- The developed world is suffering from hoeflation.
- "Hoeflation" is a phenomenon of inflation of the perceived value of women. So a 6 thinks she's a 10 and a 4 thinks she's a 7. Women then believe 80% of men are beneath them and sleep with manwhore 10s instead of forming relationships. There are many causes of this, such as feminism, DEI, propaganda, etc, but what I want to focus on is sexual attention on social media.
- Women use social media to reap vast amounts of attention from peers, teenagers, horny older men, Indians, and other strangers by posting pictures of themselves looking cute or sexy and occasionally adding a pretension of substance. They wouldn't appreciate some of those people complimenting them in real life, but on social media everything is reduced to a 1-way exchange facilitated by a like button. Number go up, woman happy, woman believes she is popular, hoeflation. There is a continuum of this behavior running from relatively innocent selfies on private IG all the way to multimillion dollar Onlyfans hoes.
- Cosplay is a ripe source of attention farming. Jessica Nigri built an entire career off hot cosplay in a comparatively more difficult pre-OF, pre-Twitch environment, and cosplay is key to the brand of Twitch thots like Amouranth and SSSniperwolf. The ROI is actually far superior to normal internet whoring because "geeky" or "nerdy" activities add that previously mentioned pretension of substance, which fosters a parasocial connection to the audience and a patina of respectability due to the "creativity" and "artistry" involved. Cosplay also comes with a ready-made target demographic of millions of male fans of X property who click on portrayals of their favorite waifus in an instant.
- Waifus and fanservice make cosplay whoring possible. This has overrun nerdy communities, created untold numbers of simps and OF subscribers, groomed children, funneled small fortunes to whores, and built inroads of female influence and control into male-dominated properties.
It seems clear that cosplay hoes are toxic to their environment, and I doubt anyone would argue otherwise. This much is uncontroversial. I doubt anyone here would bravely defend SSSniperwolf farming money from 2B cosplay. This then leads to a very interesting dilemma: is it a coherent position to oppose sexy cosplay, which is basically real-life fanservice, but embrace fanservice itself?
One might argue that is possible - that guys can demand slutty video game and anime characters while discouraging any real women from dressing up like them. Or, to wit, 2D > 3D. This is so farcical I don't really need to respond to it. If you have characters like this, you get characters like this.
This is a fascinating issue because it sits at the perfect intersection of male and female agency. Unlike OF porn chat-on-demand, it's not blatantly predatory on men. Women are simply responding to male desire in fandoms. And yet, despite the simple transactional exchange, it's poisoning both sides.
Another interesting point is that almost every attractive female character has some slutty cosplay out there, regardless of how modestly they present in their story. It is inevitable at a certain level of character popularity that some whore is going to do a boudoir image set on Patreon. However, the tone of the cosplay has a direct relationship to the amount of fanservice in the original property, so for example most Katara cosplay is respectful to her design. There is also a correlation with the level of substance or development in the story.
This post is already getting long and it's just brushing the surface of the topic, so I won't get into possible solutions. Ultimately, I think there is a substantial controversy underlying Melonie Mac's recent criticism of butt jiggle animations that is not going away.
Do you control the waifu or does the waifu control you?
You're actually over complicating it when hoe inflation comes from two things working together: feminism and the porn industry.
There are LOTS of jobs attractive women ENJOY doing where their job is to be there being pretty at face value like sport walk on girls (grid girls, ring girls, darts etc) not just for the attention but they enjoy the sport/hobby they are involved in too.
Now feminists HATE this as most of them are bitter they are not as attractive women and the porn industry would love to exploit attractive women so the feminists undermined these jobs to get rid of them under the guise of sexism and I can't tell you how SO many cosplayers are targeted by Onlyfans if they get enough attention.
Focusing on fanservice and cosplay is a red herring as you need to see the ones that would prefer these women to hoe themselves out and ruin themselves as I'll be honest, I think guys prefer just accurate cosplay than overly slutty, it's kind of over saturated to the point that it's less having an affect on men anymore.
"Hoeflation" also comes from one other somewhat intrinsic element.
