I found the experience made the movie feel "new".
It's stupid, but because my brain didnt remember the random shit in the background, and the order of scenes , etc. When I rewatched the series it forced me to consult the VHS to make sure my memory haad been failing.
Disney has done this to me alot too. DvD releases were not like VHS releases. Mild differences to make a movie lover think they've gone mad.
It happens all the time, and no one says anything usually. What's different about Lucas?
Older Lucas made mistakes.
He is human. And I wont be angry at him for fucking around and finding out. He tried, did you?
Say what you will, I can prove prequels are memorable. Just by pulling up memes. Evidence that it sticks with people. I see the laying in the fields "you mean this , right?" meme almost every fucking day. Or the "I hate sand".
You dont get that out of the new ones, barely remember em, and I saw most of em.
And even the originals get quoted, memed reprised all the time, proving its iconographic value.
Prequels dont need to be better, they need to fit. And the star wars prequel fit in as the TLDR of what led to 5. I will never forget Vader getting off the table and going "Noooooo"
What a wholesome rehash of that scene.
Yeah, too much freedom and confidence, Its just the man living the dunning kruger, I grew up with the prequel releases , and sure there was alot of love scenes that I hated as a kid. As an adult, they really fuel the character of Vader.
He isnt just a bad guy, he's a dude life has stolen everything from , left with only his rage.
He was a key part of it. The leader.
Im still bitter at the fan reaction to Midichlorians.
This single handlely crushed the man's enthusiasm.
He sold out , he deemed himself unfit.
He sold to the biggest dog on the market. Hoping the investement was enough to make them work on it.
They consulted him for 8. He went "not my problem".
I forgive the zealous re edits. I cant forgive how people treated the man who created what they say they "love"
Lol prey was a cakewalk.
Ai long conning man by knowing it will outlive it
Dunno if its true, but the article exists
A man memes not knowing what is truth.
And that's a distraction to you, then boy you are easy to distract.
So, Ai unable to describe reality from perspectives that are less than the absolute majority.
Did you not have emough sheep with the 8B people on the planet that you needed a machine to simp to you too?
Is what I wanna ask the people of chat GPT
Im sure that's a very antisemtic thing to do.
Mmk, yes. And youre ok with your every living moment dedicated to fucking?
We live in a society of sex.
Ads try to tempt us with lust. Your genitals have never spoken of as much as in this era. What you fuck, will be judged upon. And if anyone objects, they will be shunned. What you say you are, will be judged. And if anyone objects, theh will be shunned. What you really are, is impolite to speak of.
Children from the age of 1 are taught to crave, life and do sex.
When i was in school I had to be explained that the african kid was black because of genetics. We had no prejudice.
That was taught to me by school itself, by telling me not to be.
Praise be the link master!
Notes, women cant write women, this is why most successful artist are male.
You'd think the gender known for its feelings would comprehend them. But that's apparently an exception.
Oh, and no one hates women more than women. Tbh many times in my life I have been jealous of how easy it is to influence people with tits.
But post 2020 tells me one thing. My cock is God's given grace. And i will be proud? No that's a sin. Ill be content that im me, how i am.
How else can you find true hapiness? By vainly changing the outside?
Thats the plot.
No jokes, one of the brothers is like the elect of God, the other the chosen of Satan.
But why would you know this little about the show? Imdb/google could have clued you in, if the title "supernatural" didnt already.
I know season 1 makes it seem like its The Hunt: Showdown. But its more devil may cry if designed for women.
Dmc3 to be precise.
First season was good.
They figure out eventually that most the audience is female, and then cater the shit out of em.
I dont recommend. But its not bad
Even Markiplier wasnr enough to get your game to sell.
It must be pretty bad.
Yes, obviously cause no one works outside the US.
See this is why your empire is crumbling away to moral degenerates.
Cant see the forest for the trees.
Written by someone who dosent understand what a time zone is.
Meanwhile in rimworld updates "You can now make gene purity cults"
God damn you Tynan. Now i gotta be the nazis.
I hope the that the perp was this super lefty offended that it was a Q related name.
Because the irony of that would be hilarious.
demonized for over-reaction by media?
oh my show me, i didnt think that existed!
two words:
For a game where you can openly be Christian?
Idk, im hoping we get both sides in the game.
They had a Jesuit priest write some of the lore, like... im not too worried about Starfield.
But ill see in like 4 days...
I just want "No man's Skyrim".