Stumbled across this article from August 22nd of last year. It's a tranny eagerly promoting the possibility of a gay romance in KCD2.
Hasn't Warhorse delivered everything this tranny asked for?
Vavra decided to have his cake and eat it, too. That's it. That's the whole story. He's an opportunist and a liar. And half the anti-woke crowd are so desperate for relevance that they're willing to circle the wagons for a traitor who sold out to the woke mob for a few extra shekels.
Edit to add: consider the timeline. This tranny journo was playing a preview build of the game almost six months ago. If the gay romance had been explicit, don't you think he would have been singing its praises?
Vavra deliberately withheld the gay romance from the players because he knew it was a betrayal. He fully intended to blindside us. When it was leaked, he played stupid while his sycophants came to his defense.
Then IGN gives it a 9/10 and releases a "how to be gay" guide five minutes after their review goes up? Obviously some games media were in on the deception.
That's why it is important to think for yourself instead of blindly following "leaders". Grummz, SmashJT, Endymion etc were all wrong. KCD2 is woke feminist trash and it was woke feminist trash the moment Daniel Vavra started attacking people questioning KCD2.
Ghost of Yotei is also another DEI trash.
I also strongly disagree with Nerdrotic, Critical Drinker et al on many of their recommendations. Mad Max Femioza, Arcane etc etc all are all woke feminist trash, despite what they say.
No one is perfect. This doesn't mean I will stop listening to Grummz, SmashJT, Nerdrotic etc. It just means I don't take what they say as gospel.
How many times have we seen sequels to good games turned woke? How many times has the male-to-female main character swap been the harbinger of leftist incursion? And the actress is a leftist feminist retard, too. We’ve even identified a GoY writer as having worked on veilguard. All of these red flags, and yet most people are still in the “wait and see” camp. It’s pathetic.
It doesn’t even need to be a sequel, apparently the DLC for Tsushima is also very cucked.
Sucker Punch has been woke since at least Infamous 2, where the bad guys consisted of not one but two sets of evil white supremacist groups (southern rednecks and, inexplicably, South Africans). All set in the backdrop of hurricane-destroyed New Orleans and a pointless political subplot about the republican President being at fault for it.
I have this theory they made Ghost of Tsushima ironically, like Starship Troopers, you're supposed to think the samurai are dumb and the woman is right, and they intended it as a subversion of Japanese culture or something. Or it's the Wakanda effect; it's only okay to show badass men and masculine martial cultures if they're non-white; they thought the chuds would hate it because we're "racist," so clearly we'd hate asians.
Realizing their mistake they wasted no time jettisoning the masculinity out of the nearest airlock.
I mean, they don't hide the fact that the samurai are super dumb the entire game. It literally starts with saying that from the opening cutscene, that they are completely blinded by honor and traditions to the point of suicide.
But that's because its meant to be in reference to old samurai movies, which have the same themes constantly too. Its likely why we even think samurai were "honorable" in direct inversion of history of their actions.
I think that's the most likely reason why the game is like it is. They set up to make a giant love letter to Kurosawa, and then it got way more popular than expected so they had to make DLC, and their "original" ideas afterwards were far more in line with Western Woke-ish.
The DLC happens to feature 2 fat hambeast women as leaders of the main military factions, which is among the more obvious absurdities of GoT. However besides that the DLC is much the same as the main game which is thoroughly rooted in feminist ideology, it's just a more subtle wokeness of a kind which is apparently going over the heads of the 'based' defenders of KCD2.
In fact the Tsushima DLC imo has the only interesting male characters in the whole game, but in true Tsushima fashion, they're all deconstructions of masculinity (full Iki Island spoilers):
it follows a course of traumatic flashbacks of the main char's brutal, warmongering samurai dad and his misguided fathering attempts during a bygone military campaign on Iki island; these memories culminate in a recurring flashback of you being too much of a weak frightened boy to help your father as he is killed in front of you, while pleading for you to help; you meet a trustworthy, friendly male companion among the peasant resistance who helps you keep your samurai nature secret from the other peasantry who hate samurai; this guy turns out to have been the one who killed your father in front of you as a child - you can't kill him in revenge for this, you're just forced to reconcile the fact that he did something which traumatised your life and made you feel like a weakling, but you're part of the family whose arrogant samurai ways got all his fellow islanders killed, so you're basically even; you part uneasily as bros.
