Nobody is
censoring conservativestargeting blacks, you all just break theruleslaw more.
Watch the reeees
10 solutions for problem
The website:
Here's six ads followed by "Solution 1:Have you tried turning it off and on again?" followed by a button that says "Next Solution"
But then you get
it looks like these results are changing quickly...
It's called 45 ACP
All exes are built by randos
I'm going to deadname a tranny for each of these posts I see.
I made $35 and only had to suck seven dicks!
Agree about the map clutter, at one point in Horizon 4 it felt like I had so much stuff it was basically a "do whatever the fuck you want, who cares" sort of thing. Was hoping for a more guided progression, bit more of a grind so to speak, to work toward something. As it is now I have a ton of cars and races to pick from already, lots of disjointed story threads that I probably won't get around to completing.
I got a few hours into Horizon 4 and thought it was decent. Was thinking of just picking up 5 and going from there. Are the graphics better? Have the car customization/upgrades been dumbed down or improved?
Fuck. But otherwise, how is it?
Fuck. But otherwise, how is it?
There's no question. The money is definitely coming from somewhere because they're putting out absolute dogshit yet somehow manage to stay afloat.
That's why they're so dangerous. They will happily turn a blind eye to abusive fuckery when it suits them, completely ignorant to the fact that by condoning it they are opening that door to be used against them in the future.
But leftists literally can't fathom the concept of consequences and the future because they are stupid. That's what makes them so dangerous, they are incredibly easy to weaponize against the rest of us.
fawchee the fall guy cuz he's pretty much the representative?
I would bet on that tbh, like a lizard ripping off its tail to distract predators long enough to escape.
Good for this guy, just take their money. If you don't, the government will.
That realization doesn't come easy. To accept it would require them to abandon a lifetime's worth of indoctrination about how the world works. It's simply too much to compute at once, so most people pick the least intellectually disruptive reality: "If that were true then that means the whole world is fucked beyond repair and we've all been hoodwinked into believing otherwise. That would be catastrophic...that couldn't're just a conspiracy theorist".
I feel like these little rants are getting old. Don't get me wrong, they are all mostly on point. But they all act like people haven't known this for decades, or that it can be fixed by voting as long as enough awareness is raised.
That's bullshit. It's not going to stop nor get better because it's not an accident nor a mistake. Instead of framing it as some kind of failed experiment, call it what it is: a ruling class whose only job is to siphon money from your pocket into the pockets of their rich buddies who helped get them elected. That's it. That's all that a country really is.
Every four years, that ruling class plays a little game amongst themselves, and the winner gets granted a position of power from which they can siphon that money to wherever or whomever they want. That's the prize: your tax money. There is NOTHING more to it. None of them are doing it to help the stupid dirty plebs; the game is stacked against that type of player. Instead, the game favors liars, cheaters, and heartless bastards i.e. players who will do ANYTHING to win. Being compassionate or doing "the right thing" are nothing but self imposed disadvantages in this game, which is why those players almost never win. The most successful player is the one who plays the dirtiest while making themselves appear as the most noble. That's the strongest meta.
tl;dr nothing is "broken", this is all going according to (their) plan. You've already been defeated. The "bad guys" won decades ago. You are NOT in an ongoing battle for the future of your children; your great grandparents already fought and lost that battle. What you and I and the author of that little thread are living through is the aftermath. Stop talking like you can pontificate your way out of this. You can't change the outcome of a lost war, but you CAN start and win another war.
posting here to steal this idea into a meme and post it
-Some troon that hasn't dilated in 48 hours probably
I've been experiencing this so much lately. Recently played a Need for Speed game and my god the story was boring. The "good" guys, the "bad" guys, everyone was an emotionally incontinent dipshit. Zero adults in that game, pretty much skipped the cutscenes because I was always lost because I couldn't follow because I gave no shits.
And yeah I know these games aren't story driven but you just know that this was someone's best attempt, and it's pretty fucking sad.
I always click into these, even bastardized leftist versions of them, just to see if I can find the amogus myself. I'm sure there are plenty of others who do the same. It's an extra layer of engagement with his material which is pretty rare imo, I hope he realizes this and hopefully never stops doing it.
I hope they dont re register. People always walk back their threats in the rare instances that the government blinks first. But if you let the status quo go back to what it was right before the government attempted to fuck you over...well then you're just letting the government feel their way through the landscape, zeroing in on the perfect amount of fuckery that their serfs are willing to endure. They will just back off for a bit and try again until they find the right method to fuck you over. You need to fight back, rough them up, break a limb, gouge an eye. Deterrence is the only way to stop the creepingn fuckery.
The woke ranks are structured a bit differently