BlackRock and a16z back Elon Musk's xAI with $6 billion
Elon Musk's artificial intelligence company xAI announced on Monday that it has raised $6 billion in a Series C funding round backed by BlackRock, Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), Fidelity, Morgan Stanley
In regards to what? Musk has stated a lot of goals which are not inline with the MAGA moment before he joined it and got the money.
His vision of the future is most likely not something you want, but if he sticks to the intended position of only minimizing government spending which he has proven with twitter that he can do somewhat, then he will be a useful tool, it is all up to how Trump uses his tools.
If we're hoping to change the elites, we've basically got Donald Trump, Peter Thiel, and Elon Musk, and that's basically where the list ends for "Populist Right elites".
The Culture War isn't over, now is the long war to make our own elites that actually reflect our views and build our institutions.
It's hilarious how much of a boiled frog you are. Musk isn't on the Right and he never has been. He's a life-long ""classical"" liberal and hasn't changed in that regard. Stop viewing politics as a relativist. Just because he's not in line with the modern left does not make him on the right. And the same with Trump. The enemy of my enemy is not in fact my friend. Stop falling for the lie of a "lesser" evil.
The more you operate on reactionary logic like that, the more you will inevitably and unendingly compromise on every value you hold, just like every other republican/conservative over the past century. Todays conservatives are yesterdays democrats, and it has been that way for a very long time. Most conservatives these days are barely even on the Right.
You're operating on the Overton Window. At best, Elon and Trump are centrists.
But it's funny that reading between the lines of what you wrote is just more pro-establishment bullshittery, you just want your own flavour of statism. It's not the authoritarianism that's the issue to you, it's the colour of the banners on the walls.
The irony of calling anyone a Fabian Socialist when he himself is the one being boiled.
Sit down and be quiet, you're talking to the wrong person. I've just had to spend two days explaining why Elon Musk wasn't pretending to be a White Nationalist to backpaddling groypers.
I understand you don't know that I'm talking to MetallicBioMeat about Italian Elite Theory because there are elites in society, and that political movements need powerful and influential people on our side; otherwise, even populist revolutions will always die; but it doesn't excuse you from coming to me and giving me the most basic bitch "akshully conservatism is progressives going the speed limit" shit I could have gotten from watching Dave Rubin.
You're about 5-7 years behind me.
I've been right each time, and I've watched you get more retarded each day for no reason.
"No please, I'm actually ahead of you, I'm not the retard, it's all you!!!!!!"
Fuck off Giz, you're a stock standard statist begging for more of the problem. You're literally begging to bend the knee and serve because "we need them".
You're an unironic bootlicker demanding everyone else also turn around and beg the elites for scraps. You're not in front of anyone else, you've just given up and say that everyone else should give up and bend the knee too.
Shhh. Adults are talking.
Aw, that's cute. You had nothing to say because you know that you're bending the knee, so you pretend you're an adult for treating the government like your parent.
It truly is amazing how quickly a statist reveals their true nature.
You wouldn't happen to have read "The Populist Delusion" would you?
No, because I already know AA's opinion as it was forming. I get the argument, but he takes it too far and asserts that there is never populism. Honestly, if that were the case, Democracy as a weapon wouldn't even be used as a method of control. It's pretty clear that if politicians are panicking over twitter spats, manipulating the general sentiment is a big deal. Losing control of it means losing power.
Fundamentally: power is illusory. It only works when people agree to let it work. As such, manipulating sentiment is a critical component to any tyranny.
Yes, we need to mold them and then keep the damn old clubs from getting their kids into the rituals.
The problem is from our standpoint, (atleast acording to me) the methodology on how to do it is quite unclear.
We just need more independently wealthy tycoons period. Not celebrities who get paid for shilling IP, but businessmen who built up an industry. Ironically the balance of power needs to move away from the government and towards elite Americans - but there need to be a lot more of them to diversify their ideological positions. The way the system works now the government and corporations have colluded thru regulation, taxation, and the education system to shrink the pool of home-grown tycoons and make sure they're all part of the same club. The lower the pool, the fewer elites there will be on our side. Unfortunately that's a long term goal. America is too consumer-oriented and doesn't produce enough producers.
We have too much government corporate cooperation to prevent small business from succeeding and protect big business.
You'd need to already have strong social institutions already. They'd basically have to join their civic society group, their recreational group, their neighborhood watch, and probably convert to the local religion. It would be an assimilation so aggressive that they wouldn't see themselves as others. You're still going to get potential rebellions in the 2nd & 3rd generation, but by that time they will either leave of be fully integrated in the 4th generation.
So we need to build the Afrikaners society within the state, without getting too much of a threat so that they go for jugular but also cannot stagnated as the Amish, It ain't easy path to walk.
Hmm, could a secret society be easier and alternative path perhaps? haha
Secret Societies are quite easy to corrupt as institutions. I think you're better off decentralizing power to local communities, gate keeping those, pushing for local secession (see Baton Rouge), and even building privately owned communities.
Really, most of what we need is to build new institutions with wealth and power in the opposite direction of the Left. They can't really conquer us, and they can't really build their own, so this is just going to be a long march through our own institutions. We've past the stage where the Left could effectively start a Civil War and start butchering people.
He's ALREADY the richest man, this sounds like Blackrock hedging their bets on AI seeing California keeps bricking theirs.
An easier explanation is He's an immigrant himself so has a bias to legal migration over illegal mass invasion.
Bias towards legal migration but not towards South African migrants 🤔
Its weird. Youd think as a south african.. he should be weary of usa turning dark. Darks seem to like to rape, kidnap and kill people like him.
Darks probably outnumber whites by 8 to 1. If you include east asians, who are labeled as white adjacent, and group them with whites, its still a 4 to 1.
Yeah. Seems leftists want to keep niggers as niggers. But apparently its white supremacy to be on time, speak properly, be polite and be considerate. Things neccessary to have a nice and pleasant society anywhere.
They'd rather bitch about "sundown towns". They deny that coloured "no go zones" exist at all.
Musk immigrated out of South Africa in the late 80s at 18, before Apartheid ended and likely didn't get to fully experience any of the true consequences of the dark menace. Especially as an ultra rich kid, who was sheltered even more.
Him being South African is only useful in so far as "richest man in the world is African" jokes and in every other way he is just a Western White Guy.
Richest non-royal in the world is African.
Royalty is kept off the billionaires list.
Think Baron de Rothschild.
I'll be honest, America should import Afrikaners if they want to come as their skills turning desert into breadbaskets could transform the Midwest.
Bet the Bill Gates types would HATE that, plus I see South Africa still on the precipice of full chaos.
Africa for the Afrikaners!?
Yeah, the people pushing the democrats to wage a culture war on white people now are simply doing the exact same thing via the other party.
It feels the same because it's the same group with the same agenda.
Never forget the 6 billion? :^)
Literally 6,000,000 x 1,000
Globalist scum. Every Single Time.
This only ends 2 ways, subjugation or violence.