BlueHellScapeRefugee 2 points ago +10 / -8

White men are still the most desirable of all the races.

For marriage, yeah. We wouldn't have coal burners looking for white chumps to foot the bill for Tyrone Jr if whites were also the best at producing tingles. That's another reason they feel cheated and resentful. No one wants to pay full price for leftovers when some deadbeat got it for free.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 32 points ago +32 / -0

They broke the social contract because we stopped enforcing it. What's happening now is we're reverting to precivilization sexual dynamics, and precivilization societies aren't far behind. Remember that video of a woman getting robbed and retards calling nearby men "beta males" for not intervening? That's because humans are a tribal species. Functional civilizations replicate the tribe dynamic at the societal level to some extent, but diseased ones likes ours revert back to small tribes (family and friends in our case). We don't help and protect people from different tribes, especially when they tell us that we're creepy and unwanted when they don't need something from us.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 27 points ago +27 / -0

It's why we are so protective of games because they enabled them to socialize and not be so distant and isolated. And that's you attack gaming so much because you WANT them isolated so that you can exploit them.

Pretty much this. I've noticed an almost genocidal rage against incels for not being hawt enough for fuck or exploitable enough to extract value from. It's really not a surprise when you're dealing with a population that's been shielded from the slightest inconvenience their entire lives.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 23 points ago +25 / -2


Considering how much media attention has been paid to incels, there has been surprisingly little research that includes primary responses from incels themselves

That's because the incels themselves were never seen as humans worthy of their own consideration. It was always about ensuring that their existence doesn't inconvenience the most privileged creature in the history of the planet: The Western woman.

It is not the case, however, that women prize looks and wealth to the exclusion of all other qualities. In fact, Buss and others have consistently found that women place an extremely high value on love, intelligence, kindness, and humor.

There's that gaslighting again. None of those things that they supposedly place "an extremely high value on" mean jack shit coming from an ugly dude.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 9 points ago +11 / -2

It's the dual mating strategy. They want Billy Beta to raise Tyrone's kids.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 12 points ago +13 / -1

I've heard of women on apps saying they just want "friends", which is code for beta orbiters. Chad still gets to smash of course.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 9 points ago +10 / -1

Yeah, it's where the concept of 49ers come from. A woman who's a 4 feeling entitled to a man who's a 9 because a 9 fucked her behind the dumpster on a Tuesday afternoon.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 17 points ago +17 / -0

Sexual market value. RMV is relationship market value. The former is more valuable for men and the latter is more valuable for women but they're pretty intertwined, especially for women. It's a major part of inter-sexual dynamics and if you check out red pill spaces they go into as much detail as anyone would ever want about the subject.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 22 points ago +22 / -0

Simps have destroyed their ability to accurately gauge their SMV.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 21 points ago +21 / -0

Yes, it was. They replaced it with some "opening moves" gimmick where homos, women, and perverts claiming to be women and "nonbinary" can set opening moves, which is a question the person initiating is supposed to answer. That will do do nothing to stop the dynamic from becoming the same as all the other apps. Chad messages "hi" and he's laying pipe 10 minutes later and it's a waste of time for everyone else.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 49 points ago +49 / -0

They're mostly admitting that the female initiation model is a failure, which should have been obvious going in, and if it wasn't women's behavior on the apps should have clued them in long before now. There were so many retards who still expected men to approach them on the app despite the men being prevented from doing so. The rest of them would send a "hi" and expect the other party to carry the conversation, despite saying they hate it when they get those messages (unless Chad does it of course). I don't bother with apps but everyone I know that's used Bumble says they only get messages from bottom of the barrel women and even then they have to do all the work.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 7 points ago +7 / -0

The "woman identifying" thing is more likely to be the rapist than some random man. Nothing says great risk assessment capabilities like letting them invade women's spaces.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 14 points ago +14 / -0

We should encourage this line of thought. Convincing retarded women to take their chances with the bear can only improve the quality of the gene pool.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 15 points ago +15 / -0

They're choosing the bear right now, but when they get mauled they'll blame men for not protecting them from their own retarded decisions. I also don't know anyone who's "crying like a baby" over this. The bear can have modern women. It's not going to put up with their shit the way men do.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 5 points ago +6 / -1

They've been a pain in the ass for every Arab country that's ever taken them in. They've tried to overthrow multiple governments and even when they don't commit sedition they cause the same problems as ghetto trash in the US. There's a reason the Arabs are determined to make them Israel's problem.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 15 points ago +15 / -0

Is the Speakership supposed to be nonpartisan in Canada? I know it is in the UK but that didn't stop their previous Speaker from trying to sabotage Brexit.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 4 points ago +4 / -0

They look like camps to me, but I haven't looked too deeply into it.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 10 points ago +10 / -0

From what I heard Egypt is building facilities to house them when they inevitably break through the wall. So maybe we shouldn't follow their example.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 9 points ago +9 / -0

I don't have an answer for you but I'm curious about the game myself. I saw an ad for it when I was updating my graphics card and it's the first ad in a long time that sparked my interest.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 10 points ago +10 / -0

Let's Go Brandon only became a thing because they insisted on lying about what was being chanted at that NASCAR tournament. Had they told to the truth people would have forgotten about it once the news cycle moved onto something else.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 21 points ago +21 / -0

Feminists won't be a threat to the Manosphere unless they address actual men's issues instead of making up bullshit issues like "toxic masculinity" to try to divert attention to topics they deem nonthreatening. They'll never do that because they only bother with the latter to try to sabotage and coopt groups that talk about the real issues. Ever browse soy drenched shitholes like r/menslib and r/bropill? No self respecting man gets involved with those fags.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 22 points ago +22 / -0

It's less being mad and more recognizing that the only way this shit will ever end is if women and girls are inconvenienced. Protecting them guarantees the continuation of the tranny problem. Besides, men and boys get fucked out of their own spaces so why should women and girls be any different?

BlueHellScapeRefugee 26 points ago +26 / -0

Yeah, let's just forget about all the lies they told about Hunter's laptop and the lab leak. That's just off the top of my head. Speaking of sticking to the facts: When is Barry gonna tell the truth about Big Mike?

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