Basically, the days of the talented industry workers is gone. It’s copy paste graphics engines with copy paste gameplay mechanics and copy paste music, meanwhile the writing is, well, original, but in the worst possible way.
As another commenter pointed out, this is outdated by about 12 - 15 years. AAA studios don't look like this anymore.
The "lead programmer" is now some 20/30-something skiddie who can barely remember a time before Unity and Unreal Engine. Look at Grove Street Games, for instance. Not one of them had more than 5 years' experience in the industry, and yet they were entrusted with the remastering of an all-time classic trilogy.
Most 2D artists can hardly draw, making simplistic, single-shaded sprites that even an artist from the era of the Atari 2600 could have bested. 3D modellers are rapidly disappearing in favor of those who scan from real life or take shit out of a stock library without optimizing it like the infamous burger model from Cyberpunk 2077. Texture creation is also similarly awful these days - again, look at the "Definitive" GTA releases and see how shit some of the pajeet-created textures were, taking the originals and OCR'ing some hilariously incorrect text onto them.
Composers? Minecraft used to have C418. Now they have Lena Raine.
It's all gay and retarded now, from top to bottom. A fag writer and DEI consultants can only ruin a good game by so much. The rot has to come from elsewhere in the development.
lets be honest even the old vets like c418 are woke as hell to like c418 just finished work on that massive woke failure Wanderstop that didnt even reach 2k peak players
Eh, I blame most departments of modern western gaming for being shit.
Games are often unoptimized, ugly, unfinished, buggy, terribly written, egregiously overmonetized, and I can't remember the last time I cared about an OST from a modern western game (aside from a few indies maybe).
Also doesn't get into poor game design, which isn't talked about much but I feel is one of the most important aspects of why games increasingly suck these days. Any aspect of the game should never (or very rarely) come at the expense of fun.
They're ALL gay. And none of them are this talented. The programmer only knows how to kind of work with Unreal because that's what he was taught in college for his shitty game design major. The artist is just putting in resources from the asset pack he ordered, and/or is deliberately making every character look ugly and flamboyant, especially those that were made by scanning and motion-capturing the actors. And the composer...well, is every bit as pretentious as this tranny faggot here, who counts his diploma as one of his "rewards."
This except the programmer retired 15 years ago and they're still coasting on his solo-developed tool chain full of temporary fixes, the artist is 100 pajeets on fiver and the composer plagiarized their whole portfolio.
Funnily enough, as much as I like great graphics, it's the writing and the story that makes the game. You're not going to play a game to look at pretty mountains... well, not for long.
I wish there was only one problem.
It's more like the last panel 4X, with slight variations, nowadays.
"I'm the programmer, I can use Unreal...sort of...I'm gay."
"I'm the artist, I do art, but my real passion is gay furries. I'm trans."
"I'm the composer. I'm nonbinary."
"I'm the writer...*drools and spaces out*...what was I saying? Oh, I'm gay and neurodivergent."
Basically, the days of the talented industry workers is gone. It’s copy paste graphics engines with copy paste gameplay mechanics and copy paste music, meanwhile the writing is, well, original, but in the worst possible way.
"I'm the programmer. I pretend to be gay for the extra $50k a year and all the bullshit I can get away with in the office."
"I'm the programmer. I pretend to be a gay/woman because otherwise my job application is immediately trashbinned by HR."
As another commenter pointed out, this is outdated by about 12 - 15 years. AAA studios don't look like this anymore.
The "lead programmer" is now some 20/30-something skiddie who can barely remember a time before Unity and Unreal Engine. Look at Grove Street Games, for instance. Not one of them had more than 5 years' experience in the industry, and yet they were entrusted with the remastering of an all-time classic trilogy.
Most 2D artists can hardly draw, making simplistic, single-shaded sprites that even an artist from the era of the Atari 2600 could have bested. 3D modellers are rapidly disappearing in favor of those who scan from real life or take shit out of a stock library without optimizing it like the infamous burger model from Cyberpunk 2077. Texture creation is also similarly awful these days - again, look at the "Definitive" GTA releases and see how shit some of the pajeet-created textures were, taking the originals and OCR'ing some hilariously incorrect text onto them.
Composers? Minecraft used to have C418. Now they have Lena Raine.
It's all gay and retarded now, from top to bottom. A fag writer and DEI consultants can only ruin a good game by so much. The rot has to come from elsewhere in the development.
lets be honest even the old vets like c418 are woke as hell to like c418 just finished work on that massive woke failure Wanderstop that didnt even reach 2k peak players
Eh, I blame most departments of modern western gaming for being shit.
Games are often unoptimized, ugly, unfinished, buggy, terribly written, egregiously overmonetized, and I can't remember the last time I cared about an OST from a modern western game (aside from a few indies maybe).
Also doesn't get into poor game design, which isn't talked about much but I feel is one of the most important aspects of why games increasingly suck these days. Any aspect of the game should never (or very rarely) come at the expense of fun.
They're ALL gay. And none of them are this talented. The programmer only knows how to kind of work with Unreal because that's what he was taught in college for his shitty game design major. The artist is just putting in resources from the asset pack he ordered, and/or is deliberately making every character look ugly and flamboyant, especially those that were made by scanning and motion-capturing the actors. And the composer...well, is every bit as pretentious as this tranny faggot here, who counts his diploma as one of his "rewards."
sad thing is if they used asset stores, the models might actually look decent...especially some of the Daz stuff.
This except the programmer retired 15 years ago and they're still coasting on his solo-developed tool chain full of temporary fixes, the artist is 100 pajeets on fiver and the composer plagiarized their whole portfolio.
In reality both the coder and the designer are jeets because budget cuts and (((Diversity quota)))
At least that was Bioware and most other studios when it was 2010. The whole staff is different now in every game studio.
I'm the artist.. beep boop. (AI joke)
Funnily enough, as much as I like great graphics, it's the writing and the story that makes the game. You're not going to play a game to look at pretty mountains... well, not for long.
I play a game for the gameplay.
Whoa, whoa, whoa...
I’m literally shaking rn fr from such hate speech.
Do you even KNOW how HARD it is to foam milk properly?! YOU CANT TAKE THIS JOB FROM ME! IM GAYYYYY!
admires the "mountains" in Senran Kagura and Dead or Alive