Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

If you only give keys to people who are positive to your brand, then that is literally buying good reviews with extra steps.

Its one thing to deny someone who breaks NDAs or has other legitimate grievances (like Kotaku showing how to pirate Nintendo games), but to not give them out because they might be negative defeats the entire purpose of reviews and is a sign of a complete failure of both the game and the system.

Adamrises 1 point ago +2 / -1

there was this rich asimar that was a complete degenerate

To be fair to the writing here, he isn't written to be anything but a complete piece of shit and nobody seems to really hold any illusions he is anything but "useful for our purposes due to his power, but otherwise a net negative on all existence." Granted I've not finished the game, so this might not be true for the full duration.

I think its important to have actually "evil" companions as a choice in these types of games, otherwise you end up with something like Dragon Age where everyone has a "Tragic backstory" that you can't judge and its a huge pity party of "pragmatism versus idealism" instead of any real moral diversity.

I won't give any defense to the other one though, that's a terrible character and I hated it from the moment I met it.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

unless it's too hard

This is exactly what I'm getting at. It was the exact right hardness to keep them from being able to evolve much further, but not completely extinct them.

You can see the exact scenario play out on the individual level right now with the extreme poverty/homeless people. Those who can just skirt by enough to not die, but can never actually get anywhere near enough to begin improving their lot.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good addition, I didn't even remember to add the diseases to the list.

But the list goes on and on. Shit sucks in Africa, and when literally everything is killing you at every moment you generally don't evolve big brains when you need hardy bodies that are physically able faster.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was late in the summer when it happened. So it wasn't immediate at the time, though 5 months does feel quick in the grand scheme.

Because March and parts of April were pretty chill. Everyone was fine with complying and the fear hadn't ramped up yet because we all still kinda believed that "two weeks" line because that made fucking sense. Then the fear mongering ramped up, likely because the Left saw a prime opportunity and they never slowed down.

That's what makes it so bad to me. That literal months after the worst of it had already passed, they were still so terrified and willing to resort to such extremes. They were far and away past anytime where "bodies piling up" could be possibly happening, and were jumping at literal phantoms.

And their reaction to those phantoms had them thinking shooting puppies made them the good guys.

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

Shot... Again: shot with a gun... over a half dozen puppies to death

This will always be the most disgusting, but best, example of how bad Covid madness got.

To the point where a bunch of guys were so terrified of breaking social distancing rules, they literally walked up and shot puppies to death to keep other people away. Nothing else can properly express how comfortable Covid made people feel with being brazenly evil, while still convincing themselves they were the good guys.

It was literally the modern Crusade, where because they were pre-absolved of sin they could do the most vile acts possible in the name of their God.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

Frankly, Trumps problem with this would have been himself.

The problem with Trump in almost every way is that he is very old. Meaning he is set in his ways and is very out of touch with a lot of society's finer details. That's just the problems with old people in general, and you can see a lot of his mistakes come back to being a man from a time long past. Such as trying to run the Government like a business, in an age when billionaire monsters will pay people to fall on swords and make retarded decisions for their ideology.

Its why Vance is such a boon. Regardless of anything, he is someone who has grown up in the Millenial age, he has been versed in the internet age, and probably has dealt with the foot soldiers that were created from these kind of Leftie idiots. He can see a lot of this coming, and is probably one of the sources (besides Baron) that is making him campaign in the way he is.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

It is, but its designed from the top down to be that way. The guys behind every Idol are specifically manipulating and preying on every parasocial and abusive tactic to get fans deeply hooked and insane. They have it down to a science on how to turn Japanese men specifically into simps who will spend 10000$ a year on a girl they see only from a distance with no sexuality openly at play.

Its the same way they turned gacha, gambling and the Skinner box into the monster it is in the gaming industry.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its all part of the same system. They have no winter because its fucking hot as shit basically year round. It being hot as shit made everything fucking miserable, from dangerous animals to lack of water.

