Canada could be a natural resources superpower if our government would stop regulating the industry out of existence. If we invested properly in developing those resources, there would be no trade deficit because we'd be so rich we wouldn't need to nickel-and-dime our allies in order to cover the added costs of our own regulatory framework.
That only works when you hold companies accountable for the destruction and pollution they wreak.
Canada doesnt do that. They have a bad habit of letting whoever rape the planet and then leaving when they go "bankrupt", and making the taxpayer clean up the mess.
Most of the water in nova scotia for example is tainted for example.
Gold mines that operated in Nova Scotia dating back to the 1800s left a legacy of contamination, most notably from arsenic and mercury.
In many cases, the original source of the contamination is on one property, but the material flowed — often through water — to surrounding properties over time.
The government has committed to cleaning up contamination on Crown lands only, but is required under the Environment Act's contaminated sites regulations to immediately notify "the owner or occupant of any parcel of land to which contaminants have migrated or are likely to migrate from the contaminated site."
In at least some cases, that hasn't been done.
The issue of third-party notification is a thorny one for government, which is grappling with questions about liability and responsibility for remediation. It's also a potentially worrisome issue for property owners, who could be affected by cleanup requirements on or near their land.
That issue of liability is how they get away with doing the most evil shit.
When I worked for that company before tey had me doing the freon disposal part of it, I talked to a guy who was a subcontractor for effiency nova scotia who was doing insulation.
He talked about how he regularly would crack open a floor or wall and find black mold everywhere. Of course they werent allowed to tell the home owners apparently, and he said tihs really fucked with him when there was a small child in the house, since children are more effected by mold because of their developing lungs.
"This law says that every member of the public has access to every piece of public body information, except in some few limited circumstances," she said.
"Governments, public bodies should not be withholding information unless they have a really good reason, and they should be explaining that to the public."
And the retards here actually trust these people, YIKES. I can only imagine the shit they have been covering up these last 10 years.
I've actually argued that if they had a brain the 21st Century could be "The Canadian Century" because of just how much potential they really have. But they insist of setting themselves on fire with Leftism.
The WEF Liberals will use this to cling to power. Suddenly all the fallout from their economic incompetence and avarice will be Trump's fault, the entire media will gaslight Canadians into forgetting that the economy was already falling apart and Canadians will fall for it.
It's not going to work. No country can win a tariff war against somebody they rely on for 3/4ths of their imports, especially not one that's run by people who want to make things worse for their citizens.
The one thing that unites Canadians more than their smug, self-indulgent sense of superiority over Americans is blaming Americans for all of our problems when it blows up in our faces. I'm afraid they're pushing against an open door.
Trump will operate whatever way he can to maximize profit for him and his buddies. No different than trudeau.
I wouldnt be shocked to find out all these leaders were in on it and they are just putting on a show and leading the masses however they want. People are so stupid these days its certainly possible.
Considering that they can't process their oil exports themselves (same reason Venezuela went under in fact), this stands to destroy their economy and plunge them into an economic dark age.
I heard some Trudeau advisor claim it's an amazing opportunity because Canada can raise upwards of $135B. Then he named a bunch of lefty pet protects the money can he spent on.
He made it sound so amazing that you wonder why they didn't do it years ago....
Some cross-border industries are so integrated that tariffs would suddenly pose a major regulatory headache for many companies. A single vehicle, for example, crosses the U.S.-Canadian border up to eight times before it is fully assembled. Tariffs would immediately disrupt auto assembly lines across the United States and in Ontario, the auto industry’s heart in Canada.
Which we would easily fix by just producing them here, like we already should be. I hope Canada follows through with their threat and Trump responds by destroying their entire economy. He should immediately jack the tariffs up to 100%.
Considering all that canadians did to me here (poisoned me, denied me healthcare, covered it up), I'd love to see america respond with trudeaus stupid ass bullshit, but as someone living here, im already on the verge of homelessness and this is only going to cause the tent citys to grow.
Im definitely torn.
My partner who grew up here, is really bummed/disturbed when they go into parts of halifax because they may have saw the odd homeless person now and then as a kid, its nothing like it is now.
