Pastor Derek Reimer sentenced to 12 months house arrest
Reimer was found guilty in August of criminal harassment and four counts of breaching bail conditions for his efforts to protest a drag-themed read-aloud program for children hosted by Saddletowne Public Library.
"Prohibited from entertaining friends at his personal home"
What is he, fuckin grounded?
A country run by cat ladies. Fuck that pseudo euro nanny state
He's married, is his wife also banned from having friends over? Does he have to stay locked in his room when they're present? Is he allowed to leave his room to use the bathroom or does he have to piss in a bottle/shit in a bucket...or does everyone have to leave the house while he goes potty?
The judge in this case is literally named "Karen," no less. #ClownWorld
Just Calgary. It's the most left wing city in the entire province. Most Albertans hate it and the people who live there. They are truly insufferable liberals. It's the last bastion of libtardation in the province.
Edmonton is even further gone.
The sitting "right-wing" provincial government didn't win a single race there last election.
Like Austin, it's full of commies. Except less artists and more feather Indians.
elections are completely fake in canada you know
I heard Alberta is the most conservative working class province, like oil workers and forestry guys. I guess Calgary is like Austin, TX.
Holy crap that is absurd. All that for saying people should question libraries that have these fag events? For all their fear mongering about far right re-education camps, it's them using the state to enforce their chosen morals or go to jail. This isn't tolerance, this isn't acceptance, this is demanding you accept their filth
No amount of money or legal support will fix this shit.
Well it's Rebel News & Ezra Levant doing their perpetual grift-a-thon.
Donating to a persecuted Christian pastor only subsidizes Ezra's next tour of the Holy Land.
It seems to be a growing observation that, with such corrupt and failed legal and political institutions, there is no political solution for restoring the West. Trump's new administration is really feeling like "one last try before the other thing." Let's hope he's successful, but it's looking bleak with yet another pathetic cabinet.
Today, December 23, Justice Molle delivered Reimer's sentence, which includes the following:
A $500 fine
47 days credit against a 1-day sentence for breach of conditions
12 months conditional sentence, or, in other words, house arrest
2 years probation
Some of the terms include:
No contact with Shannon Slater or any known participator at a Reading with Royalty event, or contact with any LGBTQ+ person unless by approval by his supervisor
Must write a letter of apology to Shannon Slater Banned within 300m of a public library on days with a scheduled Reading with Royalty event
Must complete an anger management course and provide proof of counselling
100 hours of community service work
Prohibited from entertaining friends at his personal home
Must remain in the province of Alberta unless granted approval Reimer is permitted to participate in religious services outside of his home upon approval by his supervisor.
This seems pretty extreme and possibly unconstitutional.
Even inmates don't have a blanket ban on visitors outside of lockdowns and specific punishments like solitary.
So does "no contact with a gay". Like how do you know? If Trudeau judges are going to pass judgements like this we need all 2SGLBGTQIAZs to register with the government and wear some sort of identifying say a pink triangle.
Make the coloration a derivation of the pride flag, and they would probably pay to wear it.
The ankle monitor also serves as a gaydar. /s
Unconstitutional in Canada?
Although it's been proven of late that Trudeau-era judges just interpret the Charter of Rights however best serves their master and the progressive cause.
It's time for Christians to start selling their cloaks.
Time to start beating ploughshares into swords.
How does that work? If he starts a business does have to put up a "no LGBTQ+ customers" sign? State mandated homophobia?
He's a pastor, so I guess he has to deny them access to the Lord.
Huh, so the pedos fancy themselves as royalty?
OMG GUYSZ* The judge is LITERALLY named Karen
Appointed by a black migrant "conservative" justice minister Kaycee Madu (before he was shuffled out because he tried use his position to get out of a traffic ticket)
Remember, you're insane and need proof of psychiatric papertrail for later incarceration if you step against the orthodoxy.
He wouldn't have had a problem if he had been of a different religion and sex trafficking children. Especially if he had sex trafficked children to the BBC, he'd probably be hosing a TV show.
This is Canada's most "based" and "conservative" province by the way and this isn't a joke. The rest of the country is worse.
I watch a family on YT who emigrated from eastern Canada to Russia. They became minorly newsworthy with clickbait articles that essentially said things like 'bigot religious family flees canada because they hate gay people.' Anyway, one of the most interesting things was reading comments from shitlib Canadians who mocked the "idiocy" of the parents, saying things like "HAHA YOU THINK YOU HAVE NO FREE SPEECH HERE IN CANADA? WAIT UNTIL PUTIN LOCKS YOU UP."
I wonder how many Christians Putin has serially locked up on trumped up charges because they said something against trannies and tranny-lovers. True North Strong and Free, indeed.
Even by their logic it should be "bigoted religious family flees canada because the state will punish them for hating gay people"
Canada is so fucking gay
Just being gay would actually be an upgrade.
Introvert gets 1 year house arrest sentence: "uh your honor, can you make it 5 years?"
A country run by groomers, for groomers