As in, they couldn't afford to put water in the ground for food later because they need to drink now. Nor could they always afford to stay in one place as they had to follow herds for food today rather than later. This isn't 100% the case all the time, but simply having fucking water, and with it fertile land another major lacking in the rest of the continent, is a major reason why Egypt is such an outlier in the continent even before Europe got involved.

Not to mention the lack of natural borders like mountains in Africa specifically meant constant tribal warfare, and the burning and moving it brought. The having of this, and all the forests, likely contributed to South America, despite being similarly uncivilized, being able to develop some stronger development.

They are all retarded, but part of the reason is because their environment selected the most retarded, but hardy and brutish genes to pass on. And the lack of ability to build surplus meant they couldn't develop very well beyond that, because when you are physically lacking you don't really think about higher concepts that can improve.

That's evolution literally at play. And its why you can't just bring a nigger or, worse, a Brazilian into modern society with food and education and create a civilized gentleman.

Adamrises 15 points ago +15 / -0

great job on Vance for putting up with one of the most hostile and aggressive interviews I've ever seen

I think an important quality for anyone in Trump's camp to have is this one. You can't go in thinking it'll be a Press Release with a guy giving you jumping off points like it sorta used to be, you have to treat it like debate club.

Which means you need to be constantly watching for traps and tricks they are setting up and then setting your own back to exploit them. You can't be remembering your own rehearsed speech, you have to be present in the moment and watching for minor little things your "interviewer" is doing.

Its something most of his 2016 administration failed at, because they weren't ready for TDS. Its why so many were able to be led like dogs into betraying him and working against him just by someone outwitting them long enough to make them think it was their own idea.

Vance at least seems to be young enough to have dealt with Millenials long enough to understand this and able to be able to defend against it.

Adamrises 10 points ago +10 / -0

A trained monkey that has been in the game a long time and has a literal army of men surrounding her thinking about these things to maximize her marketability at any moment.

Adamrises 39 points ago +40 / -1

The West's slut culture is an every day reality of people's regular lives. Idol culture is a job that you for the most part choose to participate in.

These situations aren't secret, its pretty well known in fact that idols cannot even be seen standing too close to a man lest they get punished. Yet they still choose to sign up because they love the attention, fame, and affection it brings them just for "existing while cute."

But if I were a Japanese man, I'd not have to involve myself in that nonsense and its extreme purity ideals wouldn't effect me in the slightest. But I cannot escape the consequences of the West's slut culture no matter what I do.

Adamrises 21 points ago +21 / -0

Idol culture has been around for decades and has made it very clear how you must act at all times and the horrific consequences therein. At this point, a girl who signs up for it is either retardedly naive or so in love with the attention that she thinks it'll be worth it, so she cannot truly be sympathized with.

Genuinely shocked they simply punished her instead of just dropping her ass, maybe the humiliation ritual is enough for the fans to get off on that they won't physically assault her for being a "slut."

Either way, that's the life you are signing up for to be an idol, or any derivative of it.

Adamrises 3 points ago +4 / -1

Lacking winter might help, but many areas just straight up had drought and dry seasons that made food just as difficult to grow. Often times more than just for a winter, which is why agriculture was far less developed if at all.

Its also not just "its hot" level problems, the fauna there is far more dangerous than in most other areas, with a lot more bite and venom to go around. Because even the animals themselves adapted to the harshness of it by becoming more lethal. Which means even the abundance of it isn't nearly as helpful because of how many you'll lose dealing with them.

There is a reason why nearly every "civilized" nation came out of somewhere that had cold/temperate climates, no matter how bad winter is, and most of the tribal slower to civilize ones came out of tropical and desert ones.

Adamrises 29 points ago +29 / -0

The entire field of genetics, IQ, and all that jazz is was literally demonized because people noticed too quick upon it being discovered and a few of Hitler's boys used it in a way the Jews didn't like.

Adamrises 2 points ago +6 / -4

Environment plays a part because it forces natural selection harder.

Blacks, and many other "less civilized" groups lived in much harsher places, so they never had a chance to develop higher level intelligence. Think of Maslow's hierarchy, they could never ascend past the bottom level because they were never physically safe enough. And that still applies to both Africa blacks and them elsewhere, as they live in the most violent shitholes in nearly every country.

