You’re right. Bishop is too ambiguous. The black is now called “his All-Holiness, the Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome, and Ecumenical Patriarch" and the white one is called “Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of the Servants of God”.
To which people extrapolated:
You have to say the whole thing whenever you move the piece.
Of course. A pawn is taken away every time you forget/mess up the order of words
You have to say the whole thing whenever you move the piece.
I demand the White King be renamed after Settra, the King of Kings, and we follow up with the loss of pieces if you mess it up:
Settra the Great King, the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer off Reddittras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Wakers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God's Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek's Lands, Breaker of Djaf's Bonds
Actually, I think the proper ending would be an ellipsis. Settra's complete list of titles is never given in full in the source material, and is supposed to take somewhere around two hours to recite.
Cardinal. Friar. Monseigneur. Deacon. Abbot. Prior. Vicar.
Conquistador. Templar. Crusader. Inquisitor or stick with Bishop.
inquisitor would go insanely hard
Inquisitor takes the black knight on g5, checkmate heretic!
Also, someone called the first tweet poster a bigot. LOL. Amazing. Gotta love these weirdos.
EDIT: For the record, they did the same thing with the Rook. I do think this is just meme posting and engagement farming, not necessarily malicious action. The arguments it stirred up is funny, though.
I miss Imp Classic, where he only sperged out about women. He even often had a point, he just always extrapolated too far and got lost in the noise of Global Female Conspiracy and complete male genocide insanity.
New Imp is disappointing on all levels, and is more retarded and less insightful.
It's always hilarious to see someone who claims to be anti-feminist rushing to defend a matriarchal culture.
About sums it up.
Imp should just stay in his lane and hate women. Instead he hates whites and Christians, calls everyone Nazis, and shills for Israel. The ardent Jew/Israel defense is just an insane cherry on top of the insane pie. It was easier to respect him when he had one obsession. I think October 7th broke him.
You are letting your past prejudices sway your current judgements. Ask yourself this, if it was someone else posting as he does now, someone without the rose tinted glasses shine, someone repeatedly derailing and disrupting each and every thread he posted in, someone who is almost universally despised by everyone he interacts with and only briefly tolerated by the remaining few because they have neither known him long enough to see just how deranged he is or consequently been accused as working against him for utterly demented and non existent reasons.
If this was someone you never knew then you would very likely treat him as the disruptive, derisive, and devisive presence he is.
You're letting the tip of the spear slide because it used to aim at others.
I had blocked him years ago, so opening that post in a private tab to see what he's saying and yeah, it's like night and day compared to how he used to be.
i mean, it used to be called " the elephant" and most Europeans of the time were like "what's an elephant?". so they localized it to something everyone could relate to. now that most of Europe isnt really sure what a bishop is, maybe its time to rename again. call it "the tranny", or something...
From the comments:
To which people extrapolated:
I demand the White King be renamed after Settra, the King of Kings, and we follow up with the loss of pieces if you mess it up:
No full stop at the end, lose a pawn u/Adamrises/.
As the other guy said, it ends with:
So there is no actual full stop to be had because we don't know the entire list.
Actually, I think the proper ending would be an ellipsis. Settra's complete list of titles is never given in full in the source material, and is supposed to take somewhere around two hours to recite.
By ze Lady, no! That calls for another Errantry War into Araby!
if this were a rule in TOW I might actually play it.
You can have the black king.
The Black would have to be Arkhan the Black. You know, the Liche King mentioned right there in the titles as Settra having tamed already.
I was more trying to make a joke about u being a pagan nigger but sure lol
Went right over my head, shows how little I know about pagans.
Oh are you not one?
Not in the slightest, I went to regular old church this morning.
That's gotta be a meme post, right? They're not actually trying to rename the Bishop, right?
Also, best answer:
Also, someone called the first tweet poster a bigot. LOL. Amazing. Gotta love these weirdos.
EDIT: For the record, they did the same thing with the Rook. I do think this is just meme posting and engagement farming, not necessarily malicious action. The arguments it stirred up is funny, though.
Call them the Tower, so you can link people to "Bobby Fischer Twin Towers Attack"
Jews playing their tricks. Degrade Christianity, whites, and western civilization but then claim it was 'just a joke' when they catch flak.
Rename it roman emperor hadrian
The timing of this with Lent is deliberate.
Over on c/funny, our friend the Imp, is causing quite the stir with this topic
The thread, for those curious.
I miss Imp Classic, where he only sperged out about women. He even often had a point, he just always extrapolated too far and got lost in the noise of Global Female Conspiracy and complete male genocide insanity.
New Imp is disappointing on all levels, and is more retarded and less insightful.
About sums it up.
Imp should just stay in his lane and hate women. Instead he hates whites and Christians, calls everyone Nazis, and shills for Israel. The ardent Jew/Israel defense is just an insane cherry on top of the insane pie. It was easier to respect him when he had one obsession. I think October 7th broke him.
You are letting your past prejudices sway your current judgements. Ask yourself this, if it was someone else posting as he does now, someone without the rose tinted glasses shine, someone repeatedly derailing and disrupting each and every thread he posted in, someone who is almost universally despised by everyone he interacts with and only briefly tolerated by the remaining few because they have neither known him long enough to see just how deranged he is or consequently been accused as working against him for utterly demented and non existent reasons.
If this was someone you never knew then you would very likely treat him as the disruptive, derisive, and devisive presence he is.
You're letting the tip of the spear slide because it used to aim at others.
I had blocked him years ago, so opening that post in a private tab to see what he's saying and yeah, it's like night and day compared to how he used to be.
I assume he's being retarded and somehow blaming this on women rather than the trend of Jewish aversion to all Christian iconography?
He's mostly attacking "Stormfaggots." I linked the thread in question.
But, yes, defending the Jews, and saying women as a whole want war with the Jews, and are on record as such.
Lets rename it to the Rabbi to be more inclusive
Would have to cut the tip off first, I mean, bite it off.
They would cry antisemitism every time it got captured
Honestly, I'm surprised they still leave it as a black vs white game
jews hate and are envious of christianity, that’s why they try to debase our culture and normal society
"Pacman Head"
"Hungry Baby Bird"
Yup. He is for sure.
i mean, it used to be called " the elephant" and most Europeans of the time were like "what's an elephant?". so they localized it to something everyone could relate to. now that most of Europe isnt really sure what a bishop is, maybe its time to rename again. call it "the tranny", or something...
Clearly whoever named the Bishop piece the Elephant had no idea what an elephant was.
An elephant moving diagonally is a joke in itself.
Very clearly a meme post the first time I saw it, but christfags lack any balls so thier first instinct is to get offended.