Too expensive there Mr. Moneybags, all you really need is a fleet of Killdozers.
Impervious to meatbag attack and infinitely cheaper. Think of all the taxpayer money you would save.
Hope in one hand, shit in the other.
See which one fills up first, buttercup.
You are NOT the "rebellion". You have been swayed to believe a stolen election and an extremely loud minority backed by foreign powers and domestic billionaires who hate you are the majority political force in this nation.
You have not only been fooled, you fooled yourself.
Fuck. Dumbass thought the cops were on his side from the start.
Cops are NEVER on your side, they are there to find you guilty. They will lie to your face in order to find something to charge you with. How is it Penny didn't know this?
I'm glad the car will now be able to continue to be free to be driven around, running as many kittens over as it wants to until it's ready to settle down only to find no one wants to buy a worn-out thirty-something year old used car for their first ride.
When will people finally get it through their heads that fat dykes, faggots, obese landwhales, and trannies all hate and fear good-looking women and seek to eliminate them?
"This is antisemitic."
C'mon dude or dudette, you already know this one.
ADL is a hate group funded by a foreign power putting the lives of United States citizens at risk.
I'm going to take a guess that he grew up in predominately White, safe neighborhood?
And all of that is by design.
When an individual or a manufacturer can a get a "private ruling" that only applies to them and no one else so it can't be used as precedent setting evidence in any other case with the exact same circumstances, they do not operate under the rule of law as they do not have any internal rules to follow to begin with.
Their guidance on almost any issue is arbitrary, deliberately vague and many times totally lacking any logical consistency whatsoever.
They do whatever the fuck they want to do to whoever they feel deserves to be made an example of.
The agency is totally politically captured by the left, and is run and staffed with those whose real agenda is banning all firerams.
How is the weather in Tel Aviv right now?
Hitchens was a pompous blowhard whose bloated sense of self-importance was his best feature.
Oh yeah, Operation Barbarossa, Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk, those Germans have a great record of getting ground into hamburger by the Red Army.
"The food culture they bring to this country is well worth them being here."
-Future Gang Rape And Murder Victim...uh..."Participant"
He never swallowed. It all just dribbled down his chin.
Did anyone understand him with all those cocks shoved in his throat?
My attitude was "Fuck 'em, give me my money." They needed me more than I needed them.
Cope seethe and dilated you faggots. Your wailng is music to my ears and your tears taste like the sweetest of nectars.
The entire government is now in the hands of President Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party, all three branches, and shit is about to get real.
Most of them are morbidly obese slow-moving DEI hires.
They'll never live long enough to collect much pension anyway, might as well let them get what's coming to them now. Pelosi no longer can order them to stand down, they'll be forced to hit the streets and do their jobs. Some will die, but that's a price I'm willing to pay.
My youngest daughter could kick that effeminate soiboi's ass.
I bet he thinks about abusing the son he doesn't want to talk about every waking minute.
This meme was made by a person who knows nothing about avian reproduction, must be a city person.
If you own and don't sell right now you are a fool.
And maybe if he's sent back the family of the girl he raped and murdered will burn him alive.
That is just sooo impersonal. I mean, at 48,000 ft you can't even hear the screams muffled by the blood fountaining out of their mouths and the noise major bones snapping like matchsticks makes as you drive right up on the sidewalk and grind bodies into paste. Pressing the right button from miles away to make human confetti can't be much fun as you don't get to witness the results up close and personal.