CarmenOfSandiego 30 points ago +30 / -0

if [he] was president then law enforcement would take protecting him more seriously

I wonder if the sheriff realises just what he said there.

CarmenOfSandiego 4 points ago +4 / -0

“I’m the GOAT, y’all, and I know it.”

“And any man who must say 'I am king' is no true king at all.”

  • Tywin Lannister, A Storm of Swords
CarmenOfSandiego 6 points ago +6 / -0

Its one thing Xcom 2 does better

Apart from all the friendlies you "team up" with during Retaliation missions that are determined to plink every single alien possible which means you end up with a billion Codex clones, enraged Muton Berserkers, and perma-shelled Gatekeepers. 🙄

CarmenOfSandiego 4 points ago +4 / -0

The game gives you risky situations that you have to take, and then deal with the consequences of.

Especially in 2 where turtling forever doesn't work due to the various timers which mean you need to play aggressive. Overwatch kill boxes worked too well in earlier games.

CarmenOfSandiego 5 points ago +5 / -0

part of the fun/challenge of tactics games like XCOM is making a plan, and then having a plan to deal with if/when the first plan falls apart


I've missed a 100% shot before, back in Long War 1, due to mod number rounding. I remember it a decade later, because that was hilarious.

There's also the point that 100% just means your chance of hitting, a mob can still dodge if the numbers are close enough and reduce your hit to "Grazed" doing only partial damage in later games.

Thin Mints from EU/EW and Sneks from XC2 were similar in that regards as both were snakes agile fuckers.

CarmenOfSandiego 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can't personally think of a way to remedy it without just removing the "entire team goes at once" mechanic,

Mods can help with some of the AI issues, the stealth thing is actually intentional design where pods move towards a fireteam.

it's uniquely frustrating to accidentally reveal the wrong tile and basically give the aliens a free turn.

This ends up as more of an experience thing in the reboots that comes down to slowly moving up a map and never double dashing - blue and yellow moves at the same time - unless you're doing something drastic like running a Bladestorm Ranger/Templar into a pod because you know it will scatter than and Bladestorm will still mean several attacks of opportunity. Templars are slightly better for this than Rangers as sometimes a Templar can learn Fortress which prevents fire damage, so accidentally meleeing a Purifier with a flamethrower doesn't end up being lethal.

Activating a pod should at least give your entire team free overwatch or something.

It used to in the original if you left soldiers with enough AP.

CarmenOfSandiego 9 points ago +9 / -0

original X Com if you take the scorched earth approach.

I do miss this option from the later games. Being able to actually tell your fireteam where to fire so they can blow down the side of a wooden hut or concrete wall, or even an alien ship so you can then lob a fusion bomb in.

Man, now I want to go play the original X Com again.

It's like 8 MB and very easy to find online if you don't want to repurchase it somewhere.

CarmenOfSandiego 5 points ago +5 / -0

enemy movement doesn't make any sense when you haven't been discovered yet, especially in 2.

It does, but for the wrong reasons. Players tested the stealth AI, it hones in on your fireteam even when they are still in stealth. Mods exist to change this and maintain a more realistic patrol pattern.

I went with Reaper alone

This can still work for some missions once your Reaper is high enough in rank. Remote Start doesn't break stealth/Shadow for example, so hostile VIP missions where you CBA to kidnap the target become extremely easy if the VIP is next to a car and also within LoS and range of the evac point. You can move all the way to the evac point then spend your last turn setting off Remote Start and then hitting evac.

It's options like this and other facets of the Reaper which in my opinion make them both the strongest hero class out of the three, but also the most important class to have on any mission when things like Target Definition which lets you track previously seen pods through FoW and out of LoS. They don't even need to attack to be the MVP of a mission, simply feeding info to the rest of a fireteam with Target Definition or spotting for a Sharpshooter with or without Long Watch due to Squadsight.

If you really want to play unfairly you take 1 Reaper and 3-5 Sharpshooters with Spider/Ghost armour to grapple to a sniping spot and just lay waste to everything on the map the Reaper spots. The ship defense mission can benefit from this extensively since any custom turrets you build also have squadsight. So a Reaper booking it for the EMP device or Chosen cannon power source then has 2-4 turrets with 100% aim and infinite range against objects, aka both those objectives, as well as however many Sharpshooters you may have at hand.

tl;dr Reapers are the most powerful unit in War of the Chosen.

CarmenOfSandiego 9 points ago +9 / -0

standing point blank next to an alien means something. In X-Com it doesn't mean diddly squat.

It means a 'lid is about to eat you.

In all seriousness, in X-Com 2 it meant more crit which was of particular use to Rangers using shotguns.

fake stealth

There are mods to fix this.

drip fed enemies

And this. Various difficulty mods exist that either flat out buff mobs, like Beta Strike so you won't be 1 shotting entire pods, or The Hive which can end up throwing so many 'lids at you that you really do need to specifically build loadouts for them, namely Bladestorm Rangers, otherwise you're not going to have enough AP to deal with the never ending waves of teeth and claws.

where the character and alien are on screen do not correlate with the game.

