Dual_Fire 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a Litrpg book! I might actually give this a try. I've been reading a few lately, some are quite fun and others... Well not as much haha.

Dual_Fire 16 points ago +16 / -0

Haven't seen or heard anything from South Park making fun of Biden, they are the only ones who would... I sorta doubt they will tough.

Dual_Fire 5 points ago +5 / -0

Random fact, "Sir Francis Drake" is considered a pirate in south America lol, he attacked quite a few ports and ships in the name of the crown haha.

Dual_Fire 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean... The golden rule always is "If it's good who cares".

Like the Starship Trooper movie is great, but it's very different from the book (which is also great). So does the movie suck for not sticking to the canon? I would say no.

On the other hand, let's take the Netflix Death Note adaptation, which also differs from the source material, but it's horrible in every sense of the word, while the source material is good. In this case the answer is obvious.

So... Rule of cool I guess.

Dual_Fire 7 points ago +7 / -0

I wonder if they will mention all his weird history with the Aids epidemic in the 80's 8 very much doubt that they will lol.

by Oaty
Dual_Fire 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks! This makes it even funnier to me

by Oaty
Dual_Fire 12 points ago +12 / -0

Brand them, kill them and eat their children. You know the Communist way. (In Minecraft)

Dual_Fire 2 points ago +3 / -1

Brave. Also this post kinda glows.

Dual_Fire 10 points ago +10 / -0

Quite literally work on yourself. You, your family and friends are all that really matters, focus on that, fight the craziness when you can (and it's safe to do so, don't ruin your life for this, unless you are a absolutely financially secure).

Dual_Fire 48 points ago +49 / -1

He uses "latinx" unironically, that means he is just another dumbass gringo.

Nadie en Latinoamérica usa Latinx, solo la gente de ultra izquierda y todos se ríen de ellos por usarlo.

Translation: "No one uses Latinx in Latin America, the only ones that do are far left dummies, and everyone makes fun of them for it".

In Chile it's in vogue to use neutral language and/or use every posible prononoun for every occasion, even made up ones! Like "Elles"

Ellos, Ellas, Elles.

Translation: They (male), They (female), Them (but made up and retarded, doesn't actually exist in the Spanish language)

Dual_Fire 30 points ago +30 / -0

And of course the VERY old navy officer just dodges the question and answers whatever lol. These hearings are just for show, its such a circus.

Dual_Fire 10 points ago +10 / -0

You are talking about sensitivity readers right? Probably one of the most retarded inventions from SJW types. Literal guardians of identity politics lol.

Dual_Fire 10 points ago +10 / -0

I read them all a while ago. It's sorta noticeable, but in a good way. The books start great, then meander a bit in the middle and pick back up again once Sanderson takes over.

If you like Sanderson's books, you won't have any issues, but he is a tad more action focused than Robert Jordan

Dual_Fire 6 points ago +6 / -0

Happened here too (Chile). Most (if not all) companies absolutely require it.

Our elderly are getting the 3rd (booster) shot too...

Dual_Fire 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are you a communist? And if so, do you eat babies?

Dual_Fire 17 points ago +18 / -1

It would be insanely funny (in a 🤡🌎 way) if you guys get a national registry for vaccination before a national registry for VOTING lolololol


Dual_Fire 10 points ago +10 / -0

No way, did he actually Resign???

Dual_Fire 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also the Red Letter Media guys made a Re-View of the movie, it's quite good.


Dual_Fire 6 points ago +6 / -0

I heard the book is fairly different from the movie, hopefully in a better way!. Also, fun fact, the director of this movie was the same director for the original Robocop.

Dual_Fire 12 points ago +12 / -0

R/ Popular is the "curated" version of the old Front Page, only some subreddits will show up.

Dual_Fire 9 points ago +10 / -1

This is actually true here too. Everyone is sick of it, but no one wants to make a scene, now everyone is used to the masks (Absolutely everyone wears them everywhere, except with friends and family... And if you don't it's seen as weird, rude and uncomfortable).

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