Gazerbeam 10 points ago +11 / -1

The Jews that control the money are backing the Muslims. It's the Jews who don't have any money, power, or organization that are kvetching. They should be pissed off that their own leaders stabbed them in the back for foreign money, but they are still calling for the suppression of anyone who points it out.

Gazerbeam 9 points ago +9 / -0

The discussion about white privilege should begin and end with "it is a Soviet era Russian psyop."

Gazerbeam 10 points ago +10 / -0

They are run by Canada these days under Dominic Barton, who works for Lynn de Rothschild.

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

He did. I remember that.

Gazerbeam -1 points ago +4 / -5

We lost GG1 because the royal family of England ordered us all banned. Our optics were good but we were up against a very large number of state-sponsored professional spies who were working for both England and Russia and Hamas. Nobody had any idea how large the problem was.

Gazerbeam 13 points ago +13 / -0

Lay out all of the names involved and what they were into. I might be able to find some actual terrorist financing. No promises since its hard to find and most of them are funded by our governments through "counterterrorism" grants. I also think a lot of terrorists got into Bitcoin early and became millionaires when its value skyrocketed, and that's impossible to detect.

Gazerbeam 12 points ago +12 / -0

Is anyone collecting all of the info being dug up about Sweet Baby? Is there a place to read it all?

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +2 / -1

I've heard that "The Magicians" is slang for British intel because you ask them for a favor and they get it done, it's like magic. And when Americans want to do something illegal, they ask the British.

This brings us to the Concordia Thread theory that Hillary asked the British for help to implement the Istanbul Process of making it illegal to blaspheme against Islam. So they spread 1488 + shlomo.jpg until it became a meme, used its popularity to screech about the need to suppress hate speech, then paid Hamas to do the suppression, and they probably got Israeli intel to provide Hamas with the target list since the Jews would want to know who all of the Hitler people are. And they could lean on the Russians who call anyone they don't like a Nazi to call anyone they don't like a Nazi.

So we end up with Chartfag's graphs that have Russia on one side, Hamas on the other side, and the royal family in the middle. There are just a handful of British agents laundering the money but hundreds of thousands of people downstream of them. Those people deserve a one-way trip to Gitmo, but the feds are all taking orders from them.

Gazerbeam 7 points ago +8 / -1

It's still a feudal system where everyone has their own private spy ring. Each of them has a "partnership" with a foreign power where they run the other power's operations to make money and get close to their leadership, and they pay the Crown for immunity. They have focused so much on money laundering and using cheap foreign agents as private armies that they are running out of Englishmen.

Gazerbeam 9 points ago +10 / -1

The Western journalists in Israel are notorious for sitting around in their hotel rooms waiting for press releases from terrorist organizations, and the corporations are notorious for hiring the terrorists' public relations officers as their stringers. Then there are the Pallywood demonstrations that all of the journalists take seriously despite having hours of video footage showing that it is all faked. Their editors seem to insist on them skewing the narrative this way.

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +3 / -1

it looks like a few years back he had no money and was trying to find services, lack of family support, then soon after he starts posting air force stuff. So he joins up to avoid being poor. It starts positive then seems to fade out entirely before this stuff starts.

It sounds like he got it from the Air Force.

Gazerbeam 6 points ago +6 / -0

No idea. It's been broken for at least a month.

Infogalactic's GG page is also throwing errors.

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +3 / -1

whether by organizations for political purposes

There are very large organizations with very evil political purposes abusing these reporting systems and getting themselves hired on as the contractors to enforce them from the inside.

Gazerbeam 26 points ago +26 / -0

Unfortunately, they are not incompetent. They are very effective at targeting political opponents.

Gazerbeam 7 points ago +7 / -0

Faxanadu (NES). It played like a better Zelda 2 with much better graphics and story. None of my friends had heard of it or cared to play it. It turns out that it's part of the Dragon Slayer series of good games that never got good marketing in North America. The ones that made it across the ocean were marketed as independent games and not as part of a series. They might have gotten a mention in Nintendo Power but they never captured mindshare and you never heard about them again.

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

That sounds similar to how Something Awful was taken over by Biting Beaver and the Catlady Brigade who banned everyone to the right of Mao. It makes me wonder if they had anyone in government leaning on Lowtax.

Gazerbeam 3 points ago +4 / -1

The other thing happened, Islam appropriated LGBT by funding those gay groups that were Russian fronts and therefore pro-PLO

Gazerbeam 10 points ago +11 / -1

So to get this straight on the enemy connect the dots, the US is funding this shit but it's Canada actually writing ALL the shit woke crap that's ruined most of western media?

The Americans think it's coming from Canada, the Canadians think it's coming from San Francisco, nobody knows what the fuck is happening but the lunatics took over everything. The most likely scenario is: A new faction, Islamists, have taken over the Capitalist Meta-Infrastructure that Socially Engineered The West.

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