What's the most successful person that's trooned out so far? What comes to my mind is Bruce Jenner with his Olympic gold or Dick Levine in his admiral skirt.
I remembered the Will Ferrell documentary where he drove around the country with his troon friend for who the hell knows what reason and it hit me: why is the unknown friend trooning out and not Will himself? It seems like the only people who go necromorph are mentally ill, void of purpose, or some kind of careerist on the comeup. Dick Levine, for instance, wouldn't have made HHS Secretary as just another bald fat guy.
The point being, this is a tacit admission that they all know it's gay theater. If you're an established actor in Hollywood, you don't troon. If you're an actress that needs to make a name for yourself, like Emma D'Arcy, then cut your hair off and pretend you don't know the difference between a guy and a girl. That's an especially sad case... she's really attractive in House of the Dragon.
The Wachowski brothers, maybe?
The Matrix was absolutely huge, back in the day.
Possibly only because they trooned out well after the first movie became a runaway hit, one decades after the fact.
That's probably the answer. There's an eXile article about their weird bdsm hobby that goes all the way back to the 1990s. Apparently they met this chick that melted their minds somehow, and the rest is history.
They were very early adopters though, transitioning in 2010. If trannies were popping up after 2015 because they were coming out of the closet in this new accepting era, then there should've been at least a few more retards in the Hollywood upper echelon to take the plunge, but Ellen Page is the best they got.
It's an infection. They can spread their sickness to others. It's why tolerance is impossible and why they should be dealt with when found.
The red pill meme was so powerful that Hollywood made them cut their peckers off.
I forgot for a second that was a nickname and thought 'Shit, are EA doing a remake of Dead Space 2?'
It's ALWAYS a bad call to troon as I'll be honest, you can get further by just being a more feminine guy or a more masculine girl by going to the gym and working out to get the results you want. Feminine guys who work on their squats and women with abs will ALWAYS look more attractive than what is artificially made on the cutting table or by injecting hormones.
Both certainly have greater demand in the dating market than trannies ever will. Even troons don't want to date each other!
Somebody here came up with that when the DS1 remake controversy happened. Brilliant turn of phrase
Same, came in here ready to shit on the fucking garbage novel they shat out as the prequel to Dead Space that "explains" all the lore behind Necromorphs, Unitology, and that jazz.
Unfortunately its instead a topic that's less fun to be angry about.
Ellen Page maybe? She was well known and Umbrella Academy was doing fine I think.
Maybe it was a preemptive strike against The Wall.
True, she would be the highest profile case in the 2010s. She's been a messed up lesbian her entire life because of whatever demon molested her as a child, so trooning wasn't that far of a bridge.
By the time I finally got to see her tits, they weren’t there anymore 😆
She turned herself into a manlet over a decade after she became a household name, so it feels like cheating to call her a successful tranny.
Well, people are reaching because few people have succeeded in being a tranny. If that's what RuPaul is, I would say he is the most successful as a tranny.
I remember being exposed to World of Warcraft back in high school when I didn't have many direct friends, avoided sports, and simply got good grades and played single player games all day. I remember the feeling of finally being part of something with real people, as pathetic as it was in hindsight.
apply this feeling to troonery, and it's not hard to see why it's appealing to so many loners. by taking on the mantle, you're not only """solving""" all your mental health issues with one easy step, you are becoming a part of a movement! something greater! something important that you can talk to other people about!
and when it becomes apparent that that thing is hollow, the deeper they are the more depressed and unstable they become.
I think this is probably it. Lonliness is an epidemic and men are hit hardest of all, but you put on a dress and it’s instant acceptance.
Not to sound too Impossible1 about it but most women are treated better simply by existing, and trooning out is a way for the average man to feel just a little bit of kindness and acceptance even if it is forced.
I would argue women are simultaneously treated better and worse, simply because of the world of mean girls. They felate each other with praise until the gaggle decides a girl is not "with it", at which point they brutally bully.
it's a consequence of caring more about what people think of them than men do.
And the great part for MTFs is that they are all overwhelmingly autistic, meaning that they don't pick up on those subtle mean girl jabs and think they are getting constantly loved and praised by women who are trying to cut them down.
actual women hate troons. even the ones that don't are still visibly annoyed by them.
unless the troon is a kid, they love troon kids for some reason.
If women hated troons half as much as they should, they wouldn't have gotten near the power and support that they have had to destroy, rape, and menace for over a decade now.
Even if they have a grossed out expression on their face, they will still go home and vote for every policy that creates and props up that same tranny the majority of the time. Even the TERFs, because they can't understand cause/effect.
I don't know about most successful but it's hard to imagine the mutant that Biden put in charge of nuclear waste advancing as far as he did had he just been a garden variety pedophile.
Emma d'arcy is not conventionally attractive so idk what you mean at the end there...
The chick who played her younger self was definitely hotter, if a little rat-faced.
With long platinum hair she's courtly and beautiful
You must be an ugly fuck because there's not one single Google image that she looks beautiful in.
Low standards I guess
That doesn't make any sense.
I think he’s trying to fuck him.
To a simple mind it doesn't. Ugly people tend to have lower standards for attraction otherwise they would never get laid. While very attractive people have higher standards because they can attract a higher standard.
That can’t be true, I fucked your mom and she was an absolute garbage bag!
I dont get it
No, but your mom sure did!
You have to look her up when she's trying to look like a girl bro
Buddy, in Google images it shows her in house of the dragon.
Lay off the drugs man, it's making you retarded.