DefinitelyNotIGN 3 points ago +3 / -0

It looks like it's pulling that image from somewhere. So this is likely a case of an AI summarizing things, like how if you look up "chocolate cake", it will show a picture of cake, even on the text/website search.

DefinitelyNotIGN 13 points ago +14 / -1

Plenty of stupid people exist, who "think" exactly as much as this LLM (that is, blindly parroting things they saw online).

DefinitelyNotIGN 9 points ago +9 / -0

"I believe I have the power to blight crops using magical prayers." "She used magical prayers to blight our crops! Kill her! She admits it!"

That actually happening or not aside, they're actually practicing Voodoo: They do use poisons to alter the mind-states of people in Haiti, to make more pliable slaves, among other more recreational uses such as "spirit journies". To a savage who would kill a wizard because they're a wizard, someone claiming to be a wizard and then using "magic potions" is going to seem plenty wizardy to them.

DefinitelyNotIGN 3 points ago +4 / -1

Doesn't have to. Nothing in this life matters: Nihilism. There is no meaning to this life, for it is finite and transient: Nihilism.

Nothing in there says anything about the concept of infinite existence, infinite lives, omnimax deities. Doesn't need to. How you get to the Nihilistic conclusion doesn't really matter. "There's no life after this, so this finite life does not matter." is just as valid a path as "there's infinite life after this, so this finite life does not matter." Both are nihilistic, and both are encouraging you to do nothing to improve your current life, your current society, your current world.

DefinitelyNotIGN 1 point ago +1 / -0

TLOU1 (with no DLCs), I played it with a dormmate in college, and the game was so piss-easy that we had a rule that you could backseat game at any time, and it had to be obeyed so long as it wasn't immediately suicidal. That made for a fun playthrough, and we both riffed the game the entire time. Game-and-story separation was a common riff. "Oh, the kid is whining again, that means we just killed the last enemy, it's amazing she can instantly tell, I thought for sure there was one more".

...But it's a narrative game with one predetermined ending, and juuust preachy enough to be mildly grating. Which is fine when learning that ending, but not so much on re-experience.

DefinitelyNotIGN -1 points ago +2 / -3

Having read through all your posts, and I must say your linking method is rather rude to link to your own posts in many of these forcing me to click "show all comments in this chain" to actually see Imp's posts that you're supposedly linking and I notice your posts quotes are literally not what was in the prior posts, all your posts seem to show he has a fondness for Isreali males over Palestinian males, but I haven't seen anything pertaining to the original argument like 15 posts back that was demanded as evidence that he has said his usual fear all women, but then added an "except Jewish women" clause. In fact, he even mentions in one of the posts you DIDN'T link, because I had to click to grab full and real context, that he notes "not every, not even any", a blanket condemnation of 100% of the population.

You're both in such a loving relationship, please don't bring your romantic quarrels to your neighbors' houses.

...And if you do, at least link your posts correctly. You're all

but you probably won't read that

when you don't even quote posts right (as an aside, that is how you would do it, complete quote will full context, that's the full paragraph quoted there), AND don't post links to the not-actually-quoted pieces in question. That's bad journalism. KiA was founded on hating bad and unethical journalism, and while I may be one of the few OGs left, I stand on those origins: Fix your damn editorializing when trying to report "facts".

I hope your future together is cute and wonderful, but we don't need it here.

EDIT: For what it's worth of my own experience both here and in the posts you've linked, the ONLY woman Imp has ever posted nicer than "be cautious, her likeability is probably an elaborate trap" about, is his own mother. Who, from what I remember, is not an entire race of women.

DefinitelyNotIGN 3 points ago +4 / -1

Nihilist philosophy. This life doesn't matter because we get a second life later on?

Why care about anything then? People should get what they deserve in a very immediate sense. Lightning bolts smited effigies of Fentanyl Floyd, I demand more lightning smiting.

DefinitelyNotIGN 2 points ago +2 / -0

The key is to make them black jewish totally not white males, then alter the character model in the final steps right before release. After all, "the race doesn't matter, why are you complaining about it?", right? So no one could possibly whinge on twitter over it.

