CatoTheElder 7 points ago +7 / -0

The only reason Ghomeshi got away was that he is a NPR faggot communist. He deserves worse than what happened.

CatoTheElder 5 points ago +5 / -0

Let's test this theory with a little thought experiment. If you shoot your local pedo Gary Plauche style, will you be arrested? If you try to disport a busload of illegals at gunpoint will you be arrested?

by Lethn
CatoTheElder 10 points ago +13 / -3

Like Imp, he earns those downvotes. And like Imp and Abelist, he spergs out too.

CatoTheElder 1 point ago +2 / -1

Removing shitskins like you was always in the cards.

What part of "Fuck off, We're full" was hard for you to understand?

CatoTheElder 3 points ago +4 / -1

The only way to reduce the compensation gap is to reduce the population. Payroll is always the largest expense for any company. Thus increasing payroll is the best method to reduce the compensation gap. The only way to make companies increase payroll is to reduce the supply of workers.

In other words: Fuck Off, We're Full.

CatoTheElder 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's not a woman, that's a jew. They can't help but to worship Slaanesh.

CatoTheElder 8 points ago +10 / -2

other music developed by black artists (jazz, blues, etc.)

This myth just needs to fucking die already. Blues came from Celtic folk music and jazz isn't music. You can make Jazz by hooking up a random number generator to a midi input. Niggers stole everything they have from the south, with one exception: Okra.

CatoTheElder 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why build something overseas when you can employ your brothers and sisters here? Why deprive them of a livelihood just so Jose and Nguyen can get their work instead? There is no elemental or energy resource we cannot extract here in the US. Closing the borders completely and removing non-whites would solve the employment rate problem, the housing problem, the obesity epidemic, the national debt, the trade deficits (duh), the propaganda problem, the foreign entanglements and foreign aid problem, and all the secondary issues created by the previously mentioned problems such as declining birth rates. We don't need the world.

CatoTheElder 3 points ago +3 / -0

What is more likely: someone going out and catching or buying a bag full of rats or some malding jewess grad student grabbing a bag full of them out of the pathology building? You know they put maker dots on their fur so they can tell them apart, right?

CatoTheElder 6 points ago +6 / -0

A few human acclimated lab rats aren't going to do that.

CatoTheElder 12 points ago +12 / -0

Why else would you throw a bunch of white rats as a group of protestors? It's either to infect them with something or (more likely) to create the impression of infecting them with something. It's the UCLA pathology lab is right there, and everybody knows that medicine is absolutely infested with jews. The only reason to suspect that the rats aren't infected is the logistics of handling them while throwing them at protestors without infecting the bioterrorist.

CatoTheElder 31 points ago +31 / -0

Jews: the original crybullies.

CatoTheElder 19 points ago +20 / -1

And the places they have already descended are looking like third world shitholes. They have no problems opening up a septic tank and then just leaving it like that for months. They have no problem turning what was a fine house's front yard into a mud hole with their 12 vehicles parked out front. They bring with them kidnappings and drugs. The demand that the local schools teach in Spanish. They will never integrate. They are INVADERS.

CatoTheElder 15 points ago +17 / -2

Venus was never Earthlike. It's too close to the sun to have the light elements necessary. Venus can't keep hydrogen.

CatoTheElder 11 points ago +11 / -0

No discussion about atmospheric density or the temperatures at the 1 atm isobar either.

They also really don't like discussing temperatures and CO2 levels from the late Cretaceous (1000 - 7000 ppm) and how that didn't cause a runaway green house effect.

by Lethn
CatoTheElder 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stop expecting Ubishit to make something that's not shit. The only make shit.

The last good ubisoft game was IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946.

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