ArtemisFoul 4 points ago +4 / -0

That doesn't make sense, twitter's limited resources couldn't possibly handle 12M views in such a short amount of time... hmmmmm.

ArtemisFoul 24 points ago +24 / -0

He said that in the course of looking up information about video games he became interested in Gamergate, an anti-feminist campaign that targeted prominent women in the gaming world and became a huge online trend starting in 2014. He began listening to right-wing podcasters and watching political YouTube videos.

Yeah man, I totally buy that The Leader of Gamergate (which is me, btw) made this druggie Green Party member and gay prostitute freak out on Nancy Pelosi's husband, lmao

ArtemisFoul 19 points ago +19 / -0

Hochul should be swinging from a lamppost. Come at me you whore, I'm behind seven proxies.

ArtemisFoul 10 points ago +10 / -0

Most of eastern Europe is in the EU too nowadays. The exceptions are Moldova, a horribly corrupt shithole that makes Romania look prosperous in comparison, and Ukraine, a legit failed state now owned by Blackrock and Vanguard. Well, okay, there's also Serbia which isn't too bad, but their politicians are desperate to get into the EU for that sweet sweet subsidy cash, so they've been cucking out super hard recently (see that gun grab shitshow half a year ago).

And the problem with that EU ESG directive is that it will inevitably apply to even non-EU states. The EU businesses that will be affected by it will also be forced to disclose ESG ratings for all of their suppliers - which means that a company outside the EU, in let's say Switzerland, will have to come up with its own ESG report, otherwise EU business won't be able to buy from them.

Of course that's all utter nonsense because we're all heavily dependent on China and China doesn't give a shit about what the EU bureaucrats want, so either this garbage gets walked back post haste, or we all literally starve, because EU's joke of an industry can't even produce fertilizer on its own.

ArtemisFoul 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah but that was before the recent inflation spike so the 46 mil is worth way less now

ArtemisFoul 35 points ago +35 / -0

Soon, every company that wants to do business with the EU will be required to publish yearly ESG reports. The law is already on the books and IIRC it will go into effect next year. It's going to be the death of small business in Europe.

ArtemisFoul 3 points ago +3 / -0

Washed-up writer wrote a twatter post? Let's turn it into an article because it's very noteworthy and important!

Truly peak journalism.

ArtemisFoul 5 points ago +5 / -0

Best I can do is Bernard Black in drag, hehe

ArtemisFoul 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jesus Christ I wish

ArtemisFoul 4 points ago +4 / -0


ArtemisFoul 20 points ago +21 / -1

Eh, NYP is kinda like Daily Mail - it's clickbait first and foremost, partisanship comes second. So DM keeps writing about trannies going wild, because most Brits fucking hate them so they'll click on the latest article about a rapist locked up in a women's prison. Most Americans can sense that something is terribly wrong with their political system, so they click on NYP articles that talk about it while most of the rest of the mainstream keeps calling them Nazi. It doesn't make either of them good journos, it's just... populist, in the original sense of the word (instead of the Current Year meaning of "thing I no like"). It doesn't mean they're allies to the Right.

ArtemisFoul 8 points ago +8 / -0

Literally nobody in the world needs Tony fucking Abbott to run anything. That motherfucker needs to be swinging from a lamppost.

ArtemisFoul 11 points ago +11 / -0

Man, you should see the Articles & News section on Kiwifarms, it's full of shit like this. You have to log in to see it, though.

ArtemisFoul 20 points ago +20 / -0

If you read her bio (click the author name), it's an aging whore who could never find a man and keeps going through endless throngs of dudes. In other word, she's every "dating advice" columnist ever - desperately trying to tell herself that she has something to share, and subconsciously trying to drag other unsuspecting women down to her level with her horrible advice, typing from a tiny apartment that reeks of cat piss, cheap wine, and SSRIs.

ArtemisFoul 26 points ago +26 / -0

Hm? Of course you can have an addiction to social media, you can get addicted to anything that produces dopamine in your brain.

ArtemisFoul 44 points ago +44 / -0

I thought twitter crashed and burned when he fired 70% of its extremely educated, professional and valuable workforce that was necessary to run a simple service that can display 280-character messages and show ads.

ArtemisFoul 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just call the Bully Hunters lol

ArtemisFoul 12 points ago +12 / -0

Bubba Copeland

Bubba Seetheland

Bubba Dilateland

Bubba ACKland <---- you are here

Bubba BuriedWithHisBirthNameOnTheGravestoneland

ArtemisFoul 14 points ago +14 / -0

He was also posting shitty collages of teens from his town, siblings, pretending it's one person pre/post trannydom, with phrases like "put on the dress, become the whore". He definitely at least had a CP stash, if not worse.

ArtemisFoul 2 points ago +2 / -0




ArtemisFoul 3 points ago +3 / -0

He talks about narcissism. I remember, ages ago, like over a decade, in about 2010-2011, someone sent me a link to The Last Psychiatrist. https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/

The guy stopped writing way back, but I remember I always thought his endless ramblings about how everyone's a narcissist nowadays made no sense - the articles were interesting but I always disagreed with the conclusions. It took me a few years but I understand now. Everyone really is a narcissist, it's the worst plague humanity has ever encountered.

Edit: Seriously, read this. 2014!

ArtemisFoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

He says like 30 seconds in the video that "this begs the question..."

Negro I am an ESL speaker and even I know that's not what that phrase means, seriously https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Begging_the_question

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