by folx
AccountWasFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

The more it fails, the more people will see "sexism" and "racism" truly are meaningless terms, especially when they find shows that they don't like being propped up by these lunatics and experiencing just how baseless it all is.

by folx
AccountWasFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

The medium got exactly what it deserves by pandering to losers. And it doubly got what it deserved by being an industry overrun by commies.

The audience deserves better. The "medium" (aka an abstract way to talk about the industry/creators) can burn.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'd still say Tarantino is over-rated, and potentially heading into hack status. It's not a matter of relativity. Tarantino is probably better than most other film makers, but that doesn't necessarily make him good, it just means he clears the bar that everyone else sets. The Rise of Skywalker was a better film than The Last Jedi, but that doesn't mean that TRoS was a good movie.

AccountWasFree 12 points ago +14 / -2

I struggle to think of any name in Hollywood that this doesn't apply to. They're pretty much all hacks at this stage (yes, even the ones that were once decent have lost their talent as time has gone on), and they pretty much all gloat about how much they hate the public. Hollywood has always been a gathering point for commies, and now is no different.

AccountWasFree 9 points ago +11 / -2

I disagree. There's plenty of that kind of shit in the gun community, it's just a little more tongue in cheek. But it's still there.

AccountWasFree 14 points ago +16 / -2

Far too few are truly ready to accept that the establishment are not their to protect them. It is about control and order. And frankly, so long as pedos don't threaten that, they're far down the list in terms of priorities.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +13 / -3

they're assholes who want to harass people

Counterpoint: pedos aren't people.

the only people they can get away with harassing is pedos.

SocJus suggests otherwise, considering how evil the straight white man is.

The problem isn't the pedo hunters. The problem is law enforcement not being able to use this evidence. The law is wrong, not the pedo hunters.

AccountWasFree -1 points ago +1 / -2

in TLA, Korra might be a different story

I'd argue she was one of the better characters in Korra, albeit a little on the comic relief side despite being a teacher role. But to be fair, that can sum up a lot of the characters of Korra and all its contrivances.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +3 / -2

The whole love interest thing. Jesus, that is so stupid. First of all, this person looks like a child. I just looked it up, she is motherfucking 12 years old in The Last Airbender

And on that note, she still did have somewhat romantic interests. It was a kids show, but it never went past the type of things that are essentially a schoolyard crush. Same thing happens with Aang and Katara. The idea that she "wasn't a love interest" isn't even accurate because it wasn't like she wasn't somewhat trying to be at times.

The reality is this loser almost definitely found ATLA through either the shitshow that was Korra or after the fact when it came to Netflix and the fandom got a massive boost. This person definitely jumped on the bandwagon after the fact, just like every other entryist.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +3 / -2

Stealing these responses to this bullshit from elsewhere:

If they wrote her today she would be an insufferable mary sue who would steamroll through the adventure with no help and would show up Aang at every given opportunity while also demeaning him and telling Aang to check his privilege.


Toph worked because she was flawed.

Extremely powerful, but also very alone

Able to see the world with her earthbending but Katara still had to remind her she was beautiful, because Toph had never seen her own face

She spends quite a bit of time unable to see, even with earth bending. She holds Sokkas arm on the boat in S3E4, when on ice in the Serpents Pass, and hanging off the airship in the finale (and more)

She’s extremely perceptive about everyone but herself, because her own internal trauma is too much for her to process without Katara calling her out for it

Toph is extremely powerful, and her mistakes, disability and flaws don’t negate that.

If Toph had been woke the narrative would have always supported her as justified and badass in her actions, and ATLA did anything but that.

These people have no idea what writing a compelling character entails, nor why people criticise the terrible writing out there.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +2 / -2

He's right and he should say it. The only green energy that matters is nuclear. It's the cleanest energy available and it's deliberately ignored because there's more money in fossil fuels and the failing (and therefore in need of continued replacements) "renewables".

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

I mean. I don't necessarily blame them considering how glamourous it's made out to be. It's the modern equivalent of wanting to be a movie star or singer, where you have this weird wealth and status about you for what is very little work. That doesn't make it good, but I can understand the naive, childish appeal to such a situation.

I'd also wonder what "social media influencer" covers. Is it just the weirdly cult-like social media circles like Instagram "famous", or is it stuff like streamers, YouTubers, political commentators, etc, etc, etc. Because the category could be broad, and the article does say things like Youtube. I don't think it's unreasonable to understand what the draw of this is. It's about the glamourous lifestyle at the end of the day, the same thing that in years gone past would draw kids to wanting to be or at least be like various celebrities.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

People really need to be looking at homeschooling their children not as an option but as something that simply needs to be done. I don't care if you think it isn't feasible, these are your children and it's your duty to raise them right. That doesn't mean pawning them off to some apathetic state stooge, it means giving a fuck and putting in the hard work to raise them right.

Be a part of your kids life, because if you're not, someone else will be and will influence them towards this degenerate shit.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +3 / -2

I'm happy to wait, it's the internet, not a live interaction. The search function is there, so I'm sure you'll be able to use keywords to find your evidence.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +3 / -3

Oh boy, you did a really good job with that strawman. Now find some people who really believe that.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +6 / -1

Only people who think Epic is way worse and don't want to even entertain the idea of letting them "break the monopoly."

