It ain't even that complicated. Their democracy is just when they win and are in control. Whatever form that takes is irrelevant, though it will inevitable be all of that.
I would settle for an awards show at a massive LAN party where a socially awkward veteran developer announces on a fifteen minute live stream which games won the most online votes; followed by all the attendees going to the pizza table and soda coolers in the back before gaming all night.
I was okay with the jab about elon not piloting his accounts. Because he deserve it from trying to buy worthless gamer cred and bragging about it on Joe Rogan like a total fraud.
Then they had to go political. And that's cool too, seethe, dilate, and thank you kindly. Trump got elected because of people like them.
Lol. DICE Summit was created by the "Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences" to stay afloat via corporate sponsorships about 25 years ago when the ESA stopped funding them directly. It's all the circle jerking of the Academy of Motion Pictures but even more transparent.
Keighley wearing a Dorito hat would be more authentic than this trash.
...even the fucking golden globes can fill a venue without breaking out the "dinner and a show" aesthetic to cover the lack of people actually there...
Seriously, didn't these "awards" used to pack stadiums?
Nah, that's Stella Chung. She just has a fat face because she's southeast Asian. She's also covered in tattoos and it's basically impossible to find a picture of her wearing a decent amount of clothing.
Did their friends have their USAID scam money cut? Poor babies.
Once again proving that when leftists cry about ''saving Our Democracy(TM)'' they mean ''Our Bureaucracy''.
I’ll go one further: “saving our democracy” means “saving our pogrom against whites, Christians, heterosexuality, masculinity, and capitalism”.
It ain't even that complicated. Their democracy is just when they win and are in control. Whatever form that takes is irrelevant, though it will inevitable be all of that.
And knowing these faggots, I bet you that soyboy on the left is thinking about 20 different ways to get under the skirt of that thot on the right.
Apparently usaid was paying for joke writers.
I don't think it did. All they did was recycle DeNiro's line at the Oscars.
Who needs writers when the audience is a bunch of clapping seals?
And THIS is why the real game awards that Craig did was miles better than what they can offer.
I would settle for an awards show at a massive LAN party where a socially awkward veteran developer announces on a fifteen minute live stream which games won the most online votes; followed by all the attendees going to the pizza table and soda coolers in the back before gaming all night.
I was okay with the jab about elon not piloting his accounts. Because he deserve it from trying to buy worthless gamer cred and bragging about it on Joe Rogan like a total fraud.
Then they had to go political. And that's cool too, seethe, dilate, and thank you kindly. Trump got elected because of people like them.
Lol. DICE Summit was created by the "Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences" to stay afloat via corporate sponsorships about 25 years ago when the ESA stopped funding them directly. It's all the circle jerking of the Academy of Motion Pictures but even more transparent.
Keighley wearing a Dorito hat would be more authentic than this trash.
whoops - my bad
Notice how the whores have no problem showing skin themselves. But when dirty men make animated fits, we got a pedo/pron/boomer problem.
The most offensive part is saying D4 is "a game that takes real skill".
...even the fucking golden globes can fill a venue without breaking out the "dinner and a show" aesthetic to cover the lack of people actually there...
Seriously, didn't these "awards" used to pack stadiums?
Well, I think they were originally about merit, not politics and hate.
nah, they were about money and attention, lol.
Now they're about rubbing 'power' in people's faces. power that's been squandered as the relevance of the companies involved starts to dry up.
More reason to sail the high seas
What an ugly dress.
Nice legs and tiddies tho
She looks chubby as fuck but I guess knows how to hide it.
yeah, the JPG level quality also does a good job of hiding it
Nah, that's Stella Chung. She just has a fat face because she's southeast Asian. She's also covered in tattoos and it's basically impossible to find a picture of her wearing a decent amount of clothing.
Ugly face, ugly dress, covered in tats. No, I think I'll touch grass.
I refused to watch this crap knowing they were mandating that presenters push shit like this.
Green jacket is getting his good-boy points. Cringe.