Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well that's the other half. Even if you are born with an extreme privilege leg up, you can still be an awkward wierdo who is unattractive regardless of it.

Every one of us can picture a tall gangley, lanky nerd who no woman will ever be attracted to despite him being a top 1% in size.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

So is just being born ultra rich. Most people don't get to choose to be part of a 1-5%, so they need to became capable on their own.

And when the quality across the board rises, the value of extreme outliers lowers.

Adamrises 14 points ago +14 / -0

I knew it was a bad sign when "coloring books for adults" started being a thing in the 00s, and it seems the infantilization is only a diaper away from being complete.

Adamrises 29 points ago +29 / -0

How fucking retarded do you have to be to put something like that in writing?

The kind of retarded that a diversity hire who never gets criticized or taught the consequences of one's actions is.

Adamrises 14 points ago +14 / -0

The spreading idea that women are inherently un-sexual is how betas get created in such large numbers to begin with. If you don't think women will ever exhibit sexual attraction, then you don't look for its signs or learn how to get to it.

If men learned from an early age that women are massive sluts for X Y Z, then a lot of them would change course and begin trying to exhibit those traits during puberty/early adulthood. Some would fail or not care, but a huge amount of today's betas would be at least partially successful with women if they had actually known the correct path to take before they were too far gone.

Sexual market value is still a market. There is a huge difference between a middle class of historical America, who could afford a house and family on a single salary, and a middle class today who need two incomes to barely scrape by.

In the same way, the bottom 90% SMV men wouldn't need lying and gaslighting to be kept productive and happy, because they'd be successful enough to be satisfied themselves. Not Chad Thundercock level, but enough to keep a regular man happy.

Adamrises 17 points ago +17 / -0

but women are just as horny as men as they literally are made in a way to make and raise kids

Most guys don't know this because they are the soft, "sensitive" males who can never inspire women to be horny around them. Likely from listening to women's words instead of their actions.

Its actually quite wild just how far that idea spread. You look at TV writers, the most Jewy-Jew looking nerds around, and you know that that guy has never been able to pull women. He might have a few, but on a compromise level instead of raw sexual prowess. But he, among thousands of others, writes his experience as universal that women aren't as sexual as men and only give sex on holidays/birthdays out of obligation.

Which creates this society level belief in women not being as sexual creatures as men are and it makes all sorts of problems crop out of teaching people a very demonstrable false reality.

Adamrises 16 points ago +16 / -0

And femcel only has negative connotation because women themselves spent the last decade screaming about incels (a formerly niche community and a small time slang word) until it became a literal boogeyman that the highest offices cry about it.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Personally, me and my boys all just grew up and stopped living within a few blocks of each other. So we lack the time to just sit and do 20 rounds of something, and discord/private lobbies just don't feel the same as in person.

I imagine its like that for a lot of us who grew up doing it, and the new generation never got into it because the obscene cost (most games didn't support it, so you needed double tvs, consoles, and games to get the same experience) and relative ease of just random online lobbies.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Obama was a skinny, light skinned twink with a stutter. There was little masculinity to be had about him, which is why the idea of "Michael" Obama became so common due to her looking like a roided double man next to him.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Always a good sign when philosophers are now offending you with pretty milquetoast platitudes.

Adamrises 14 points ago +14 / -0

The Left operates heavily on debate team logic. They've got dozens of trained and practiced lines they have been fed to respond to any stimuli that might arise. Anything they can't respond to in that fashion, gets the aggression you mention.

But, because they are literally trained animals they can't truly be shook of what they do. Its nearly automatic, it happens without even needing to pass through their conscious decision making process.

You might be able to help those close to you in individual methods, but as a whole the only way to help them is to stop the methods of creation and let them die out naturally.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

Its funny how the same people who refuse to respect their own parents also treat "respect" as some baseline submission you must have to every one of them.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

TDS guys seem to be of the belief that you shouldn't let Trump people patronize your businesses, let alone treat them like human or acknowledge their existence in any tone but hate.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

I remember back when I worked one my boss explained that our store made about 4 cents per dollar on most food items.

And for a lot of them that were easily damaged, and thereby we lost a lot in transit due to shit warehouse workers, we basically stocked them at a loss just to keep the vendor happy and our customers coming in to buy other things.

Grocery stores have a lot of faults but their markup is usually one of the fairest in the business.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

Minor spoilers but it is so damn funny that the one lesbian couple has a domestic violence incident.

This seems to be a common trend for reasons I can't explain beyond its so common they can't not draw from experience writing it.

Like, fucking Bugsnax had a very uncomfortably realistic abusive lesbian girl in it who spends every flashback being a piece of shit.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Considering they literally kept a war going and actively threatened other lives very directly just because of their egos, court martial far too lenient. That's a very legitimate case for public execution.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hadn't even heard of it, looks fun and exactly up my alley.

Though unfortunately, those are the types of games best played with a bunch of buddies on your couch and that's hard to get these days unlike back when the Godzilla ones were coming out.

Adamrises 13 points ago +13 / -0

Normally they just skip the whites to rush to help all the non-whites instead.

Guess this time it picked an area that didn't have as much diversity so they had to invent new ways to discriminate.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

He does, but only because he obsessively consumes Western media by the dozen. Much like a weeb in America can consume enough anime to have pretty deep knowledge on topics related to Japan, if a little generalized.

Anno is a retard who stumbled into something better than he could comprehend, as shown by his attempts to recreate it falling so flat. He is Japan's version of Alan Moore in that way.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

We even have a literal term for it, westaboo, to describe the constant fact of the Japs being obsessed with Western aesthetics and media without a hint of understanding of it. Kojima is famously one.

From dudes wearing cowboy hats for no fucking reason, to them constantly using Gnostic nonsense, its no deeper than a bunch of dweebs.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Left boy reminds me way too much of Krystalak from the Godzilla Unleashed fighting game.

And now I'm extra mad that we both haven't gotten a Kaiju fighting game in that long and that this gay mother fucker is associating himself with it.

Adamrises 35 points ago +35 / -0

Multiple top commanders went on record as saying they purposefully disobeyed orders and did their own thing during Trump's first administration, and then waited to tell it until he was gone so they could get asspats from the TDS media. One of those things was refusing to pull out of the Middle East when given direct orders to do so, thereby starting/continuing a war on their own decision.

Its well beyond trouble. That's actual high end treason, and they were boasting about it.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

Evolution is a very slow process, especially in long lived species with single offspring like us.

Very little is capable of changing about humans except for the environment we find ourselves in.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

If things hadn't so bad economy wise in a way that isn't really recoverable for all of us, then him losing 2020 would be a great thing because of how much stronger and better surrounded he is now.

Unfortunately, the cost for a lot of us was far too high to consider it great yet, until he makes a lot of efforts to help get us back on track.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Colorado has multiple ultra rich blue cities that make up for any wavering that Denver and its surrounding towns might do.

So for every poor apartment bound guy who flipped because of that shit, there are 3 Cali elites cancelling him out from their 20 million dollar mountain home.

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