This doesn't mean you can just pluck one into a nice home and they magically grow smarter, anymore than a pitbull magically turns into a corgie in a good home.

IQ is heavily genetic, period, and countless centuries of that kind of environmental pressure means that women consistently choose the thuggish men (for safety and other valuable traits) to pass on the genes, while any weaker child usually dies off due to the harshness.

This doesn't have to even be a racial thing, it just is because the environment that makes such an evolutionary path also happened to be the same one that had the harshest sun to evolve skin colors.

Adamrises 16 points ago +17 / -1

Probably realized that singing for a shitty politician while Israel was literally bombing Iran might be bad optics for everyone involved and backed out.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Honestly, I'd be more concerned if they did.

I'd rather random businesses not keep intricate and detailed records for all of history of your existence and interaction with them.

Like I worked at a McDonald's for 2 days decades ago, is that still on the books with my full name and information submitted during the application?

Adamrises 15 points ago +15 / -0

This is just them applying a successful tactic again.

They called the Satanic trials of the 90s a "panic" and got people to just ignore literally all the real satan shit going on and laugh about those wacky daycare stories. They called it the Red Scare or McCarthyism and now people have completely forgotten that the Government was in fact full of actual real communists and they were out committing real terrorism for decades in our country.

Its worked everytime so far, they just need enough time for the scrubbing to retcon people's memory and history.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

My current top three are Darren Korb, Marty Robbins, and Daddyphatsnaps.

Darren makes the music for all the Supergiant Games games and even if you have issue with the games themselves the soundtracks are worth a listen. Especially Bastion's.

Marty Robbins is just scratching an itch to die out in the West somewhere that has been growing with age.

And DPS is the only guy around making bops for my niggas Carnage and Yujiro. Just a fat mexican doing what mexicans do best and geeking out over DBZ and other weeb shit like its real shit. Broly is the shit that hypes me to lift.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anti-hero is what I should have said, but I typed that up an hour where I wasn't fully awake and didn't catch that in a proofread. My bad.

Though if I had to I'd call an anti-villain someone who exists entirely to "punish the evil doers" An actual anti- to villains. He has no noble goals and doesn't care about the innocent or doing anything good, just hurting villains. That decouples it from being a foil to anti-hero, but it sounds better to me because that sounds like an interesting character.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a point where I reveal myself as a pleb who doesn't understand genres well and isn't careful with his words. Most of those bands you listed are well within my purview and I love the heck out of them, though they are the limit of where I'll go.

So I should have said I hated "black metal" as I think is the better label, but to me that's what heavy metal is, wherein most of what you listed is just plain ol' metal. Though I know I'm probably in the wrong there.

Also Back in Control is Sabaton's most underrated song.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

But I don't buy the idea that rap is secretly a good genre and the jews just tricked me into disliking it.

Its not good or bad, its just a thing that exists that people can make good or bad from. The Jews are the ones that took the gutter trash form of it and made it the primary association people have with it, which is a form of manipulation they use on everything.

I don't really care for rap that much that I'll die saying its an underrated wonderform, the point is that the techniques used on it are easier to see because of how blatant it is. And learning to see those is important to combat it on more important stages.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

then I would say it's largely due to subjective psychological associations.

I agree, that was the entire middle half of my comment. Those psychological associations were deliberately created by the Jews, or Elites or whoever, for their purposes and aren't reflective of reality.

Something that I thought people around here might take issue with, as they do on every other topic. But it seems nigger hate is strong enough to remove any principle or discussion as long as you can say "DAE fucking hate ghetto monkeys and their screeching?!?!" over and over.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not to mention the heavy emphasis on lyrics over sound means that the innovations are more likely to come from the same places that poetry did.

Where everyone treats the move from iambic pentameter and other forms of rhythm to "he just said words that don't rhyme, but put line breaks are certain spots" is treated as revolutionary and genre defining.

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