AccountWasFree 10 points ago +10 / -0

I think you're mistaking muting and blocking. Blocking is what prevents other users from interacting with them. Muting simply stops whoever is muting from seeing it, not everyone else.

So for example, if this were Twitter and you were to respond to me whilst I have you muted, I wouldn't see that response, but others would. If however I had blocked you, you would never even get the opportunity to respond in the first place. For a public space, mute is fine, and eliminates their ability to curate their responses.

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +11 / -0

It seems like the mute feature is still there, so people will still have control over their own feeds and what they personally see, but they will no longer get to curate who can and cannot interact with their content.

This seems like a far better thing than it seems, presuming it doesn't get fucked up somehow.

AccountWasFree 12 points ago +12 / -0

Doesn't Twitter also have the mute function, which acts the same as a block regarding you the user not seeing the response(s) but doesn't prevent the other user from interacting?

Personally, I kind of hope there remains a mute feature. I'm fine with individuals having the tools for their own side of things, but I HATE this rather modern idea of taking the other person's ability away to interact.

AccountWasFree 12 points ago +12 / -0

It utilises AI voice tech to replicate VAs of the original cast. Some VAs threw a shitfit over it and one, Grey DeLisle, wants to make sure the creator is blacklisted as a result.

Here's the previous thread (that I know of) that was posted in this sub with a little more info.

AccountWasFree 15 points ago +15 / -0

To be fair, it was also used for legitimate and serious cases of PTSD where a trigger could result in rather serious reactions, namely from things like war veterans that would enter into some form of aggressive mentality. What's important to note is that trigger warnings in this instance was less about avoiding the triggers, but more to ease a person into re-acclimatise to what is otherwise normal situations.

The idea of isolation from """triggers""" is actually counter-intuitive and results in worse situations, not improvement as they can never actually get used to normal life due to the constant avoidance of these otherwise normal circumstances.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

Interesting that we're focusing solely on the woodwork here and not the larger issue of you, like most I've found complaining about muh AI, turning a blind to the entire industrial process.

My point was that I doubt you're going Ted Kaczynski on us. You're willing to bitch that AI isn't CrEaTiVe, but you'll ignore the near death of entire professions that have taken place over your life.

Cry over all the lost horses because cars were invented while you're at it, because it's clear you're not interested in discussing the point that AI isn't as revolutionary as AI-critics are making it out to be. It's the status quo, and none of you gave half as much a shit about any of that than you do about white-collar side hustles losing their grift.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

The same thing was said of photoshop and digital art in general not 30 years ago. And prior to that, industrialisation in general. But I doubt you, or any of the AI critics, are actively eager to give up Ikea furniture for custom made pieces crafted by traditional artisans, and pay the appropriate prices for such a service and good.

The working class has faced their jobs being eradicated for decades, often to a lower but standardised quality, and very few people have given a fuck. Why should artists, the majority of which are side-hustles, get any special treatment for what has clearly been the status quo?

And I should note, I'm not some fan of AI art. If given the choice, I'd prefer artisans were the dominant market, and I've never really gone looking for AI art outside a couple of curiosities fairly early on. But artisans aren't the dominant market, and it's not been the status quo. The status quo has been to industrialise everything, and that includes the cushy white collar workers.

Oh, and before you bring up that things like Ikea and other non-artisan goods are completely different, let me quote you. "It doesn't enable creativity, it enables mimicry." These goods are not created. They're mimicked.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

This has always been the way that the state and their lackeys (namely media) push more and more state power. "Global Warming", "Covid", "Terrorism", etc, etc, etc. Fuck, does nobody remember Operation Northwoods for fucks sake? You think because JFK rejected them officially that such ideas also died officially?

The state uses their power to justify more state. Helping you is ALWAYS a very, VERY distant priority. And by priority, I mean entirely unintentional side-product unless it explicitly gives them more direct control (socialised healthcare for example is just another avenue of with-holding services for compliance, which is why they want as many people reliant upon it as possible).

This is the status quo, and has been going on like this for, most likely, longer than you were born.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good thing I downloaded it ASAP. Sure would be a shame if others posted it around a whole bunch.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

It seems like there's talks about trying to get new moderators (plural) that the community at large support. Give it a bit of time for that to get sorted and try messaging them, I'm sure they'll understand.

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +11 / -0

He definitely was. CSO was the original moderator and after getting criticised for constant targetting of some topics but not others, he threw a tantrum and ended up making one of the most hated users across this site a mod. Basically a "fuck this, I'm burning the house down on the way out because I can't have my way!".

Top tier childish behaviour. But then again, jannies gonna janny.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

Because Queen absolutely had moments that dipped a toe into the mix that would be metal. Razorfist, as divisive as he can sometimes be here, does a pretty good job with his Music Mythos videos, and his Queen video is no different. Queen strived to go everywhere, and do it well.

As for why this song in particular hits notes of feeling like metal, it's probably because of thematic elements to a certain extent due to Power Metal often having those fantasy themes they play into that leads into Metal that isn't as heavy as other metal sub-genres, so it makes sense this would be a track that would bridge that gap a little.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

And I believe that a significant portion of those freaks have deep seated attention issues and believe that being a woman will lead to more attention, especially when their main expose to femininity is through that of their porn addiction. When all you see is the worship of women and their gratification, what do you think those that are starved for attention will associate with what gets attention? And yeah, of course they're predatory. They're seeking attention and while they might not be consciously aware of it, they believe they're closer to it and just need to go that step further to get it, even more so when they've done so much work to get to where they are, so clearly they must be entitled to that attention, through any means necessary.