(end spoilz.)
It's interesting, but it's all stuff about how toxic masculinity poisons friendships and old fashioned honour is le bad, exactly the same as the rest of Tsushima.
The 2 fat bitches in charge are just the writers being unable to restrain themselves to their usual soft-subversion that all the supposed 'anti-woke' slop enjoyers miss, and instead going full absurd.
Her sister is also a Democrat politician.
Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic are utter midwits. Its depressing how much influence they have, and how much they highlight how the anti-woke crowd has no coherent message or idelogy.
Yeah, but both of them are about half way to red pilled. Both of them give promotion to Mauler, who is pretty based.
If you have other suggestions, I'd like to hear them, but so far both Drinker and Nerdrotic both have brought a lot of normie attention to the destruction of major franchises. Nerdrotic has been savage about what is happening to Dr Who and Rings of Power. I am sure Bad Robot has lost a lot of influence due to their efforts.
SyntheticMan is the only one who does not compromise and will call a spade a spade. He will admit that some woke games can be good, but also acknowledges that you cannot escape their subversion and you will have to weigh for yourself if the subversion is worth playing the game for its gameplay.
I stopped listening to Critical Drinker after he didn't rip Prey a new one, and a bunch of people in the comment section were unironically praising how good the movie was and how Naru "wasn't a Mary Sue" even though she single-handedly defeated three grown men with her bare hands, and then physically dismantled the Predator with just her hatchets. Absolute travesty.
I'd dipped out before then. Drinker did an interview with a couple directors of a big budget flick that bombed. It was pretty clear he was pulling his punches and lobbing them softballs so he could get the scoop on the behind the scenes stories.
At that point I decided he was access media. He is better than most, but yeah... his strength is that he brings some luke-warm red pill takes to the Normies.
Gary from Nerdrotic has been very clear that he doesn't do interviews. He has referred to people who compromise their values for access as "star fuckers", and I can't disagree.
Mauler is my favorite, but his frame-by-frame analysis is often hard to take. I know why he does it, but gosh it takes a long time. He spots inconsistencies and will put wokness under the microscope. For example, he was ruthless with Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but still said it was an enjoyable movie, which it is.
Both Mauler and The Little Platoon elevate every panel that they are on.
I'll go check out SintheticMan. Thank you for the recommendation.
The alt-critics falling over themselves to praise Prey was a big wake up call. That movie is embarrassing girl power trash. Turns out Critical Drinker is just a cog in the Hegelian machine. He functions as an anchor on woke, which is useful, but he’s not gonna retake any lost ground.
Synthetic man is hampered by being a complete and utter retard though
You have to understand that even the good creators(like Drinker) ultimately have to watch modern media and pretend or actually be interested to continue receiving a paycheck, whereas the most hard line of us will continue dropping that which we have no love for, and finding comfort in the books and art of the past or the actual art of the present.
Can Critical Drinker maintain a podcast, or a weekly video schedule if he just drops the hammer, “This is subversive media created by homosexuals, feminists, and communists who hate me and i’m done”? Can he do that the week after?
He absolutely can. But if he does that he will not make any industry connections, his network will be constantly small and locked in purity spirals, and he will have to stand entirely on his own beliefs instead of being able to shift to follow trends/algorithm.
So the question is, as always, is his integrity as a "reviewer" and his principles the most important thing, or his career? I can't blame him, or many of them, for choosing the career but they also need to be honest enough to own up to that too.
TBF, Endymion recanted heavily, especially in recent vids.
Grummz also recanted though not as heavily as Endymion
Grummz has lost so much credibility with this sorry affair.