LMAO, forgot about that one.
To be fair, I am against censorship in any way, so I'll let the SJWs make all the bad games and horrendous sales they want, just don't censor or remove my games.
And Steam very rarely removes or censors a game unless it's the law that forces them to in certain countries.
Meanwhile other game companies have "not the bee" levels of hilariously bad censorship. My favorite is the "Kekistan skin incident" in Overwatch.
Oh yeah, I mean that they don't let feminism ruin china and try to suppress it while it ravages the rest of the World.
Also true that the CCP is younger than feminism, but thanks to intersectionality and neo-marxism, it was all made into a big ball of BS, rebranded and ready to be weaponized.
Even if it's not their intention, feminists will weaken the west enough to let china take it without much of a fight. Our economy is being killed by Resident Joe and his puppeteers, the EU is impotent thanks to their female diversity hires presidents of the ECB and EC, Canada, Australia and NZ are woke as hell.
It's not looking good, man...
I try to at least avoid chinese software that has anything screwy (riot games ring 0 "anticheat" for example).
I can't avoid chinese electronics or components obviously.
But you're still right, however it's too late to stop either of them and it's not impossible that they play for the same team, feminism is a marxist operation used to weaken western civilizations.
But isn't it curios how feminism doesn't fly in china?
Please remember that those 11 millions were spent for the sole purpose of toppling Steam.
Steam is the last bastion of our gaming culture that still stands fast against cultural marxism, they kept games like Postal 2 and Hatred and generally don't give a fuck about the new SJW trends like blm.
If Steam falls, what will remain?
Every other publisher is pozzed beyond belief, some like Blizzard and Riot are even going full chinese surveillance on our ass...
Also worth noting that Tencent is spreading the CCP's influence in all directions: big name games (Riot Games), shitty mobile games (Supercell), even Warframe and Hytale... they also have hundreds of millions in investments in reddit and discord.
Epic = Tencent = CCP
That said, I hate the Apple VS Epic situation as I'm forced to take the side of either one of two corporations I hate.
In particular, I think that Apple is wrong in this situation, because monopolies are bad.
However, except against Microsoft (the whole IE and WMP debacle) the various governments and their antitrust laws hardly did anything against Big Tech's de facto monopolies so why would they do anything against Apple?
I hate the term because online there's this belief that you can give the redpill to someone and then BAM! he's redpilled.
It works a lot more if you let them see the cracks, the glitches in the matrix, all the little things that our glorious censors unintentionally let slip past them.
Don’t apologize for vague accusations of “harm.” It’s not a fair fight. They don’t want dialogue.
Expose their inconsistencies - show how their demands won’t achieve what they claim to care about (helping the poor, etc).
NO NO NO, they'll always have the advantage, they live and THRIVE in inconsistencies. You can't play against people that ignore all rules (even if they favor them) and would rather scream oppression and get you cancelled.
It’ll require some reading and a lot of courage.
They'll just quote a heavily biased, non peer-reviewed paper written by 3 grad students during a summer retreat as "fact" and what you gonna do?
What we have to do is "redpill" people one at a time, even if I hate this term*.
Slowly, plant the doubt in their mind but don't try to instantly convert them, the subconscious mind has strong defenses against abrupt changes of moral values.
You can't awaken them, instead you can help them awaken themselves.
It also helps a lot if you get them to stop consuming compromised media (anything to do with hollywood, california, big tech, the CCP, etc...)
They are talking about different criteria.
A truly censorship-free place will indeed become right wing, but the O'Sullivan Law is talking about organizations and those are expected to have at least some extent of censorship.
Even with minimum censorship a place can be subverted by communists, while a place with no moderation will become right-wing the moment they leave it alone for just a short while.
As JBP says, hierarchies are in human nature, so right-wing politics can literally arise from nothing, while the left is born from decades of degenerate, fallacious philosophy and can only be sustained through heavy censorship.