We are putting money and profits before people, and I dont know what the the rich think are going to happen. That all the unlucky people (which is really what it boils down to), because not everyone can be a winner in a society thats stacked against you. Will just take it and that they can keep growing that number without any consequences.
We are quickly approaching a "eat the rich" situation.
Hungry masses are capable of some incredible things.
Not that I can do shit, after 5 years of hyper parathyroidism, likely from the kidney damage from the insane blood pressure I was forced to live with for 9 months (and people were laughing at me! about this here) have left me pretty weak. Took some vitamin d last week and it must have fucked with my calcium hard because I couldnt get out of bed for three days.
Hearing about how good canadian "healthcare" is always a laugh.
Unfortunately as a Canadian myself, let the tent cities grow. The job market is destroyed. The social system barely works. The healthcare system is on fire. Any amount of life support given is only going to prolong suffering and enable the stupidity that is prevalent in this country. Do you want to die quickly and painlessly or do you want to die a long drawn out death just so you can listen to these insufferable morons for several more years?
The best part is we aren't even putting money and profits before people. We're more broke than we've ever been. We literally are putting China and India before out people. They're getting rich, we aren't.
Realize that the Americans they hope to target willl just quit buying Crown Royal and drink extra Jack Daniels, more orange juice for breakfast, and peanut butter for lunch. What a dumb way to think Canadian buying power will hurt those things.
Yeah your delusional if you think the buying power of 30 million people, of which 10 are prolly current generation immigrants.
Matches the buying/producing power of 334 million people. LMAO.
Canada aint got much going for it right now unless climate change thaws it out a little more.
Good thing I cant afford games or a video card now, because ill bet that shit is going to get jacked too.
Gaming is something only the rich/elite will be able to do in the future lmao. The rest of us plebs will be sharing our beds while we slave to earn our meals and a few lousy credits.
Trudeau gave a little speech last night and all the redditors are creaming in their panties.
"Ive never felt so much canadian pride."
Hope you still feel that way when your grocerys are jacked up another 100%.
The only people benefiting from the tariffs are the government and rich people, us plebs are getting fucked so hard but most canadians dont care. They would rather blame anti vaccinators and conspiracy theorist's. lmao.
Canada has an economy besides selling real estate to the Chinese?
Canada could be a natural resources superpower if our government would stop regulating the industry out of existence. If we invested properly in developing those resources, there would be no trade deficit because we'd be so rich we wouldn't need to nickel-and-dime our allies in order to cover the added costs of our own regulatory framework.
That only works when you hold companies accountable for the destruction and pollution they wreak.
Canada doesnt do that. They have a bad habit of letting whoever rape the planet and then leaving when they go "bankrupt", and making the taxpayer clean up the mess.
Most of the water in nova scotia for example is tainted for example.
That issue of liability is how they get away with doing the most evil shit.
When I worked for that company before tey had me doing the freon disposal part of it, I talked to a guy who was a subcontractor for effiency nova scotia who was doing insulation.
He talked about how he regularly would crack open a floor or wall and find black mold everywhere. Of course they werent allowed to tell the home owners apparently, and he said tihs really fucked with him when there was a small child in the house, since children are more effected by mold because of their developing lungs.
These people are just pure evil.
And the retards here actually trust these people, YIKES. I can only imagine the shit they have been covering up these last 10 years.
I've actually argued that if they had a brain the 21st Century could be "The Canadian Century" because of just how much potential they really have. But they insist of setting themselves on fire with Leftism.
Don’t forget - Selling real estate to fentanyl manufacturers (just walk into a vancouver casino with the cash and get your chips)
The WEF Liberals will use this to cling to power. Suddenly all the fallout from their economic incompetence and avarice will be Trump's fault, the entire media will gaslight Canadians into forgetting that the economy was already falling apart and Canadians will fall for it.
It's not going to work. No country can win a tariff war against somebody they rely on for 3/4ths of their imports, especially not one that's run by people who want to make things worse for their citizens.
The one thing that unites Canadians more than their smug, self-indulgent sense of superiority over Americans is blaming Americans for all of our problems when it blows up in our faces. I'm afraid they're pushing against an open door.
Then Trump should retaliate in the same way - maximum political pain for communists.
It’s globalists versus nationalists. We have allies and enemies in every country, including our own.
