I'm going to assume the target of the change is either sex (no longer mandating unisex facilities) or national origin (allowing sensitive contractors to refuse to hire people from untrustworthy countries like China).
Niggers are absolute monsters against their own kind if they catch a hint of someone "acting white." Which always means trying to improve themselves through legitimate means, studying, being polite, etc. You know, basic societal expectations of decency.
Its one of the reasons why they have such a uniformity in their culture. Because they will ruthlessly destroy anything that doesn't conform to their "ghetto ideals" and send those guys either running to white communities or break them into submission.
Its something that can dredge up a lot of empathy for the ones who do try to make it, but unfortunately too many of them who escape still turn around and shill Woke, Progressive politics that enforce that lifestyle.
California tried to pass the same basic policy, and I promise you, it wasn’t because they’re “super based”. They weren’t trying to bring back 1950’s America. They just wanted to legally discriminate against Whites, since Jews and non-Whites already control everything there, and they’re already discriminating against Whites all over the California, but if we can prove it, we can sue….and that scares them.
It's just removing redundant language from forms, they're not rolling back desegregation and anybody acting like they are is either retarded, or more likely malicious.
Seems like a good thing until you realize Whites have almost no institutional power anymore. Literally the only demographic facing discrimination nowadays is the White demographic. Honestly, Whites are at a point where it’s better that we retain the ability to sue major corporations, banks and colleges for discriminating against us. It’s better that federal contractors be forced to hire us, because jews and their minority pets control so much shit, they would lock us out of the economy completely if they could do so legally, which is why California tried to legalize discrimination just a few years ago. The anti-Whites are still in control so this executive order basically legalizes their discriminatory practices against us.
Entry #645757456 of "If only Trump was half as based as the left thinks he is."
The left has been championing "affinity spaces" for POCs. Now they can have their little affinity spaces.
This (AIDs) Water fountain is LGBTQ only.
Going out on a limb and guessing this is misleading
(not that I'd be against it if it were 100% accurate)
I'm going to assume the target of the change is either sex (no longer mandating unisex facilities) or national origin (allowing sensitive contractors to refuse to hire people from untrustworthy countries like China).
It's already banned by federal law, so the requirements for contractors are just redundant virtue signalling.
But the left is mad that he's removing the redundant virtue signalling.
The left: "See, he'll ban blacks from being in the same places as everyone else"
How I think it'll actually be utilised: No mentally ill (cough trans) near ANYONE they could endanger.
Good. I don't want feral subhumans to be part of everyday life in America. Keep them away from civilized populations.
Any law that forces association is unjust. If abolishing a law suddenly means no one wants to be around blacks, maybe blacks should figure it out.
I'm friends with a black guy that reluctantly agrees with that.
He once told me he was bullied in school for studying.
If only more black people were like him.
Niggers are absolute monsters against their own kind if they catch a hint of someone "acting white." Which always means trying to improve themselves through legitimate means, studying, being polite, etc. You know, basic societal expectations of decency.
Its one of the reasons why they have such a uniformity in their culture. Because they will ruthlessly destroy anything that doesn't conform to their "ghetto ideals" and send those guys either running to white communities or break them into submission.
Its something that can dredge up a lot of empathy for the ones who do try to make it, but unfortunately too many of them who escape still turn around and shill Woke, Progressive politics that enforce that lifestyle.
something tells me this is bullshit, and not just because it's a JPEG post
California tried to pass the same basic policy, and I promise you, it wasn’t because they’re “super based”. They weren’t trying to bring back 1950’s America. They just wanted to legally discriminate against Whites, since Jews and non-Whites already control everything there, and they’re already discriminating against Whites all over the California, but if we can prove it, we can sue….and that scares them.
Even if this were accurate, the various Civil Rights acts would still be in place requiring integration.
This guy is legitimately brain damaged.
This is that lefty malicious over compliance, related: https://kotakuinaction2.win/p/19AKmLu1NB/x/c/4ZJ39b498KY?d=50
It's just removing redundant language from forms, they're not rolling back desegregation and anybody acting like they are is either retarded, or more likely malicious.
That's my president! I'm so glad we finally have a president based enough to inform that.
I wish the Trump that existed in their collective brain existed in real life.
Seems like a good thing until you realize Whites have almost no institutional power anymore. Literally the only demographic facing discrimination nowadays is the White demographic. Honestly, Whites are at a point where it’s better that we retain the ability to sue major corporations, banks and colleges for discriminating against us. It’s better that federal contractors be forced to hire us, because jews and their minority pets control so much shit, they would lock us out of the economy completely if they could do so legally, which is why California tried to legalize discrimination just a few years ago. The anti-Whites are still in control so this executive order basically legalizes their discriminatory practices against us.
the “I fell for it again award” goes to a lot of people in this group I see.