I'm not trying to absolve these people of their actions. Regardless of motivation, regardless of mental illness, their actions are still horrifying, both to others and themselves. I feel sorry for them, but I don't excuse them, much like I feel sorry for abuse survivors, but don't excuse them when they often end up perpetuating abuse themselves. It's ultimately acknowledging the tragedy of the situation, because nobody is winning there. It's all just ugliness through and through.

AccountWasFree 12 points ago +12 / -0

I firmly believe that it's at least in part due to a cry for attention not being met, which is also why there's more trans "women" than there are trans "men", it's almost entirely mentally ill men that are desperate for attention and see women getting attention all the time, and to top it off most of them are porn addicted losers that ended up that way due to their isolation and depression.

To a certain extent, I feel sorry for their circumstances that lead to that. Doesn't change that most of them are horrifying and abusive people though.

I don't think there's one unifying cause, but it's certainly all interconnected and a pretty clear trend.

AccountWasFree 12 points ago +12 / -0

Except Fallout has an alternate history. The point is that society culturally stagnated around the 50s, meaning that even Boston wouldn't have been like it is today. Not like the South, since it's still very much a northern state, but it was still the attitude of the 50s.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

Or Quinn. I know that (at least for the second addition or one of the expansions, I can't specifically remember), she wrote one of the scenarios for Betrayal At House On The Hill.

But yeah, 99% of board games are going to matter more about who you're playing with than the game itself since most of the woke stuff might be some set-dressing at most (eg, a diverse display of characters, but that's about it, aesthetic and nothing more). And that other 1% are, generally, pretty blatant about being woke trash.

Also for OPs consideration, if you're ever unsure about a game, Tabletop Simulator has a massive workshop filled with games. While many are a little clunky in Tabletop Sim, it can give you an opportunity to try a game first. Some studios even put their demo's on there for you to try before you buy. Obviously, not everything will be there, but there is a decent amount, some of which are entirely scripted meaning there's very little work for you to do with moving parts around.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

The very spineless kind, since they refuse to actually say which to avoid getting proven they're full of shit.

AccountWasFree 19 points ago +19 / -0

Plus look at all the unpopulated, barren land we could store the waste in.

Modern design reactors have very little nuclear waste compared to those built in the early 70s (and with designs from the 60s), and on top of that there are also nuclear waste burners that can be used to further use up that waste. This was even known about 50+ years ago but was deemed too expensive when compared to how easy and affordable it would be to simply mine new nuclear materials.

Nuclear isn't just the better solution, it's by far the most advanced in their solutions as well. Even coal produces more nuclear waste per kW produced than nuclear due to radioactive elements that are released as part of coal burning. Holding back nuclear is one of the best examples of the state maintaining problems so they can pretend to provide a solution that, as per usual, "requires" giving the state more power.

Funny how it always works out that way.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

In that traditional role, men are also entirely expected to be the sole provider. That is, they are expected to do proper, paid labour for the sole benefit of the household.

And contrary to Feminists, most women don't want to swap those roles, because continual housework is far easier than providing.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's a near 100% chance you're completely fine with censorship when it's Your Side™ engaging with it. Case in point, you're practically begging for censorship right now because "wah, I don't like Christianity".

You are as much someone I oppose as any other nanny state fuckwit. Even now you beg for another to solve your problems for you. You hold all the power to stop seeing this content. Hold all the power to have the experience you want. But instead, you choose to shit your pants over it and demand everyone else change to your sensibilities. Gee, I wonder who else behaves like that?

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's always just about power. The busybodies in power didn't really care, other than they could seize the opportunity to put the federal government in charge of what goes in front of people's eyeballs.

And it should be explicitly stated that the vast, vast majority of politicians of any label are this way. Plenty of Republicans pay lip-service to "small" government, but how many truly follow through when they hold all the power? How many really make any progress? Actions speak far louder than words, and the reality is that Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) are not the exception like the term implies.

Expansion of state power has always been a bi-partisan goal, with each "side" believing that eventually they will be the one in control to use that power For The Greater Good™. Shockingly, it never really turns out that way, does it? Maybe doing the same thing over and over and over isn't the solution?

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

with no OSHA violations

Yeah, it sure is great she followed rules intended to protect the company and not the workers! I'm sure that like Rosie the Riveter she'll be at that job for another 10 years with absolutely no serious injuries to her at all.

This woman is a fucking gold-mine for a physiotherapist.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Complaining we don't live in an anarchist utopia

You're right. If only we just voooooted in the right people with the right ideals at the right time with the right morals and the right background and the right.......

Sorry, but the idea that anarchy is a utopian ideal is a projection. Anarchy posits that you should solve your problems, not that problems won't exist. But please, tell me when the state will solve the problems it explicitly helps maintain?

AccountWasFree 26 points ago +26 / -0

Contrary to modern revisionism from game journos, the censorship of the gaming prior and up to the end of the Thompson era was an overwhelmingly bi-partisan movement. For fucks sake, anyone need only look to Hillary Clinton and her now infamous "violent video games are like lead poisoning" speech.

Censorship in the past 70 or so years has overwhelmingly been a bi-partisan point in America, and never let the revisionists tell you otherwise.

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