BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Now they are? When I, a fellow European said the same a few years back, it was all reeeing and libtarded pearl clutching about every human being having the right to my things.

They can go fuck themselves. Take a walk in the Muslim ghetto, bitches.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +12 / -0

Somewhere there is a spider who remembers you throwing stuff with him.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

Because I NEEEEEEED my emotional support animal. The animal's needs don't matter.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

My ex used to have an extremely old cat (she died in her mid 20s), whose original owner died the same way. The cat then developed the habit of standing on your chest at night to check if you're breathing. I have woken up screaming multiple times because I could feel this weird weight on my chest at night.

I've played fetch with a spider,

I'm not trying to judge, but what the hell????

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

And again, a lot of the time it's not like aggressive shit or something that will harm you. But I have seen grown ass people have shitfits because their recently adopted animal isn't cuddly and super tight with them out of gratefulness from day 1. Or because they had to accept the fact that from now on they can't leave random items all over the place.

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

They were allowed to get away with troubling things, doubly. Like at this point, who is allowed to tell a brown person that they are full of shit? Nobody. Then they put on the buff of being a man in a dress and it's like... bulletproof.

Chris Chan, while white, admitted it himself that he repeatedly raped his elderly mother who isn't mentally there anymore. People still go "UGH, respecc his pronouns or else troons kill themelves from the shock of seeing you not affirming another troon UWU".

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

Not sure about actual whole orgs, but I have heard that from people.

But to be honest, I am not 100% against the existence of pitbulls. But I am 100% against weak, mentally fucked, stupid people buying difficult and strong as fuck dogs.
Like they can be great, with owners who know what they are doing and are not pill popping lunatics who spiral into pure misery because a character died on a TV show. I admit, I'm way too lax to ever get a pitbull.
Rescuing animals is a great thing. My dog is a rescue, she is cool. BUT. People have this fucking retarded idea about rescue animals based on feel good Facebook posts. They can be brilliant and all, but they also often have some serious... well, lets just say, quirks. It's usually not just a cakewalk right away. And I'm talking about normie ass dogs, not ones who were raised by some ghetto trash who beat both their children and their dogs.
I know the orgs want you to want to adopt, but this is how we end up with messed up people adopting, then expecting freaking Disney shit, instead of an animal who, while most likely not mean-spirited, will have issues with the most random, retarded things you can imagine.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Kids are tarded even in the future. Comforting.

That chapter also made Johnnie feel very young. I'm not sure how much time passes between the two chapters' events.

The K-9 thing was also disturbing, even though they only discussed it for a little.

BulbasaurusThe7th 18 points ago +18 / -0

I see a bunch of you are rereading now, but I'm a first-time reader, so the sarcastic little "funnies" in this really surprised me.

It was interesting how during chapter 2 you would expect Johnnie to enlist because he is so very sure about his duties and wanting to do it. Especially because they try to discourage them so much.
But then he ends up doing it, even though he just basically goes with the flow. Amusing, I guess?

There was also a tiny little moment that is not important, but I found it very... realistic, I suppose. When his dad tells him they knew he got sick smoking, but they ignored it intentionally. That is such a typical teenage thing; you assume your parents have nooo idea. Instantly humanised both of them so much to me.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +15 / -1

I find something funny about how you tell random ass internet people to stop trying to wash their hands of blood, while Afghans are absolved.

Either both are equally responsible or none.

BulbasaurusThe7th 18 points ago +18 / -0

Not her, just... all the other women.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

Is this some sort of a retard? Like how does this creature think this would work? Just take all the women out of a country? Logistics are what?

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

I find it kore infuriating when they try to limit what people are supposed to say to refer to themselves, especially in medical things.
I don't have a front hole, I am not an ovary-haver. I'm not going to say I chest feed.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

Similarly, there is this manic UWU alternative musician/artist loved by anorexic goth girls everywhere, called Emilie Autumn.
She literally tried to sell the story of the American McGee's Alice video games as her actual real life story. I'm still baffled by the sheer audacity.

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

My grandparents were long time beekeepers. I refuse the slander of this cunt, bees are lovely and they would never fail so many times offing her.

