Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well then where are they? Why aren't you out there weaponizing them before the Left can offer them a crumb of pussy to turn them into simps?

I've offered a pretty obvious statement, while you've offered back "nu uh, I know lots of losers!!" Which, great for you then get them to work, otherwise they aren't accomplishing shit to a point of being useless to the equation of "the frontline 'soldiers' of this culture war."

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

It amuses me greatly that TIA managed to slip mostly under the radar as a funny little place until the TERFs took over and made it pro-feminist/woman central and now it will forever be only known for that form of its existence.

Adamrises 48 points ago +48 / -0

More proof why they keep winning.

Because their side has most of the unhinged autists with no job and the time to commit to obsessive crusades while the Right usually has things like "Careers and families" that occupy them?

Like, that is one of the major separations here and the only way to overcome it is to literally throw away all the reasons we have to resist them to begin with.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ngl man, this feels much more like a case of "let two people we dislike fight each other."

Like, people can find irony and humor in that.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only the right plays these purity games. When it comes to seizing power, the left just does it.

The reason they can do this is because they have all the institutional power on their side. Its not just our own side shooting itself.

Its them applying the law whenever it suits them, its them discarding the rules when its in their way, its them screaming the story one way and burying the truth for all the people who can't be plugged in 24/7 to have the scoop on everything.

Its beyond a "just don't engage" level problem.

Adamrises -1 points ago +1 / -2

In my statement, no it isn't important in the slightest.

A woman believes super strongly in a single thing that I also agree with

Does not change the fact that she is still a woman, thinks and behaves like a woman, and cannot be trusted to be anything but.

It changes absolutely nothing about what I said.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nah, I'm expecting them to do exactly what was done above. Turn it into a symbol of power for themselves and in spite of the "baddie bads" who might have created it.

Or they can do like you are implying, continue to refuse to engage in the culture war thereby ceding the ground endlessly and continue losing.

Adamrises 5 points ago +6 / -1

Yeah that makes sense looking from the top down. The regular Joes in their church still have to choose to participate in being funless and self-sabotaging when faced with things he doesn't understand or like.

Otherwise by your own logic, the feral nigger has no responsibility for being a feral nigger doing nigger things because he was also subverted in the 60s.

Adamrises 9 points ago +12 / -3

If Catholics were capable of having fun and not self-sabotaging every opportunity presented, they wouldn't have handed over control of our Culture and all their own people to the Left almost willingly.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not talking about anything in particular Mr. Clinton.

Adamrises 12 points ago +16 / -4

Yes, I am going to upend my entire ideology and philosophy backed by decades of experience because a woman said some words that vaguely confirm to one singular thing I believe in.

The fact that the bar is that low for some people explains why grifters and the Elite are able to so easily manipulate and drain so many idiots into irrelevancy again and again.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was that Atari console, obviously, back from the grave.

Adamrises 42 points ago +45 / -3

Women are women first, and everything else second. That is how it always is and will be.

Anyone retarded enough to fall for a "right wing woman" in any form is just a simp with slightly more political sense.

Adamrises 1 point ago +2 / -1

Only someone who believes in the justice system would and, since they already had the guy in custody, believed that it would be the proper way to let the story end.

Ironically, the Gary Plauche case is one of the few times the justice system did end up working, as he basically got a slap on the wrist for what he did.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

They can't ever do live action Antz because they'd have to cast at least 2 overtly, nearly racist Jewish caricatures to maintain the characters of the original and its a movie preaching about individualism against communism, which would be anathemic to the people who watch this slop/

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

He probably would have stayed under that label to most people, even on our side, if they hadn't gone after him so hard.

Like, him being right about a bunch of stuff he screams about isn't any more impressive than a Psychic who ends up right about a bunch of stuff.

But now they've taken something where I could just assume the discrepancies were them hiding poor performance (like Uvalde), and made me think its the heart of some real "Boys on the Tracks" level conspiracy.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

it certainly had some subversion that wasn't the main focus, wasn't constant, and was quickly forgettable.

I've always maintained that Supergiant is full of Leftists, not Wokies. So the subversive elements are them just writing what's normal to them without much of an agenda.

Its why they were caught offguard by the actual Wokie who voiced Dusa who threw a hissyfit about "power dynamics and rape" and got her entire Romance subplot cut from the game. Which is why we are only left with a Femdom and a Gay romance without a normal one to balance.

To a lot of people that's distinction without difference, but that's where my disagreement often lies.

I also actually liked bastions gameplay.

I do too, but without the writing and soundtrack I don't think it would have stood out to anyone. I played it through many times now and did all the "Dream" trials with all 10 idols, so I know how fun it can be once you dig into it.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah Bastion's gameplay was pretty forgettable, but it was passable enough to not be an active detriment while the voice acting (and soundtrack, which is unforgettable) carried it. The fact that it actively responds with different lines to different actions you take in real time is still a feat that isn't utilized much to this day.

Also, while its against the common opinion here, I don't think they are ultra-woke. They were always vaguely Left. Though it really comes down to if you allow for Left and Woke to not just be synonymous, but Woke being a form of Far Left nonsense.

Because otherwise they were Woke before Woke because Bastion is literally "racism bad" the entire game about how the evil Mediterranean looking whites are so racist against the pale Asian looking people they blow up the world by accident trying to genocide them. And Transistor is "democracy is bad" the game.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

With the way that it seems like every month they pull a new attack on him like locking him out of his business and trying to auction it from under him, I doubt he has had the time to sit and mount an appeal proper with his legal team while he flounders trying to just stay afloat.

Which is probably the point. Because the moment he mounts a counter like an appeal they know it stands a chance to all come crumbling down. So they want to spend his money and burn his company before he can and are keeping him running around while they do it.

Adamrises 32 points ago +32 / -0

I hate that it took me a moment to get it, because we live in a world where this is something that can be said 100% unironically by people who truly believe it.

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

Japan is the only nation that feels like an ally period.

I wouldn't send a dollar to any of our European "allies" if asked, because not one of them doesn't feel like an uppity parasite talking shit while only succeeding off our backing.

Adamrises -1 points ago +2 / -3

As much as people meme on Hades being woke with its gayness, Supergiant are incredibly good writers and have multiple games behind them to prove it. They had the narrator thing specifically down in their first game, Bastion, and its what made that otherwise forgettable action game great.

Between them and Darkest Dungeon, you can see a lot of less talented studios seeing how meme magic the narrators made those games and trying to ape it poorly.

My personal experience with it was a game called Iratus: Lord of the Dead. Which was an okay DD clone, but it leaned so hard trying to copy Wayne June with some other audiobook guy that it became obnoxious.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

emotional payoffs of previous episodes

You mean you didn't cry when after half a dozen seasons suddenly Fry loves him Mom so much that he is willing to destroy the earth to see her?!

You mean it didn't reach the top alongside the dog episode?!?!?!

Adamrises 16 points ago +16 / -0

Migrants are neither criminals nor innocent.

But they are a problem. One that the host country needs a solution to before accepting them in and letting them loose. Whether that is by having a long term plan to hold and then return them home, or having a system in place to acclimate them in.

Which is the issue most are failing to achieve.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I made an assumption there, but the seat of the county town is a population of 1200 itself. Its a dead county in all ways so even the sheriff of the whole county is overseeing less than most local police departments elsewhere.

But it being a female cop makes a lot of sense.

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