DefinitelyNotIGN 6 points ago +6 / -0

"You don't know the sound of a barbershop on sundays or a hotcomb's smell in an afro!"

"Sir... Your role is a medieval fantasy Wendy's innkeeper."

DefinitelyNotIGN 10 points ago +10 / -0

For existing IPs, bad games hit one game in the future. In example, I have zero hype for Civ7, but I did buy Civ6 before realizing it was inferior to earlier games. Not a damning indictment, so I'll still look at Civ7 maybe eventually, but zero hype, it could release and I wouldn't notice. The kind of badwill these people are cultivating is a lot worse than disappointed apathy, but it is still in the cultivation stage.

They will buy GTA 6. Maybe even a DLC or two that totally promises to fix the experience, but GTA 7 will be dead on arrival.

DefinitelyNotIGN 1 point ago +1 / -0

10 outsourced devs, and 89 needless bloat.

DefinitelyNotIGN 3 points ago +3 / -0

I get seasick watching 60fps.

I can game at 144 fps just fine.

I can watch movies at 24 fps just fine.

I can game at 60fps just fine, too.

But I get physically sick watching 60fps shows and movies. That's not social conditioning, it's physical conditions.

DefinitelyNotIGN 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Why does this village have a gate?! That's just wrong!" -The savage raiding hordes who burn and pillage every village they come across.

DefinitelyNotIGN 4 points ago +4 / -0

So if someone is well-known to be going to kill someone, at the planning and setup stage not a big firefight, but 100% going to do it, have done it in the past, and will do it again, with clear plans laid out on how to do it, and a cop shoots the person first, while the cop is cool and collected, cold-blooded, it is immoral?

I'd give you amoral. Immoral's a lot more questionable of a stance. You're pro-death and pro-harm if you declare it's always immoral to stop someone from harming others (even if it causes one person's, the bad agent's, death)

DefinitelyNotIGN 8 points ago +10 / -2

SO the IDF is deploying in their Golem buffer zone- Sorry, Golan, can't believe my autocorrect changed that. Must be too much D&D.

Aaaand they're running ANOTHER invasion of ANOTHER country. More blood for the blood god, I suppose, but you'd think they'd finished one or two of their wars before starting another one, what, do they have infinite ammo or something? That's a trick question, I know they have infinite ammo, the USA feeds them it as required.

DefinitelyNotIGN 6 points ago +6 / -0

Peasants killing peasants is fine to the elite.

Their concern is one of them may get caught in the crossfire, not that the crossfire exists. They just want their little private Epstein islands with peasant sex-slaves, maybe the occasional elite getting to shoot a peasant in the face and have the elites in the courts go "a hah hah, of course, no charges for you, you're famous and elite! Some random person nearby will take the fall for you shooting that peasant in the face instead... maybe a prop-maker, for irony purposes."

DefinitelyNotIGN 2 points ago +2 / -0

The interview is just... wrong though. Battle Royale is about a crony-socialist government where your parents enter you for a raffle to be in a death game chance, if they don't want to pay the government education taxes or offer military service. A lottery of "free" schools is held every year and one class of freeloaders is chosen. This isn't a secret, it's straight-up in the opening chapter establishing the setting: You either engage in the pseudo-capitalist system, or you get socialism-style provided for your every need, but like all livestock being provided for by a raiser, you might get harvested. You are not forced into either choice, the world economy is very similar to what it is now, in-setting.

From what I understand, Hunger/Liar Games and the later western-influenced titles it's wealthy elite running things, but the OG inspired-in-Japan one had the government doing it and being the ur-villains.

DefinitelyNotIGN 9 points ago +9 / -0

Bluesky users and admins prefer 3d to 2d, this is well-known.

DefinitelyNotIGN 14 points ago +14 / -0

Next up, how that monk chick in episode 1 of Goblin Slayer was being properly culturally enriched by the migrant goblin refugees, and the evil nazitleracist Goblin Slayer's oppression of innocent minorities by interrupting their cultural festival with her as the star guest.

DefinitelyNotIGN 24 points ago +24 / -0

Alright, who messed with the time machine again?

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