Cucked Graham Linehan does redemption arc 'How Institutions Were Captured Without a Fight'
"And how I helped before being thrown in the pit with the same deplorables I smeared for years until it affected me in ways I didn't like."
I miss Imp classic
You are letting your past prejudices sway your current judgements. Ask yourself this, if it was someone else posting as he does now, someone without the rose tinted glasses shine, someone repeatedly derailing and disrupting each and every thread he posted in, someone who is almost universally despised by everyone he interacts with and only briefly tolerated by the remaining few because they have neither known him long enough to see just how deranged he is or consequently been accused as working against him for utterly demented and non existent reasons.
If this was someone you never knew then you would very likely treat him as the disruptive, derisive, and devisive presence he is.
You're letting the tip of the spear slide because it used to aim at others.
No one else could have performed the nuances required for Dr. Lazarus.
Unironically true. While the catchphrase gets memed to shit all throughout the film the time he sincerely, and softly, speaks the whole thing as Quelik lies dying in his arms shifts the tone from pure humour to primal rage.
By Grabthar's hammer, by the Suns of Warvan, you shall be avenged.
Promised retribution aside Quelik dies happier than he ever might have expected because of that.
And then the unarmed, untrained civilian actor filled with fury charges and punches the alien soldier who had the gun in the face. [Yes the gun was jammed]
I'm repeating myself after only 3 days.
Never ONCE has there been a good Nazi
Isn't that the entire point of Schindler's List? 🤔
Oskar Schindler (28 April 1908 – 9 October 1974) was a German industrialist, humanitarian, and member of the Nazi Party who is credited with saving the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his enamelware and ammunitions factories in occupied Poland and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. He is the subject of the 1982 novel Schindler's Ark and its 1993 film adaptation, Schindler's List, which reflect his life as an opportunist, initially motivated by profit, who came to show extraordinary initiative, tenacity, courage, and dedication in saving his Jewish employees' lives.
One of the main problems the series had was each season was ended up being far more standalone than what Aang had done. While each season/book of Aang was separate they were still part of the larger story about Aang mastering the other elements and finally facing down Firelord Ozai. Korra meanwhile ends up as 4 mini stories with no real direction.
claims they are sexist for preferring Aang
As is tradition.
My thoughts on this when it was first mentioned 2 months ago:
seven settlements and everything outside of them is a wasteland
Lol, do they not realise how much worse this continues to make Korra?
This new girl is assumedly the next part of the Avatar cycle, since Earth follows Water and is then followed by Fire, so she is born into the world Korra leaves. Why are there only seven settlements now? Why is everything else a wasteland? What did Korra do, or not do, that led to this situation?
Korra was born into a world of unprecedented peace because Aang ended the Hundred Year War by defeating Firelord Oozai and brought everyone together forming Union City, which Korra later helped destroy of course.
Aang was born into a world on the brink of war because Roku, the previous Fire Avatar, failed to stop Sozin who knew the Avatar was the only person who could be a threat to him so preemptively struck first at the Air Nomads to remove that threat first.
They really can't help themselves making things even worse when trying to create a hook for an audience 🤣
How hard are they going to try and play the nostalgia card this time because unlike the last time there isn't going to be any chance of recurring characters unless suddenly everyone special ends up being the grandchild of characters from the Korra series, which still doesn't mean that much other than excluding any possibility of there being blood descendents of Korra after she was retconned to be bi. Or will they retcon that again and write off Asami so there are in fact descendents? 🤔
Also that prosthetic leg means a significantly diminished ability to feel vibrations through the ground as per Toph, Aang, Korra, and multiple other characters who learned that way from the Badger Moles, so yet again already setting up problems just for the sake of DEIversity... 🙄
The Man U pub song is still one of my favourite bits in that film just because of how absurd the song choice and consequences after are.
Never ONCE has there been a good Nazi
Isn't that the entire point of Schindler's List? 🤔
Oskar Schindler (28 April 1908 – 9 October 1974) was a German industrialist, humanitarian, and member of the Nazi Party who is credited with saving the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his enamelware and ammunitions factories in occupied Poland and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. He is the subject of the 1982 novel Schindler's Ark and its 1993 film adaptation, Schindler's List, which reflect his life as an opportunist, initially motivated by profit, who came to show extraordinary initiative, tenacity, courage, and dedication in saving his Jewish employees' lives.
it's not like it was his decision to take the franchise in the current direction
Ironically it was Austen Powers fault because the Bond execs found the parody too on the nose at times so went the "dark and gritty" reboot that was the Craig films. The parody only came about because of the increasing incredulity over the years so the franchise still did it to itself in a very long and roundabout way.
but every single female character save one is absolutely insufferable from the very beginning and only gets worse
Which one, was it Min?
never learning a single lesson, never getting comeuppance, never being humbled or have to face a single consequence for their actions
This changes a lot near the end where mistakes not only come back and fuck over a lot of characters but it outright kills quite a few of them who didn't bother listening to the repeated warnings.
The only woman that isn't pure agony to have to listen to is the famous warrior chick from the past who died and got transported to the future. And she basically just acts like one of the guys. Rand should have just killed the three cunts that were constantly needling him and ridden off into the sunset with her instead.
Ah, it was Birgitte. Yeah, that doesn't end well because of fuckups from one of the three in Rand's harem who is so outright stupid she should be locked away to avoid causing injury, death, and worse to herself and others. Unfortunately she isn't so all those things happen several times over.
Invincible is miles worse in that regard so its baffling to me that that is the one they chose to adapt and managed to get super popular.
Probably because it's written by Robert Kirkman who also wrote the comic for The Walking Dead, so execs were looking to jump on another of his projects and at least Invincible was finished. If they try to do the same again with Fire Power then at least comic readers will know it won't end up being done well in part because of how badly Invincible has been mismanaged but also because despite a good start Fire Power doesn't end anywhere near as well as it could have.
Boris has always been a meme, just not how many expected. His entire public image is curated and every event of note he's been in the news for was a PR stunt.
Remember when he got "stuck" on the zip cord? If he was legitimately stuck the whole thing would have been closed down due to health and safety.
Guess what didn't happen?