BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

This article is so dumb. They try to hype up these no name troon fucks by saying they are super successful twitch comedians, meanwhile they try to make it sound like these big names are bores and nobody really likes them.

I'm not a diehard fan of any of them, but I have seen the new show by Gervaise. That audience was not 3 vored people.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

Toxic vitriol!!!!!!!!! That's the two words that always let me know someone is a GRRM cocksucker giga fanboy. They always have to say those two words.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +18 / -1

It was a different one. Is this your version of "all Asians are literally the same person", but with women?

Hitler was also a man, therefore any good any other, completely different dude did is void.
Let me guess, Hitler isn't real, a false flag and actually, it was women behind that shit show. All the women. Every single one.

BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +16 / -0

There is no way a single individual woman could ever do anything good, it must be part of some borg bullshit, because you just hate us all so much you can't even imagine the possibility of ANY woman EVER doing anything.

It's much more likely that every single case of a woman being good was part of some massive conspiracy that does everything.

This also ties in to you also claiming every instance of something bad happening to a woman is a false flag. Aaaand also into the fact that every pedo/lunatic troon is also a feminist false flag.

You always say your paranoid visions are totes mcgoats right and "all the pieces are there", but you conveniently just NOPE at everything that goes against it. That's not how this works.
Oh, also, remember the time when the Canadian woman who organised the freedom protests was arrested? You literally said that if she ever gets let out, it proves she was a fake and a plant?

Now you will deny shit and claim I am LYING about you, because of some minuscule detail (like when you claimed Ukrainian refugee women are assassins sent by Lithuania and I remembered Luxemburg, so therefore I'm maliciously lying and you are right), so I'm not sure what's the point, but at least we all remember the lunacy.

BulbasaurusThe7th 28 points ago +28 / -0

To David Weismann and all the other dudes who need to hear.
It's okay, just admit you are gay. You don't have to wait until some awkward autist dresses up in knee high socks and pretends to be an anime girl. We all know you are gay already, the online hysterics and bitchy sass talk made it obvious.

BulbasaurusThe7th 40 points ago +40 / -0

Why are they making it sound like this person took a risk? Nothing will happen to him.

BulbasaurusThe7th 27 points ago +28 / -1

You talk like Muslim men wouldn't behead you. But I'm sure your magical Ukrainian female assassins are worse than people who legit actually want to kill you.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +15 / -1

When we are talking about a national election, I mean the freaking country. You assume I'm some secret agent sent by the Mighty Vagina, but I am talking about my country.

Anyone who absolutely fucking hates women like you wouldn't be allowed to win, because most people, even anti-feminists think that is lunacy.

BulbasaurusThe7th 23 points ago +24 / -1

Novák is not leading us. Orbán is.

Here is the thing, what the fuck else are we supposed to do? Who is better for us than Orbán? He isn't perfect. He has flaws. But you bitch like we have some Incel Messiah we should have gone with instead.
In this case, Orbán is making sense. You are the only fucking person who assumed that being a constant moaner is accomplishing ANYTHING. An imperfect one is always better than mumbling in our basement about some non-existent perfect person, meanwhile liberals run everything.

BulbasaurusThe7th 31 points ago +32 / -1

You will never find a man who never had a positive interaction with a woman. It will always be you moaning that nobody is pure enough.

BulbasaurusThe7th 20 points ago +20 / -0

If you read what I said and also were intellectually honest, you would know that's not what I said.
(I think he was placed by the US, but that's another can of worms.)

You claim Lithuania sends the Ukrainian women to other countries as assassins to kill men, because you couldn't find English statistics about murders by gender in Ukraine, Imp.

I do not agree with your paranoid schizo idea about some Vagina Conspiracy EU Ukraine Assassin Pact thing.

BulbasaurusThe7th 46 points ago +47 / -1

The Hungarians in Ukraine weren't even allowed to have an education in Hungarian. They weren't immigrants, but the borders got changed around them after WW1.
Yet we took in the most refugees. And that fucking plant actor Zelensky is making demands on TV? Demanding we join in?

I have no hate for the random little nobodies. But I find it interesting that the big strong EU and leftoids worldwide gave no fucks about the Hungarian native minority in Ukraine, but now they are all experts and hating on my people.
Fuck the Redditards and assorted shitlibs who claim blacks in America being expected to use proper English is LE OPPRESSION and rage about "living on Native land", but they ignored this whole issue and now hate on us for not going to Ukraine to die for them.

BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +16 / -0

Meanwhile, I'm sitting here with my peg leg and eyepatch.

The whole "I wouldn't have seen these movies" thing holds no water. You can browse through their list on other sites and even torrent websites have these packages of multiple movies.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

Look, if you disagree or whatever, go ahead. I am more than willing to talk it over. I don't think I said anything outlandish. Gays are people, like everyone else. That includes the failings humans have, namely greed.

People who become activists for a living are also almost exclusively of a certain personality type.
Do you think people who enjoy hearing their own voice, who enjoy the attention, like to regulate others, etc. WANT this opportunity to end? It always, without fail, devolves into them generating more and more problems to stay relevant and to make it seem like they are still needed.

Think of this. Every other industry likes to keep itself going. Your dentists are not interested in developing a magic drug you take once that grants you perfect teeth forever without maintenance.
Some go as far as to fuck patients over, but even the "normal" ones want you to still depend on their services.
Same with hairdressers, mechanics, IT guys, everyone. Their objective is not to go out of business after one time.

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

Riiight, because as we all know, humans are known for their restraints when it comes to taking power. They get some and just go "yes, enough, thank you very much" and live in peace. RIIIIIIIIIIIGHTO.
I mean, so many can be content when they already had a taste of societal power, money, the influence to police others, etc. and not at all go full on tyrant.
I guess gays were just built different.

BulbasaurusThe7th 20 points ago +20 / -0

It's contra. He is a retard with a fetish and lefties still try to make him sound like some wise and rational big thinker.

BulbasaurusThe7th 18 points ago +19 / -1

Some grown woman who can profit from it says something happened VS there was the actual raped and murdered dead body of a 13-year-old child. SAME FUCKING THING, eh? Why are you so dang special?

The stereotypes of YOU guys, though, eh? No sign of always blaming other people and cultishly defending each other, yeah? You never blame others for the bad deeds of your people and deny everything like that ever happened.

BulbasaurusThe7th 53 points ago +57 / -4

Leo Frank raped and murdered Mary Phagan, who was 13. He also tried to blame it on a black man, James Conley. When people finally took justice in their own hands, the ADL was started, and they still do anything they can to fuck over non-Jewish white people in any way they can.

That is all I need to know about them as an organization.

BulbasaurusThe7th 21 points ago +21 / -0

Just because they are black doesn't mean they have no standa...
Tammy Slaton has a black boyfriend. FUCK.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +20 / -1

"Pro choice" is always such a weird way to word it. You had choices.
Use condoms. Use the pill. Use any other form of birth control. Use them in combination. Do it up the ass. Don't do it at all. Do it with a different guy, one who doesn't make you hate the idea of being together and raising a kid. Give it up for adoption.

So many choices. Just not the one they want.

Also, HAHA.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

So she is an obese, black-ish woman who is poor, already was pregnant at least 3 times by the time she turned 18, had kid after kid even though she stayed poor, then dumped all her kids on her mother when she could fuck off to become an affirmative action darling for a science that's not a science.


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