On average, guys are "probably" more likely to lower their standards on a woman's looks when a woman puts sex on the table. (Also depending on her approach and other variables besides appearance.)
The inverse is not as likely to work. If a man puts sex on the table he almost has to have good looks, charm, or a certain emotional appeal in order for it to not have a negative impact on his chances.
Which admittedly makes sense from both an evolutionary and logical standpoint when you factor out a lot of the modern hubbub.
That's an interesting point, so let's say you take Onlyfans out of it. You can still be a Twitch thot with subs and a Patreon pulling in $$$ and simps. You're still caustic to your fandom, video games, and everything else you touch.
There are girls out there who just enjoy moonlighting as booth babes for a few bucks, but there are also girls like Jessica Nigri who want to make way more. The porn industry didn't force her to do anything.
They'll exist ANYWHERE like you have the girls in those hostess bars that'll ONLY drink and be company for the patrons there and the you have the odd one that'll slip a patron their number to earn more money on the side.
The problem is how pervasive the porn industry has become particularly in the west. We got girls doing videos walking in public streets with their faces covered in cum. We have a serious problem of a generation indoctrinated with low public standards especially towards sex but the funny thing is, they AREN'T the biggest money makers INDIVIDUALLY on platforms like Twitch, they still get beaten out by guys like Asmon and Vtubers.
It's push to indoctrinate that the way to earn big money as an attractive woman is to sell your body and the slutty side of cosplay is just an offshoot of that.
You're focusing on porn again. The reality is, porn doesn't need to be involved for simping to degrade everything. Pokimane has never done porn.
I thought we were talking about hoe inflation here?
If we're talking about simping, that's easier to explain. Modern dating especially in the west sucks. All the places where decades ago were good places to start a relationship (work, hobbies, church, social places like bars etc) have been torn down and ruined by both feminists and establishment that would rather men not have the strength to fight them as they go more authoritarian.
That leaves guys a lot more insular so they seek something that they can come to in terms of contact and one of those sadly is simping for these online women who put up an illusion of closeness.
It's really sad and pathetic, I'd be better if they just gamed as at least they'd be training their motor responses.
Yes we are - what exactly do you think that means? Everything that gives women mass sexual attention contributes to hoeflation.
Yes, and the point that I'm making is that the waifu industrial complex feeds into both male and female sides of this mentality. On the male side, it's comfort food that encourages thottery. On the female side, it's potential income that also encourages thottery.
Really the only reason to encourage games like Stellar Blade is to self-medicate, but in doing so aren't you making the problem worse? What do you say to a hot chick who wants to make $$ doing cosplay of Eve? "Don't do it, that outfit is restricted to computers only!"
Women will be whores if they don't get bullied for being whores.
Anime waifus aren't really a factor in that equation. You just want to be the fun police and not address the actual problem of needing to be mean to women.
OK, let me game that out. How are you going to bully a girl that wants to make money cosplaying as Ryuko Matoi?
"I love this character with massive underboob and a microskirt but if you dress up like her you're a whore and helping to destroy society"
Which is why the bullying has traditionally been handled by other women.
I don't know how you put the genie back in the bottle, but the options are that or complete societal collapse.
Would those women also love Ryuko Matoi's microskirt or would they be bullying you to stop watching Kill la Kill as well?
Let's face it, culture used to have standards and now those standards are in the basement. If you want it to turn around, some of those standards have to come up as well.
You're probably on to something there. I agree with Mongoose that bullying needs to come back. But it's not a precise tool and certain male areas will likely fall in the crosshairs, too.
Getting women back under control will have unforseen costs. If one was making nerdy things unpopular again, I'd still be willing to pay that, but I could see it making men flinch. Especially younger nerds who didn't grow up with a stigma.
It doesn't matter. They would just use some other piece of culture like skimpy American flag bikinis. If you have any culture or history at all, someone is exploiting it and mixing with sex to make money.
Eliminating whoredom is a different subject. This is about whether you should encourage it in your own backyard.
Guy, shame simps. As soon as simps stop giving hoes money and attention, they will move on.
Instead of trying to make women flashing their snaches more rare and valuable, remove the incentives.
