possible we would have had many millions more die. Has everyone sheltered in place for a few short weeks the world would have been free of COVID. Now we are saddled with many millions of frail and immunocompromised people who will forever be stuck with masks because some of us were unforgivably selfish and feel perfectly entitled to steal the safety of others from them for our personal pursuits. It’s a shameful thing.
I loved the lockdown. I thrived.
I betcha did.
Whether you agree with it or not, the argument is that not just that Hamas 'wants' your military action to kill their kids, but that they intentionally try to make that happen.
Like Golda Meir said, peace will come when Muslims love their children more than they hate the Jews.
Sex is their biggest selling point
By the looks of them, their biggest selling point ain't all that great.
The announcement by the pedophile-protecting government: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/sir-hamid-patel-appointed-as-interim-chair-of-ofsted-board
It was also said that the strong Japanese culture, the disaster preparedness and its high-trust nature was what allowed passengers to stay calm and save lives rather than panic or take their baggage with them.
Supposedly, the fact that the A350 is partly plastic also helped because of a slower burn.
Like the other people commenting, I don't know enough to say 'very likely'. There does seem to be some circumstantial evidence that Mosad or some pro-Israel elements in the CIA did.
Look at you thinking that they care about killing Americans. They sure as hell didn't care when a fake country tortured to death an American journalist for voicing dissent.
If so, you should ask Johnson.