AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not predictions, observations. I'm sure even you have some idea of what women like, do you not?

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not talking about now. I'm talking about more than half a century ago.

There was no wokeness half a century ago though. Of course, the seeds were there, otherwise we wouldn't have gotten here.

And yet the most Christian areas didn't manage to defend themselves against it. If your religion doesn't protect you from subversion what good is that religion?

That is a fair critique. But not being able to resist some bad thing is not quite as bad as creating and spreading it.

The violent and forcible conversion of Europe to Christianity.

What are you talking about, there is no such thing.

The division of Europe into two sects of Christianity which kicked of centuries of religious strife. So every religious war and conflict that was fought during that time.

That was for a relatively short time, started perhaps in 1546 and ended in 1648. Hardly the 2000 years of war that you were suggesting.

I'm not talking about just a few decades in the 16th century. Corrupt clergy is the rule. Not the exception. Power attracts corrupt individuals

Again a fair critique. But remember: most clergy had very little power.

You were arguing that Christianity stopped the subversion that we're seeing today. Which it didn't.

It did. There was no such thing when Christianity was dominant. There were some other bad things, which you greatly exaggerated, and obviously some other bad things that you didn't mention. But a central lesson of Christianity, which I think is very valuable for everyone incl. atheists like myself, is that it is impossible to create a heaven on earth and every attempt at such a thing will be a disaster.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hard disagree. You cannot be Japanese when you are visibly obviously not Japanese. Cultural assimilation is possible, of course, but real assimilation?

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

The ideas that 'all men are created equal' and that all are created in God's image do not sound like the same idea to me, but I'm open to correction.

And the downvote is not mine.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can people who are retarded normally give an explanation for why they are retarded?

AntonioOfVenice 0 points ago +1 / -1

Too many women think they deserve the very highest status men

Every man I know thinks he deserves a supermodel.

Even if that apex male demo is only 1%, then probably 10% of women think they legitimately deserve those men.

I think you mean to say that they will only date men like that. Let's accept this for the sake of the argument. Now, that would be 10% of women who are remotely in the league of these men, right? If it's just morbidly obese women with necrotic tissue in their fatrolls, I don't think you would mind it that much.

Let's assume the top 1% of men are all occupied, taking out 10% of our top 10% of women. That would mean that 90% of the top 10% of women are single. Is that your experience, that nearly all drop-dead gorgeous women are single? Not mine, and it's not because they tell me that they have a boyfriend to get rid of me.

I’m starting to realize that you’re just fucking dumb.

Start to realize? You're too modest. How can you 'start to realize' that now when you've been calling me stupid for a year or so?

AntonioOfVenice 0 points ago +1 / -1

I must be a retard, because I don't see the phrase "socioeconomics" in the post you're responding to. Which clearly exists because a genius complained about it.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I were homosexual, wouldn't that make me perfectly suite to judge how attractive or unattractive men are?

AntonioOfVenice 3 points ago +3 / -0

You realize this offshoot was not created by or for low iq racial idpol da joooooos faggots


AntonioOfVenice 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would not say that. You just have to get the timing right. I did no promo work for KiA2, other than ask for moderators in a post that made people aware of its existence.

But a lot of unhappy people with HalfKiA did.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what you always say about me, isn't it?

AntonioOfVenice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Win is weird. Can you just unilaterally mod people? On Reddit, you have to actually accept.

AntonioOfVenice 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ruined? Imp is entertaining. I miss him here.

AntonioOfVenice 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is like getting 12-year-old molestation victims to testify in favor of child molestation.

AntonioOfVenice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Her grandfather must be so proud of her.

It's a shame if Trudeau were to follow. I don't want him to resign so that another liberal can get destroyed. I want him destroyed. He's doing as well in the polls as his dad does in Miami.

AntonioOfVenice -8 points ago +3 / -11

I can't find any information about the victims, but Charlotte is very disproportionately black. The in-group here is criminals, it seems.

AntonioOfVenice -8 points ago +4 / -12

Debatable. At the very least, the tweet is asserting that 'too many' (however many that is, I'm sure people here will be clever and say 1) black people make places unsafe. If there is no way that more black people do not make public transportation unsafe, then they inherently make it unsafe.

I do wonder about one thing: he wasn't saying it himself, although it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that he agrees with it. He just posted a screenshot of a tweet.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +7 / -6

Rats will forgo food if they have a button that just activates their dopamine receptors, and men will forgo relationships if they have the easy fix of porn.

AntonioOfVenice 0 points ago +4 / -4

You're right - but as I said, I was being rough.

But it doesn't matter what your facial structure is when you're fat. It's going to look awful no matter what.

AntonioOfVenice -10 points ago +3 / -13

I'm saying that the top 10% isn't great-looking.

Hell, you live in a country (I assume) where 2/3 is overweight or obese. By simply not being a lardass, you land yourself into the top 1/3. Take care of yourself, and you'll probably be in the top 15%. Have some muscle mass, and that's the top 5%.

I'm being very rough, but come on. You guys cannot seriously actually believe the stuff you're saying. It's the male equivalent of "I fail in life because RACISM".

AntonioOfVenice -10 points ago +1 / -11

I've seen anything from top 1-20 percent cited,

Well, if people on the internet say it.

Better Bachelor showed stats that said 5, but that was over a year ago and I'm sure it's only gotten worse.

So that means that out of every 20 people, there is one. Still seems like a whole lot. I wouldn't say that out of 20 guys I see, one is great looking.

a lot of the less successful men have concluded that putting in more effort than the hawt guy is a chump move.

What a poor excuse for being lazy because there is porn out there. The 'Hawt Guy' isn't going out unshaved (unless it's intentional), with dirty hair, bad glasses and dragging along 50 kg of fat.

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