Far_Side_of_Forever 3 points ago +3 / -0

His career was started with the help of Weinstein, so perhaps he is dancing to their tune so that fact is forgotten

Far_Side_of_Forever 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything should be for everyone, hence the constant moaning about inclusion. By having any standards whatsoever, you're gatekeeping

And you know it's dishonest. Anyone ever have some awkward/smelly/annoying kid/neighbour/relative ask to play with you that you told to take a hike? Said kid then goes to complain to an adult, who then forces you to play with this kid. Kid proceeds to bitch and moan about the game you're playing and demands changes to suit him better. 30 minutes later, says you and your friend group are lame and fucks off

There you have it. Regressives are people who never left that mindset. Doing their damndest toi make everything grey and dreary - boring. Then they'll move on because holy shit, I can't believe these nerds give a shit about this boring ass trash

Far_Side_of_Forever 19 points ago +19 / -0

What hurts?

His hip

What happened?

He fell down

Fell from where?

He, uh, he fell down and hurted his hip

Children. They dodge direct questions like children

by xleb2
Far_Side_of_Forever 3 points ago +3 / -0

The apes on WSB will disapprove of that

Far_Side_of_Forever 19 points ago +20 / -1

Jesus Christmas. This is better than playing the regressive pronoun game to the letter. These guys took the idea and twisted (straightened?) it to work even better

Kind of a stupid name, but the intent is fantastic

Far_Side_of_Forever 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm amazed that they don't point out that the majority of the rioters were white and claim that they were false flaggers. Seems like the easiest lie to have stick

Far_Side_of_Forever 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd be interested to know if it actually works. I've seen fans of his state that the reason they like him is because he speaks in a calm, measured tone that is the exact opposite of the hysterical, shrieking SJW. Thus his mere existence is le epic gotcha against conservitards claiming regressive pearl clutching is ridiculous and not worth entertaining

I wonder if losing him as a voice would hurt more than help. Alas, moral purity and all that

Far_Side_of_Forever 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'd be hesitant on this one. I dunno if sausageroll has ever gotten anything right before. What the article claims absolutely wouldn't shock me, but it coming from sausageroll gives me pause

Far_Side_of_Forever 4 points ago +4 / -0


Far_Side_of_Forever 23 points ago +23 / -0

Suddenly I am reminded of a passing conversation I heard my friend's wife have with her dad as they were packing up to move

"Something something Trump bad, mentions Bush Jr"

"Oh, Trump makes me miss the Bush days; I'd take him back in a heartbeat"

Looks like we got it! Snow Mexicans are so full of useful opinions

Far_Side_of_Forever 1 point ago +1 / -0

I used to read a completely ungodly amount of webcomics. The one character type that initially seemed cool but quickly became rage inducing is the one who constantly speaks in references to shit. Usually emotionally/socially stunted weirdo on top of that. I suppose it's supposed to appeal to millennials or shy internet people or something. Holy shit, this character type was everywhere. Lmao so relatable!

And now I've re-read your OP and realise this has very little to do with what you're talking about

Far_Side_of_Forever 6 points ago +6 / -0

Aiight, retard

SPEZ: But I suppose the real power move is to pretend that they're figments of my imagination and never speak or look at them

Far_Side_of_Forever 4 points ago +4 / -0

Christ, I remember public school being sweaty hell, as none of the places I went sprung for AC. Completely reliant on an oscillating fan and feezies to fight the heat. Even that minor comfort is negated by this monstrosity

Far_Side_of_Forever 30 points ago +30 / -0

“Guess you guys don’t like trans vaginas,” Yaniv tweeted on Feb. 5

The revelation of this millennium

Far_Side_of_Forever 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm about to use some strong language, so sit down, remove children from the premises, anyone with existing heart conditions leave

Are Trump supporters... DOUBLE NAZIS?

Far_Side_of_Forever 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm a crazy person for taking free food home from work because it was "left out"

The best tasting food on the planet is literally anything, when starving

The second best food is "shit I didn't have to make or pay for". If I worked at your place, I'd wrestle you for it

Except I'm a cripple now, so that'd be poor sportsmanship on your part to agree. Just gimme the shit already!

Far_Side_of_Forever 12 points ago +12 / -0

Holy fuck, they need to stop wasting taxpayer money on this individual

But then, the Snow Mexican government is of the impression that the sun itself creates cash

Far_Side_of_Forever 21 points ago +21 / -0

Lol about the guy claiming KiA is brigading them; "Unfortunately for them, there don't seem to be enough of them to really do a lot." Does that even constitute a brigade, then?

Far_Side_of_Forever 18 points ago +18 / -0

Highly doubtful, as she looks like the sort to drown her children in a bathtub after one mildly inconvenient day

Far_Side_of_Forever 4 points ago +4 / -0

They were healthy enough that they felt they were relatively safe breaking lockdown rules. These cops changed their minds - and bodies - on that opinion

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