Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition to actually be the good guys.
I was playing Metroid Dread the other night, and my cousin, completely unprompted, points out how stupid the representation argument is when there have been massively popular female leads since the beginning.
Honestly, I doubt it'll ever go away, seeing has how there was never a need for it in the first place. Grifters gonna grift, and all that. Anyone who says they can't relate to someone who isn't exactly like them isn't worth listening to, so people just need to stop listening to them and cater to the people who want to have fun.
Setting aside the modern insanity, that is somehow the most garrish, special snowflake design while still being a bland, non-committal, self-insert character.
Can't wait for them to headline in Smash 6.
He's right, in that the modern trend is to encourage women to be evil while demonizing men for existing. But he's wrong in believing literally every single woman is actively in on it and that the solution is to commit seppuku as a species
You can be right while still being wrong. And his attitude of "Y'all are just bots, because no one could actually think I'm wrong." Just makes him all the more hateable.
Even if it doesn't work like that, the whole point of having a publisher is to counter the threat of being shut down by big media. Threatening Crowder at all for daring to go against the grain shows where their priorities truly lie.
Nintendo is usually pretty good about backwards compatibility. The Switch has been unique, in using a completely different medium for it's games, and thus, being incompatible with the Wii U. Hence all the ports.
Big McLargehuge!
It'll mutate and we'll get an entirely new strain called... wait....
Adoption isn't evil. Giving up your kid for adoption is evil.
I wouldn't be opposed to a magical hovercraft, so long as actual effort was put into it. How do you power it? How do you control it? How do you maintain it? How do you cope if it takes damage and gets crippled? There are ways to make it interesting. People just take the path of least resistance.
You can become friends, but you shouldn't let people you hate determine your social life.
The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Ho! Ha ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!"
Just so we're clear, I was referring to "Mystery Inc." the group, not the show.
...Why are these people friends? Like, I can see the original Mystery Inc being pals despite their differences. Why is this Velma hanging around with people she clearly despises, and why are they putting up with her bullshit?
Take some snapshots at least. I'm at work waiting for some calls, so the sound was off and I didn't realize what was happening until it was already halfway done.
It's literally the "I don't want a solution. I want to be mad " meme.
Can confirm. I've caught myself downvoting Imp on reflex, only to catch myself when I see he was on his meds for that post.
Little things. Mabel constantly getting things her way no matter how much of a brat she is while Dipper can't get away with nothin', the gay cops. Things like that.
It's more good than bad, but you can definitely tell it was made when the culture war was starting to ramp up.
I wouldn't say it pushed no agenda, but it was smart enough to keep most of it in the background and focus on actually telling a solid, worthwhile story first and foremost.
Pokemon fans are sycophants who would gladly accept getting served trash in a box as the new Pokemon game and defend it, though. So that might not be the best example.
I love the twist on the post apocalyptic nature of everything. Not to get into spoilers, but it was surprisingly optimistic for an end-of-the world scenario.
They got the ZX games to port, so it's not impossible.
Maybe if PlayStation didn't kill off all the games and franchises I actually liked....