CarmenOfSandiego 5 points ago +5 / -0

Melissa McCarthy

It's eerily uncanny this was also my first thought.

CarmenOfSandiego 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's all Hugh Laurie did throughout that show, is talk in this voice that doesn't project or speak boldly, but do this low sort of grumble voice.

Opinion rejected.


CarmenOfSandiego 4 points ago +4 / -0

real brexit wasn't tried, though

No shit, because nobody actually bothered to give a definitive answer what that would be!

Not that such a glaring omission stopped the whole crowd who demanded it from running off the proverbial cliff before figuring out the subsequent landing, though, so now they get a shitshow they asked for but don't want because it's not the Brexit they thought they were getting, even though nobody actually told them the specifics of what that would be. Instead there were various vague metaphors, platitudes, and other snake oils peddled by the same grifters as before and yet again the general public was stupid enough to go along with it, which shouldn't surprise anyone on this board at this point seeing as how such adulations are the constant when dealing with how utterly braindead normies are.

CarmenOfSandiego 3 points ago +4 / -1


Nope, but by all means behave just like the Left you supposedly don't like despite mirroring and throw out labels thinking they apply, seeing as how collective delusions are a staple of their entire movement.

They are shitting themselves over Farage being Parliament and you know it ;)

They weren't shitting themselves when he was a lazy MEP, they aren't shitting themselves now. A single election result does not a pattern make. Unfortunately the UK needs to wait 4 years now to see whether the changes that happened were more protest vote or actual alignment shifts, but considering both the history of the UK and world as a whole, that's unlikely to even be remembered seeing as how everything comes down to what happened yesterday rather than any longer term thinking.

CarmenOfSandiego 1 point ago +6 / -5

Reform (+20%) - promises to stop mass immigration

Anyone who believes anything promised by Farage needs their head checked. The man is a grifter who repeatedly sets himself up as a paid potential counterweight then does absolutely fuck all except bail then set up his next job doing the exact same thing all over again.

But real communism has never been tried!

But real Brexit has never been tried!

But real Reform has never been tried! <- You are here.

Same shit, different ass.

CarmenOfSandiego 5 points ago +6 / -1

Yes! So far it's been actually spectacular, with only 1 slow-ish "box episode" that takes place over dinner that feels a bit jarring in comparison because the artist changed for a bit.

CarmenOfSandiego 7 points ago +7 / -0

Remember "the Cuck" scene from one of the seasons? Not only is the scene pure distilled cringe, but they don't even write it correctly.

CarmenOfSandiego 8 points ago +8 / -0

A lot of the show differs from the comic.

  • Supers are far less widespread, and season 1 starts with Compound V not even being a known thing until part way through.

  • The comic not only has more supers in general, but also far more widespread knowledge and use of V to make them as happens to the entire lineup of The Boys prior to the story starting, and eventually Stewie.

  • In the show 'The Female' is the only one of the team who has powers.

  • Herogasm doesn't exist.

  • All the other parody teams don't exist.

  • Stormfront isn't literal Nazi Superman still living in the modern day, but he is a female Nazi with superpowers from WW2 so part of that concept was retained if then horribly adapted.

  • There was no botched 9/11 op, but there is a scene where Homelander and Maeve, who can't fly in the show, try and stop a plane high-jacking but not only make it worse and cause the plane to crash, but get caught on camera fucking the whole thing up.

CarmenOfSandiego 9 points ago +9 / -0

It didn't help they cast Jensen Ackles in the role. A lot of people love him for his role in Supernatural, and a few other things he did, but mostly the Supernatural thing. So trying to make him the bad guy was doomed from the start.

CarmenOfSandiego 14 points ago +14 / -0

Stormfront was a woman with lightning powers in the show, unlike the comic counterpart who was basically Nazi Superman and also the genetic father of Homelander. That role goes to Soldier Boy in the show, the Captain America pastiche, who also isn't like the comic counterpart, because why bother staying true to the source material when making adaptations these days?

CarmenOfSandiego 29 points ago +29 / -0

Someone is finding out the hard way just how expendable soldiers are, regardless of sex. We did it Reddit, true equality amongst sexes in the army, everyone goes in the grinder this time!

CarmenOfSandiego 6 points ago +9 / -3

How much did/does biology affect language

Everyone starts with the same basic biology, so there won't be any difference there.

From an anatomical POV losing teeth or damage to the lips/tongue will affect things because, for the English language at least, those are the things you use when making the sounds for consonants. They're all some variation of air pressure being moulded around the teeth and tongue, so language can be affected in that sense but only in terms of deviating from the norm in terms of how the structure of the mouth should be.

This includes idiots who split their tongues, probably affects a lot of people with lip/tongue/facial piercings around the same areas, those who have lost teeth for whatever reasons, and anyone unfortunate enough to be born with several conditions where the mouth/teeth/tongue don't form fully.

CarmenOfSandiego 14 points ago +16 / -2

3 reasons why this tweet isn't exactly convinving me of anything.

First, it's spelled "hocking", not "hawking" which is to do with the actual bird.

Second, Vanessa has never been used well in the two previous films since she's meant to be a mutant shapeshifter and the first film dropped the ball hard not going that route when she was put in the power chamber. Also she spent most of the second movie dead. So her character isn't really that prominent despite her role.

Third, the trailer shows the TVA trying to grab Deadpool so any and all semblance of normality being lived is nonexistent.

CarmenOfSandiego 15 points ago +15 / -0

The time travel thing at the very end undid that, it's in the middle of the credits though, so probably easily missed and forgotten about as most things in that sequence were done even more so for laughs.

CarmenOfSandiego 12 points ago +13 / -1

Comes great tendies...

Wait, what do you mean we don't even get free tendies and hot pockets anymore? This is bullshit! 😠

CarmenOfSandiego 13 points ago +13 / -0

Once again I am willing to self nominate under the exclusive remit of only nuking these obvious spam troll accounts. I usually see their OPs within a few hours.

This is my line of thinking, too. I probably spend far too much time a day on this board even though I'm not commenting as much as I used to, but it would be enough to play whack-a-mole with this spammer and any others if needed.

The only thing any new mods need done to help address the ongoing shitshow is to ban accounts. That's it. They don't need to pin new threads, edit any site features, or do any other number of things. It only needs a very precise, scalpel driven approach to excise this troll who clearly has nothing going on in his life to have so many accounts made in the first place.

CarmenOfSandiego 14 points ago +14 / -0

Going by what others have said most of these accounts from the spammer are old ConPro accounts that have since been banned from there and wherever else, but were never active on this board which is why it's accounts that are 1 year old but still have the handshake. Handshakes don't indicate account age, it's an engagement score.

Someone could make a new account today and do everything correct with posts and comments and lose their handshake within the week. Whereas week old, or longer, accounts that are blatant trolls and only ever get downvoted aren't likely to ever have it happen.

CarmenOfSandiego 9 points ago +9 / -0

Lots of people are ignoring him, but you can't prove a negative like that so any and all who do so are "unseen".

CarmenOfSandiego 11 points ago +11 / -0

Ironically Brightburn is more like Irredeemable by Mark Waid than Superman, although Irredeemable is itself a Superman Elseworlds story.

Red Son is the "What if?" where Kal'el lands in rural Russia rather than Kansas but still deals with an adult Superman in an AU Earth.

Brightburn is a "What if?" where a similarly powered alien child lands in the US but is treated with fear and suspicion, however the character is only 12/13 or so in human years, so it's more about the differences in raising the alien child than how and where he tries to influence the world.

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