Yeah, no. This isn't true in the slightest, and again especially for X-Com 2. You gain bonus aim for being higher than a target. Sharpshooters gain even more stats from this as well as learning perks like Death from Above that grant an AP return if you kill something with a shot. Positioning is vital in some situations where you can block off ladders being used by Lost and if you are lucky enough to have the Between the Eyes park then you can pistol fire down every Lost in range and LoS providing you have the sharpshooters or modded classes which also take a pistol. Early game it can matter so much that Gatecrasher goes from a suicide run in Holland to shooting fish in a barrel in Hong Kong - this references Holland being flat and HK having more skyscrapers than anywhere else. Position, both elevation and proximity, absolutely fucking matter in early game.

Seriously, have you actually played these games are you literally just falling back on the first line of your second paragraph?

the "95% to hit meme"

It's a meme because people remember missing a 95% shot. Same reason Repeater executes are mostly remembered because they are low RNG, then even more so when it ends up 1 shotting something like an Alien Ruler or Ethereal hybrid with 40++ hp. So a 95% miss which causes a TPK gets remembered far more than one which at worst fails to stop a 'lid eating another civvie.

Try it next time you play, completely ignore the visuals and imagine your character as a card drawing a dice based attack against another card.

This doesn't even work as an example either because there are card games which do care where you place things. Gwent from The Witcher 3 has actual combat locations: Close Combat, Ranged, and Siege. There are effect cards which can specifically target those locations or the entire map which then significantly change how a game might turn out.

For example: Biting Frost - Sets the strength of all Close Combat cards to 1 for both players.

Followed by: Villentretenmerth - Scorch - Close Combat: Destroy your enemy's strongest Close Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all his or her Close Combat units is 10 or more.

If there are 10 cards in the CC locations, of which the Monster deck in particular will easily manage, then you destroy every single card with a two-card combo, which even the Witcher wiki points out.

It is extremely powerful when Biting Frost is active should the enemy have a melee hero placed (which is unaffected by weather cards) or more than 10 regular units (commonly happens when fighting against a Monster deck), since all melee units will then have a strength of 1 (or 2 with commander horn/Dandelion). This means when Villentretenmerth is played, it will destroy every regular melee unit on the opponent's side.

Your entire opinion post reads like that of a casual tourist who asked ChatGPT to summarise X-Com and lacked the knowledge base to know whether the result was complete garbage or not.

CarmenOfSandiego 7 points ago +7 / -0

So the solution would be to limit handshakes posting new threads since that would prevent them from either linking to certain NSFL sites or simply making an image post to curtail any blocks on sites.

At that point an account needs to prove itself to the community in the comments that it's not a Fed/glowie/retard/Imp and actually generate some goodwill from others before being able to make threads.

That said, this is probably still likely open to abuse since the problem at hand is someone with a frankly pathetic number of alt accounts that have all been made months/years ago meaning not only has he gone through the effort of making all those but he still retains the login info for them all. With however many sockpuppets that may be it prevents comment karma from being a suitable option.

In closing, I still don't want to actually do this shit myself despite offering to around 3 years ago but I will throw around ideas if it means we can gatekeep the retards better.

CarmenOfSandiego 10 points ago +10 / -0

WoW is a good case study of this as after introducing LFG in the Wrath expansion it killed off server communities as groups were suddenly made up of randoms from other servers you may never see again. So why would those randoms who then employed the Prisoner's Dilemma ever going to act in a cooperative way when they could just take all the loot possible and then never have to worry about seeing the rest of their group ever again?

Repeat however many number of weeks/months/years it's been since LFG came out and you have the current situation where there is practically zero trust between players, even in guilds, because the systems repeatedly put in place are far too lucrative for selfish plays to just endlessly exploit.

CarmenOfSandiego 4 points ago +4 / -0

So? GG has been slandered and libeled for years, it's nothing new and shouldn't bother anyone on this board in the first place since regulars know the various smear tactics used by the different incarnations of the journo-pro mailing list groups.

CarmenOfSandiego 11 points ago +11 / -0

Posted it before and I'll post it again, it's borderline malicious now

You've also posted before, and likely will again, about wanting to be the one who mods instead despite the almost universal opposition to the idea, [+6/-22/99 comments ratio], which you then sperg out towards, both on here and on the Meta board, oscillating between whiny indignation that you aren't being given the reigns and pseudo-intellectual apathy about how you've going to go make your own treehouse with blackjack and hookers.

he's nothing more than a domain squatter and needs to be removed

I've pretty much migrated to the fediverse and encourage others to do the same

This being a post that does both.

CarmenOfSandiego 7 points ago +7 / -0

Already happened between Witcher 3 maturing to its end state with DLCs, the launch wasn't great and had a lot of things that needed fixed including some bits that were simply patched over like one of the Wolf Armour quests, and Cyberpunk being worked on.

CarmenOfSandiego 8 points ago +8 / -0

Book author already did that in the original works for the franchise. When Ciri is off living like a street rat she almost gets raped by one of the male gang members until a female gang member stops it from happening. Who then rapes Ciri herself. 🤡

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