BlueHellScapeRefugee 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not taking inflation into account, but in 2018 I got used car for about that price and the insurance costs are reasonable. But double that price and you're still breaking even after 2 years.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 5 points ago +5 / -0

You could probably buy a used car outright for that kind of money.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 12 points ago +12 / -0

They're electric cars, so I imagine a lot of takers will be entitled leftists with more money than sense. Being shitty people who leave others to clean up their messes because they feel doing so is beneath them is a trait they share with ghetto trash.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 16 points ago +16 / -0

This is old news. I started seeing this over a year ago. They don't use the term much, but they do use it correctly at least in the context of their retarded worldview.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 17 points ago +17 / -0

See, this is one of the reasons I think the families are evil and probably doing someone's bidding. Their behavior has done more to convince me that Alex was right than Alex has.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 2 points ago +2 / -0

for example, if the father pays for their kids haircut and clothing even though it is supposed to be paid for by child support, he can not write it off or lower payment, instead he would have to appeal to lower child support which involves more expenses and will be denied almost every time

This is why some men pay the child support and not a dime more. If the whore begs for more money tell her to use free money she gets every month instead of blowing it on shit. So many problems could be solved the men had control over how mommy support is spent.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 5 points ago +5 / -0

How can the mother even unilaterally put children up for adoption? Now that is crazy.

Because despite the lies you peddle here fathers have no legal rights whatsoever.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 4 points ago +4 / -0

"He abused me" are the magic words that any woman can utter to win in family court.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Folks defending the system claim that most men don't even ask for custody, and that this explains a large part of this. What do you say to that?

It simply reflects the results they expect to get if they fight it out. Lawsuit settlements (and that's pretty much what this is in the family law context) tend to reflect the results that would be expected if the case was tried with smaller monetary settlements to account for time and money saved by forgoing trial. Cases only get tried if both parties think they can gain more at trial than what the other party is offering to settle for.

It's a little different in family law because they they're fighting over a finite resource (custody percentage) and the courts aren't honest brokers, but a lot of the same logic applies. The rule in family court is that the woman wins unless the man walks on water and has a shit ton of luck, so the settlements (custody "agreements") reflect that. Could the woman offer some custody to avoid a fight? Yeah, but they're out to completely and utter destroy their husbands for cash and prizes, and since the court is going to hand the bitch what she wants on silver platter anyway after a show trial she doesn't really have much incentive to do so. Besides, if the guy offs himself she gets all of the assets and custody instead of just the lions share.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 10 points ago +11 / -1

I do expect the inevitable attempts at being anti-Jewish to surface before too long

If that happens he'll get banned for that long before the pedo pajeet's latest bunch of alts get nuked.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 29 points ago +29 / -0

This isn't the only proof by the way. There was a settlement offer a while back that would have stopped collection if Alex Jones stopped broadcasting.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'm always wary of political grifts though, hopefully that's not this.

As long as they're not crypto leftists out to grift right wingers I'm more than happy to reward this behavior even if it is kind of a gimmick.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm not much of a drinker or anywhere close but I'll have to patronize them if I'm in the area.

deleted 19 points ago +19 / -0
BlueHellScapeRefugee 30 points ago +31 / -1

There are people on this very board that try to gaslight anyone who points out this problem.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 15 points ago +15 / -0

family court records reveal that she was in a custody battle with her daughter's father in prior years

But I was told that the family courts are totally fair and the men who end up in them had it coming.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 7 points ago +7 / -0

I guess it depends on how many deadbeats she got dicked by before she found a chump to wife her up. "No hymen, no diamond" isn't just some Puritan construct. It's the only way to have a chance at a decent marriage and reduce the risk of divorce rape to anywhere near acceptable levels.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 10 points ago +11 / -1

Have you looked on archive.org? I found an anti-nigger album there that I couldn't find anywhere else. I don't trust them not to wipe shit when the usual suspects complain but you might be surprised what you can find there.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 13 points ago +15 / -2

The first 3 words of your title suffice.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 22 points ago +22 / -0

Has it been a year already?

No, it hasn't. They make the other 11 months all about themselves as well.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 4 points ago +5 / -1

always a load of actual schizophrenic drivel that can mostly be solved by not using dating apps and constantly trying to go out with total strangers

That's a nonstarter because it would involve finding a hobby that doesn't involve getting dicked by deadbeats.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's fair, and the personal army request is pretty cringe. I suspect Jonathan won't be dealt with until he finally crosses someone who doesn't give a fuck.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 15 points ago +15 / -0

In fairness it's really hard to get the Canadian authorities to do anything about Jonathan. He's gotten away with shit that would have the average Joe serving as the cellblock bicycle.

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