BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +11 / -1

Nope, no man who ever looked at a woman without pure hate can be good enough for him. I'm pretty sure even hermits have been tainted by touching a vagina on the way out of it.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, when said complete nobody does his wacky shit in so many avenues and for such a long time. The sheer volume of Yaniv's fuckery is what made him notable.
He got thrown out of a teen girl band fangroup for creeping on underage fangirls, then there was the fact he posted about inserting tampons into small girls in public bathrooms in a bunch of online communities, the topless kid pool party without parents, suing a bunch of women for not waxing his balls, creeping on beauty comeptitions (including harrassing at least one woman), physically attacking journalists, brandishing an illegal weapon on video, daily incidents of using ambulance/firemen to remove him from his bathtub naked because "he can't get up", etc.

So you ignore that it didn't start in March, you just pick an arbitrary date that aligns with your imaginary theories. Easy to do it like that, you know.
The current war also started this month, but you will claim March for delusional reasons.

He is a feminist propagandist because of... family. You think everyone who ever looked at a woman without reeing hate is a feminist propagandist. He literally said "don't just do it because of societal pressure".

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +7 / -2

Yes, yes, I am the enemy while you are the mighty hero. My point was, neither of us are involved in the conflict, but you pretend you are. But I already got cast as an evil woman fucking you over.
Again, as both of us are chilling in safety. K.

But Imp, you are not being used or anything, as you keep repeating here, you are not involved with any women ever and all. So why are you trying to play the Womanhating Jesus who dies for the simps? You know better, don't you? You are free from baby shitting women.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, it is an absurd claim with no fucking proof, just you saying everything bad ever is secret feminists hiding in the bushes.

What does no draft for women have to do with March, mate? Fucking what? Besides, you claimed the rona was in March too, which is retarded, as I distinctly remember talking about it in February with a friend (both our birthdays are in February, so we were like "happy birthday, have a plague").

I'm not defending anyone. I hate feminism and feminists. But you have a talent at trying to dismiss every bad thing that happens to specific women. Going to mental gymnastics so hard it makes my head hurt.

Yes, because answering to "I think having a baby made me more mature and responsible" the appropriate answer is "yeah, a parasite woman shit out a kid for you". I swear to god, for someone who claims others are attacking you, the proud freedom fighter and the sole owner of secret enlightenment, you can be a bit touchy.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +7 / -1

I'm from Hungary, we share a fucking border with Ukraine. That's pretty much just as close as you can get without being Ukrainian. Your point? Ukraine also took a portion of Hungary with Trianon, so they have a part basically filled to the brim with my countrymen. But we are safe here.
It's sounding like victimising yourself while you have nothing to do with it. Again, feminist logic, inserting yourself into the situation of someone else, because "it totes can happen to me at any moment... wait for it", while it is actually happening to someone else.

Not to be rude, but I doubt it will be men who loudly brag about how they will totally point at women suffering and laugh.
You ARE a misogyinst, though. I doubt a society in need of saving will go for the people who like to fantasize about themselves like Scar from The Lion King just pushing women off the cliff and claiming humanity dying out because "men refuse to breed" is not only realistic, but a positive outcome.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +9 / -4

Woah, you declare you would not do a thing that doesn't involve you and nobody asked you to do.
I also wouldn't suck Elon Musk's dick. Not like he would want me, not like we will ever be in the situation, not like even if we ever talked we would bring it up. BUT NO NO I WON'T. This declaration made literal zero influence on how the world continues to go on.
I'm sure you would. I'm so sure you are not just doing mouth karate and I'm sure Russia would really need you. Just like when you claimed that in a societal apocalypse, people will beg for you to be the male leadership. Righto.

