Most people have it. It's called "mob mentality", and is a well-established phenomenon in human sociology. Only the truly maverick or outcasted tend to have overlap with seemingly being unaffected, and even then, it's usually simply that they're too distanced from the concept of it to be impacted, not that they're immune. The people in the Floyd riots? The people in the Syrian protests? The people in the American Revolution? The people in the French Revolution? All of them in mob mentalities, and a wide array of backgrounds.
Wait wait wait... crucified Christ?
A certain kind of people who did this?
Romans. At the demand of another kind of people.
They also starved, tortured and executed some 20-40 million White European Christians over the course of the 20th century.
Then the owners of the history book monopoly called the perpetrators the victims.
And you'll never guess what they have in common.
Burning witches is a good thing
Well, they think they're witches...
They’re right.
So do I.
Abhor the witch. Destroy the witch. Suffer not the Unclean to live.
More proof progressivism is just a secular religion and conservatism is their satan
Where were these Republicans when the pedos got a hold of education, health and security agencies? /s
Most people have it. It's called "mob mentality", and is a well-established phenomenon in human sociology. Only the truly maverick or outcasted tend to have overlap with seemingly being unaffected, and even then, it's usually simply that they're too distanced from the concept of it to be impacted, not that they're immune. The people in the Floyd riots? The people in the Syrian protests? The people in the American Revolution? The people in the French Revolution? All of them in mob mentalities, and a wide array of backgrounds.
This is the kind of insight you need to prevent yourself from falling into a mob mentality, except when it's called for.
Lynda Is A Bitch
And an ignorant cunt too.
In other words: a prototypical leftist.
"Lynda" has had eight boosters, guaranteed.
...i'd love to see what her position on the covid policies were...
obligatory 'toss