This would be basically all of Canada anyways, with maybe the exception of Alberta.
Trump will operate whatever way he can to maximize profit for him and his buddies. No different than trudeau.
I wouldnt be shocked to find out all these leaders were in on it and they are just putting on a show and leading the masses however they want. People are so stupid these days its certainly possible.
Considering that they can't process their oil exports themselves (same reason Venezuela went under in fact), this stands to destroy their economy and plunge them into an economic dark age.
All to spite le drumpf. That'll show us.
"Tariffs are bad and will destroy the US economy, Trump is retarded." "Tariffs are good and will protect the Canadian economy, Trudeau is a genius."
Said in the same breath by liberals
I heard some Trudeau advisor claim it's an amazing opportunity because Canada can raise upwards of $135B. Then he named a bunch of lefty pet protects the money can he spent on.
He made it sound so amazing that you wonder why they didn't do it years ago....
Which we would easily fix by just producing them here, like we already should be. I hope Canada follows through with their threat and Trump responds by destroying their entire economy. He should immediately jack the tariffs up to 100%.
Fuck Canada.
If I wasnt living here, id feel the same.
Considering all that canadians did to me here (poisoned me, denied me healthcare, covered it up), I'd love to see america respond with trudeaus stupid ass bullshit, but as someone living here, im already on the verge of homelessness and this is only going to cause the tent citys to grow.
Im definitely torn.
My partner who grew up here, is really bummed/disturbed when they go into parts of halifax because they may have saw the odd homeless person now and then as a kid, its nothing like it is now.
We are putting money and profits before people, and I dont know what the the rich think are going to happen. That all the unlucky people (which is really what it boils down to), because not everyone can be a winner in a society thats stacked against you. Will just take it and that they can keep growing that number without any consequences.
We are quickly approaching a "eat the rich" situation.
Hungry masses are capable of some incredible things.
Not that I can do shit, after 5 years of hyper parathyroidism, likely from the kidney damage from the insane blood pressure I was forced to live with for 9 months (and people were laughing at me! about this here) have left me pretty weak. Took some vitamin d last week and it must have fucked with my calcium hard because I couldnt get out of bed for three days.
Hearing about how good canadian "healthcare" is always a laugh.
Unfortunately as a Canadian myself, let the tent cities grow. The job market is destroyed. The social system barely works. The healthcare system is on fire. Any amount of life support given is only going to prolong suffering and enable the stupidity that is prevalent in this country. Do you want to die quickly and painlessly or do you want to die a long drawn out death just so you can listen to these insufferable morons for several more years?
The best part is we aren't even putting money and profits before people. We're more broke than we've ever been. We literally are putting China and India before out people. They're getting rich, we aren't.
Realize that the Americans they hope to target willl just quit buying Crown Royal and drink extra Jack Daniels, more orange juice for breakfast, and peanut butter for lunch. What a dumb way to think Canadian buying power will hurt those things.
Yeah your delusional if you think the buying power of 30 million people, of which 10 are prolly current generation immigrants.
Matches the buying/producing power of 334 million people. LMAO.
Canada aint got much going for it right now unless climate change thaws it out a little more.
Good thing I cant afford games or a video card now, because ill bet that shit is going to get jacked too.
Gaming is something only the rich/elite will be able to do in the future lmao. The rest of us plebs will be sharing our beds while we slave to earn our meals and a few lousy credits.
The future is so fucking bright.
This article is 2 weeks old.
It's dated Jan 17th
Trudeau gave a little speech last night and all the redditors are creaming in their panties.
"Ive never felt so much canadian pride."
Hope you still feel that way when your grocerys are jacked up another 100%.
The only people benefiting from the tariffs are the government and rich people, us plebs are getting fucked so hard but most canadians dont care. They would rather blame anti vaccinators and conspiracy theorist's. lmao.
PM Blackface destroys Canada while calling it a post national state? I sleep.
America wants to stop running a deficit with Canada? Quick, where's that flag I've been embarrassed to own for the past decade?!
Yeah, but it is still relevant. The tariffs are going into effect today.
Maybe they'll burn some catholic churches while their at it.
Doesn't matter.
Get fucked pinkos. I don't need Avacados and Maple Syrup. I can do something else with my life.
edit, 1 day later: gg