Bros don't let bros simp for hoes. Shame those guys. Tell him to be honest with himself and rent an actual whore.
Are you going to complain about female characters in maid outfits in anime just because there's a section of weird guys in real life who like to cosplay in maid outfits? the anime was not the problem, the maid outfits are fairly conservative looking and it wasn't male characters in the anime that wore maid outfits. And yet there are guys in real life who want to cosplay in those maid outfits. You wouldn't blame the anime for that would you? if people want to be degenerate with their cosplays they will do it regardless of what you do.
I guess the question to that is, are you going to complain about whores on social media?
edit: since this post has more substance now, ask whether you can blame SSSniperwolf for this. Or how much blame Amouranth deserves for this.
Hoes will be hoes, regardless of if they dress up like any particular characters.
And yet, cosplay hoes are uniquely damaging to anime and video game fandoms and nerd culture in general.
yes and my answer to that is stop giving them money. They do what they do cause they get money out of it .
Problem: fandoms of the original shows/games are not going to stop giving these people money.
The way i see it a lot of those thots that specifically look for characters to cosplay that has the most fanservice, were 100% going to end up on Only Fans otherwise so at least going the cosplay route instead makes their BS a bit more elegant rather than trashy
Probably so, but now you have people like Amouranth going to your conventions and other fan events, judging contests, and invited for voice roles and community spotlights.
unfortunately when anything gets popular, the thots want to get involved cause they like attention, even if they aren't actually fans of the media itself
Yeah but... why shouldn't thots want to dress up like characters who dress like thots themselves?
Is this way out of line or is it in keeping with the spirit of Nier?
Also here's a cosplay of Elsa who in the movie was completely covered up but in the cosplay they decide to make a bikini version of her dress. https://au.pinterest.com/pin/848928598492400157/
This. Attention whores will slut up any costume because it is a way to get attention. That's kind of their thing. It doesn't matter how tame or depraved the source material is.
Bible Black school uniform cosplay shows less skin than that Elsa.
I would suggest reading this part of the post.
There was like zero fanservice in Frozen so your logic doesn't work
Try reading the paragraph again. I'll bold the relevant part for you.
So your solution is what, remove all women from fiction? Make them super ugly?
You're going full Imp. Never go full Imp.
I see this as tension between substance and exploitation rather than beauty vs. ugliness or strictly conservatism vs. liberalism. Obviously no consensus is going to be achieved on how much skin you can show before you're a whore. But eroticism for its own sake has crept far enough that there are properties that make it the major selling point. At the very least I would like to see a return to stories where attractive characters serve a real purpose, since that usually moderates exploitative tendencies.
Stockings too short. Shoes not even close. Sword borrowed from an Overwatch Genji.
When you go to twitter or kiwifarms that has gender problem threads, those femcels won't ever hold any accountability and they will blame chads. This isn't going to get fixed any time soon as long as there are too many thirsty simps and narcissistic women. If the real life relationship doesn't get fixed, men will turn to fanservice waiifus, and real life thots will try to cosplay to attract the simps. It's a vicious cycle.
I think is a cultural difference. Japanese guys see a gravure cosplayer and they think she's good at gravure cosplay. Western men see a thot cosplayer and they fool themselves into thinking she's funny and talented, while denying she's a thot
That's untrue. MLP, an IP for little girls spawned an insurmountable amount of thotplayers just because men like the horse's personalities.
Also, katara? bitch, please. Look at Ty Lee's and Azula's cosplay
That's a good point, but didn't MLP cater to the adult fans as well?
Eh I don't know, besides a couple porn cosplayers on X it didn't seem that bad. The worst thing I saw was a possible tranny, which was disrespectful
Not really.
E-thots are an emulation - a frail copy that can only mimick a fraction of the power of the fanservice waifu. (see the dumbass crying about fucking 100 dudes when an anime girl can do all that, shrug and go do her next scene)
And they do it for attention and money.
The difference is that the fanservice waifu doesn't demand things from you. She's all pixels.
In the rare instance that a 3D wants to cosplay not for extorting others, then thats fine.