Except they're not "breaking the monopoly", they're trying to replace it with something objectively worse. For as bad as Steam has become, I will still prefer it from those two options. Not supporting the objectively worse option is not excusing the failures of Steam. People really, really need to break out of this binary mindset where saying one thing is somehow part of what is ultimately a false dichotomy.

And frankly, there is no "good" options left outside of piracy. CDPR has rolled over a few times now, so they're not that much better than Valve except for the fact that GoG gives you DRM free products. Nobody is going to consider Origin, Microsoft Store, uPlay or any of the other AAA shitshow launchers (and for good reason). is a cesspool of pretentiousness and therefore woke assholes. So what's left after that?

This is part of the problem. Pretty much everyone already knows that Valve is shit (or at the very least for people dragging their feet on admitting it, heading in that direction). Even outside of the woke/political sphere, their business practices have objectively gotten less beneficial for the consumer over time. But without a viable alternative, it's ultimately pissing in the wind unless you're going to stand on a pro-piracy stance. And while I'm fine with that personally, there are plenty of people who won't make the jump to piracy, so it will never convince them.

I know and agree that the "muh valve is perfect" tends to be this strawman from Epic shills, but the asserted dichotomy that it's either Epic or Steam is so fucking annoying, and far too few want to acknowledge the strawmanning, false dichotomies, and binary thinking that's taking place in this situation.

AccountWasFree 24 points ago +25 / -1

Yeah, I don't quite know what would be a more laughable: Some min wage Disney stooge saying this and meaning it as a personal thing, or Morello being such an egotistical loser that he thinks a completely generic line with a sticker was personalised for him.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

Dunno who that was, don't care. They're probably still not one of us either. At least, not without clear indication and acknowledgement of how wrong they were, along with being open about the shit that goes on behind closed doors. But we both know that isn't happening. Because he isn't one of us, Ben is just fed up because he's on the out.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +8 / -1

I strongly believe that all entertainment and their direct tangential industries (like "journalism") is heavily disconnected from the real, normal world and that their complaints of shit like rape culture, harassment, and other similar shit is because for them it is actually normal, while the rest of the world looks on in horror.

Every time, these "whistleblowing" type stories tell about how this is all an open secret. About how everyone knows. It's all the same, their little bubble is a cesspool, and they project that degenerate filth on the rest of society, because they're that disconnected from normal people.

AccountWasFree 18 points ago +19 / -1

I don't accept him. He's a piece of shit that made his bed and only now when he gets frustrated has he decided to do even a remotely right thing, before deleting it all because he's a spineless turd.

Ben was fine with protecting the corrupt industry because exposing it all was too risky for himself. Now that he's on the out, it doesn't matter. He can go fuck himself.

AccountWasFree 12 points ago +13 / -1

I'm fine with exposing these NIMBY fucks. Let them deport them. Because we all know they don't want migrants in their areas, but they demand migrants everywhere else.

Ideally, yes, they should be deported. But the reality is that playing by the rules doesn't accomplish anything. So occasionally, you need to dump waste on their doorstep until they concede.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +7 / -1

You know what sucks? I wish that more people could adopt children. I really do. But when there's shit like this? Fuck, it's so hard to hold that stance against any scrutiny because of utter scum like this. Because these aren't isolated cases. That's the problem.

Orphaned/foster children need homes, but this shit makes it so much fucking harder.

AccountWasFree 16 points ago +17 / -1

Here's an archived article on the incident.

Here's that article not archived so you can watch the longer length video with the before and after.

Transcript and description of the footage, minus the video from OP (so basically from "I'm dead.... I'm dead" onwards):

[Store owner drags body round to the front of the shop nearish to the door]

Stabbed Guy: Please

[Store owner goes out back for a second (I think to grab his phone)]

Owner: Call 911.......... Call 911 (using Siri or something)

Stabbed Guy: Don't let me die, sir.

Phone: Calling Emergency Services

Stabbed Guy: I'm sorry. This wasn't my idea.

Owner, calmly but dismissively: Shut up.

Stabbed Guy: Please don't let me die.

Owner: [proceeds to talk to the emergency services]

The article quotes him as saying he just wanted the police and ambulance to arrive on time, but this guy had no respect for this piece of shit, and fucking good on him. The only thing I would say is that this is a good reason to have a firearm and to learn how to use it. Which is what is seems like he'll be doing. From the article:

Nguyen, who turns 23 on Saturday, said he is thankful that he survived the ordeal. He said the incident left him “shook” and he plans to look into arming himself with other weapons for protection.

“Small business owners like us, this is our livelihood,” Nguyen told The Post. “Not only are they threatening our lives, but our livelihood, so we have to stay vigilant.”

So not only do we have a case of a store owner defending his shop, but he also realises he got lucky and will therefore be looking to better defend his shop (most likely with a gun). The only thing that didn't work out was the other guy got away.

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