There never was anything organic about some random Malaysian being a right wing influencer from all the way on the other side of the globe. He's clearly just playing a role as controlled opposition.
Of course men write female characters better, because all they have to do is think of a man and then remove reason and accountability. EZ.
it is our lack of a free market that is preventing us from competing with the rest of the world
We will never be able to compete on cost because we have free workers with rights and we try to keep workplaces safe and our environment clean. Libertarianism has no answer for the fact that 3rd world slave labor risking their lives on every shift and throwing their trash directly on the ground will always produce for significantly cheaper. Sure, the quality is worse, but the people making decisions on where to have factories clearly don't care about that as much as keeping production costs low.
And once again, the middle eastern country they "saved" for democracy is suddenly a very dangerous place to be a Christian.
Yep, had me till the 4th paragraph.
Still less rapey than all the pakis they've imported to airstrip one.
That just means it's time to stop using Chrome. I recommend looking into Brave or Pale Moon.
Ah, I see. I didn't watch much of the video, because little Benji's whiny voice is just too annoying.
Being that Powell played a big role in pushing the WMD lie that caused us to waste so many lives and tax dollars in Iraq, only to leave the place worse off after we left, he really shouldn't be getting celebrated. Is there a list of infamous Americans buried at Arlington he can be moved to instead?
Will be interesting to see what happens to all the games using uplay when that happens.
Most guys aren't capable of facing the fact that their parents consented for them to be brutally mutilated without anesthesia as a helpless newborn. So they cope, they convince themselves the procedure is actually a good thing, and the cycle of abuse continues.
Of course they get angry when anyone challenges the lie they convinced themselves of, because those guys aren't ready to admit that their parents broke their dick. And the ones who've done the same damage to their own sons get even angrier, because how can they admit what they've done and still call themselves good parents?
Tengu even have a phylactery on their forehead.
Lol, that was him? I thought it was just a random cringy edgy kid.
Well, McKinely was assassinated by a guy who had been recruited into anarchism by a Goldman. The other assassin was just a nutter. Dude joined a degenerate free love cult and later quit because he couldn't get laid. Later, he somehow ended up campaigning for Garfield and got really mad when he wasn't rewarded with a government job. Interestingly, he was partially responsible for the passage of the civil service reform laws so much of the deep state currently hides behind.
I've seen accusations of former CIA head George Bush Sr, who just happened to be in Dallas that day. Also, LBJ has been accused of being involved. Wouldn't be surprised if both were involved in a joint CIA-Mossad operation.
JFK was standing in the way of Israel getting nukes at the time, so they definitely had motive.
So, he had passportbro regret?
You can't tell the difference between Han and Yamato?
Modern literature may be trash, but we still have old books.
Hoes will be hoes, regardless of if they dress up like any particular characters.
Keep this in mind the next time you see the claim that men hardly read compared to women. If you look at the sales numbers, women are mostly reading porn like harlequin romances, 50 shades, and the stuff from the video. And that's not even getting into the bizarre fanfiction they're into. Men, on the other hand, will simply watch a video instead of spending hours reading paperback porn.
Because it's not about the money. It's about sending a message.
Bonus, the woman is an ancestor of the current Emperor, so ubislop is implying the Japanese royals aren't fully Japanese.
I remember 12 mil total.