BulbasaurusThe7th 27 points ago +27 / -0

Oh, the biggest victim bitch! She lied about every medical issue that ever existed and even more. Some time ago someone on the bird breeding forum made a list of her lies.

  • cervical cancer twice that everyone on The Good Place apparently knew about but haven't once come to her defence
  • mother says she Jameela is suffering from cervical cancer right now but doesn't want anyone to know (good job then, Shireen!)
  • breast lumps removed/breast cancer scare/breast reduction, contradictory about timeline (2014, 15 or 16?) - possible cover for boob job and being sacked from Radio 1 where she accused colleague of bullying
  • pre-cancerous breast cells 2016
  • bee attack/car accident that left her variously bedbound/zimmer frame/wheelchair (variously 2002 or 2003)
  • bee attack/car accident in LA where she took refuge in a juice shop
  • bee attack outside the UN (fell into a UN peace prize recipient and nearly got shot)
  • bee attack with Mark Ronson (who describes one or two bees)
  • accident with Olly Murs causing concussion, broken elbow, broken arse, despite video evidence showing otherwise
  • this also caused a broken tooth still held in by eyelash glue till this day
  • boyfriend describes endless concussions, high fevers, six months of seizures
  • allergic to peanuts (favourite snack) and shellfish from birth
  • or alternatively as a result of mercury poisoning to her gut due to leaking fillings, which then healed and allergies went away
  • allergic to peppers but still eats them
  • allergic to her own tears
  • coeliac
  • had multiple teeth knocked out by kids with tennis rackets in a racist attack aged 7
  • recipient of multiple racist death threats on social media
  • mother says J's spine was damaged by a schoolmate with a log and another schoolmate gave her a concussion
  • had crutches taken away from her as a teenager on a dance floor while kids laughed
  • never had a birthday party (even though I went to one)
  • teenage girls specially went round to her home to tell her they were going out and she wasn't invited
  • was somehow extremely fat at school despite subsisting only on two-litre bottles of Highland Spring
  • eating disorder
  • Hashimoto's disease
  • OCD
  • PTSD
  • multiple suicide attempts, usually when someone else is talking about suicide or her contradictions are being exposed, most recently blamed on Piers Morgan for exposing her bullying of Caroline Flack (even though J was threatening suicide before he did that)
  • multiple rape victim
  • nearly dragged into a car by a man aged 15
  • 'grabbed by the vagina' on Oxford Street in the middle of the day in her school uniform until she bled
  • had her leg ejaculated on on three separate occasions as a teenager, all on tube escalators
  • taught EFL (or variously English literature) despite not being qualified
  • model but preferred to say she wasn't/was/wasn't
  • came out as queer when are was criticised for judging a show about Ballroom culture, but steadfastly maintains a heterosexual relationship
  • knocked over by a dead sea lion while out swimming -kidney stones.

Try telling me she doesn't sound like a fucktard.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

Twitter exists, where you just have to have some fagflag and your pronouns.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

The only thing about it is seeing more hot man bod. The garment itself is ridiculous.

Not gonna lie, I would kill for seeing you in that, though. It would be surreal.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

And now I am hyped. Do I read the first three chapters, then go back to Monster Hunter Legion? It's not like I have a lack of reading material...

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm tempted to start now, but I will probably wait a bit longer.

BulbasaurusThe7th 23 points ago +23 / -0

Apparently the underage boy used to live with him.
Why was an underage boy living with him? How did that happen exactly?

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why do we pretend they actually care? Even when they face actual pedophiles actually raping children, they do nothing. So you think they care enough to comb through your phone for real to look for signs?
Like honestly, the executives of big tech and such are part of the horrific inner circle. They will want to send YOU to prison for looking at porn with girls who "look young" but are perfectly legal, but they party with Current Year Epstein and probably use his "services".

Why does any idiot still trust them?

BulbasaurusThe7th 27 points ago +27 / -0

On one hand, I am all for people not being mandated to associate with others if they don't want to. They want to be some fish-smelling, joyless establishment? Sure, do so.
On the other hand... are they all failing? Lesbians are shit at business, it seems. Like not a single one is doing well?

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