So does "no contact with a gay". Like how do you know? If Trudeau judges are going to pass judgements like this we need all 2SGLBGTQIAZs to register with the government and wear some sort of identifying say a pink triangle.
Although it's been proven of late that Trudeau-era judges just interpret the Charter of Rights however best serves their master and the progressive cause.
This seems pretty extreme and possibly unconstitutional.
Even inmates don't have a blanket ban on visitors outside of lockdowns and specific punishments like solitary.
So does "no contact with a gay". Like how do you know? If Trudeau judges are going to pass judgements like this we need all 2SGLBGTQIAZs to register with the government and wear some sort of identifying say a pink triangle.
Make the coloration a derivation of the pride flag, and they would probably pay to wear it.
The ankle monitor also serves as a gaydar. /s
Unconstitutional in Canada?
Although it's been proven of late that Trudeau-era judges just interpret the Charter of Rights however best serves their master and the progressive cause.