So if women, whom you hate, do something, you just have to copy it like crazy because...? You are so much better or something?
Do you have a mirror? Just because someone else is an ass, doesn't mean you have to be an ass as well. It makes no sense why you are so obsessed with copying bad female behaviour and still pretending you are better.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

You have been getting more an more mental. People are getting more and more aware and tired of it.
Besides, I can tell you for a fact that some of those downvotes are mine. Because you are making no sense, just littering the sub with delusional claims like Jonathan Yaniv is paid by the feminists, women intentionally harm men in March collectively because of fucking reasons, every woman who gets murdered ever is fake and just created to hurt men, etc.
Yelling at dudes who talk about loving their families about how they are the slaves of women who "shit out" kids. Like who the fuck does that? Even if I think that of some people, who the fuck goes up to happy people to try and ruin it for them? That's not helping men, that's you being rude and trying to ruin the good things they have because you can't accept someone being happy in ways you dislike.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

They aren't. You are doing your paranoid shit again. A bunch of us keep telling you you are making no sense, you're sounding deranged, etc. Do you think that doesn't yield any downvotes when you are creating increasingly more pants-on-head retarded takes?

It's not just one person here or there.
I'm not saying blackestknight is right about you upvoting yourself, I am perfectly capable of imagining some people agree with your weird ideas. It happens.
But to claim that even though like half of us here have told you at least once that you are being delusional/paranoid/insensitive/downright assholeish about things before, it's unlikely nobody ever downvotes you.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +18 / -7

Imp, you are again, doing what feminists do. You look at Ukrainian men, then you claim you are one of them from a distance. You flap your mouth about how the collective you is forced into something, while you are sitting on your ass at home in safety.
Nobody asked you to fight, honey. Stop.

This is the Imp version of "those middle eastern women".
This is appropriation of someone else's tragedy.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

I didn't remember what the video was called, but it's fucking painful to see it again. I used to speak really fast as a child. Back then it was considered a bad thing. I'm white, though.

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

I care about the LGBTQIPAMPMFBI less than I care about the whole ass Ukraine. Just saying. Every fucking libtard feels like they have the right to get involved in this shit.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +8 / -1

Nigga, stop talking in my name. I am a Hungarian. Do not try to push your manic bullshit by hiding behind my back.

We are not being helped by your online bitching. The Ukrainians are not helped by it either. So stop your virtue signalling hysterics.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

I feel almost smug now, when people finally admit what I have said before. I voiced it in a much softer way, but basically this. I was getting more an more annoyed and disgusted by the fact that certain people were giving support to a mentally unwell person absolutely spiralling and encouraging his prolonged, public suicide note because he supported our political leanings.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

Faggot. I live in Hungary. We share motherfucking borders. And I had to work today, just like anyone I know. No, we weren't given time off to virtue signal from home. It's retarded, right now we aren't the important people, we don't matter. It is kinda scary, sure, and I feel for those people, seeing them on TV and all, the children, the old people, everyone who was just living a perfectly normal, ordinary life. I feel even for the animals in Ukraine, like the pets that have to be left behind.

BUT. They are not a single bit better off if I scream about MY feelings. That's performative faggotry.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

He is totes making the parallel economy, didn't you read it? It's nothing at this point, can't be used, has no people using it, but it will be great.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +10 / -1

You are literally a feminist, but opposites. You just made the M&M's speech. I'm not even kidding, you are EXACTLY like a feminist. The very same thing.

You hate them, but you are closer to a feminist than anyone else here.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +10 / -1

HURR DURR, rather have humanity die than accept that some men and women get on well.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Let's be honest, you don't trust anyone who ever had anything but the worst opinion on every single woman. Like literally, if he is even just polite to women, you reee yourself into a coma.

No man is ever perfect enough for you, save for like... that hermit they recently found in some jungle in Asia.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

Remember when that gay chorus did a song and they outright said that?? That fucked me up. Like none of them just stood up and said "nah mate, that is fucked, I am not going to do it"? How?

BulbasaurusThe7th 22 points ago +22 / -0

I will let you in on a secret; all rich people/politicians do that. All of them. They all go to the same select schools, hang out at exclusive clubs, they just hang out together. Yes, the men too. Bohemian Grove and such.

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