I mean, sure. She was smart-sexy in My Cousin Vinny despite being quite stereotypical "New Yorkah" with the accent, but it was 2008 when she went topless in The Wrestler so quite a few options to pick from 👀
Am I missing something here? The guy (and ergo groypers in general) does sound unhinged, but the Left and Right do have their own variants of the "if she's under 18, you're a pedo" smooth-brain takes.
I would rather bang 60 year old Marissa Tomei than a child, and if that makes me a dangerous biological mutant then… that actually sounds kind of badass.
This is why he suffers so much in DS9. Remember, he was falsely accused and sentenced to a crime he didn't commit, twice, in two separate and unrelated episodes throughout the seven years of that show. You'd think they would at least pick someone else for the murder episode since the other one at least played off his previously touched on dislike/hatred for the Cardassians.
It looks like he's part of the concerted effort to inject weird incel shit into the dissident right as a hedge against White identity. Anglin started doing the same thing a few years ago, and Fuentes followed. They then branched off into even weird shit about arranged marriages with child brides.
In other words, his just a guy playing a role. I guess the tards that take him seriously don't care that he's gay.
I'm guessing you don't know any older women. Read up on what Barbara Streisand and Sharon Stone are saying these days to see what no immaturities looks like.
Marisa Tomei is hot, wanting to fuck her isn't a sign of anything weird.
Especially for us geezers who have the nostalgia goggles for her from the 90s.
I mean, sure. She was smart-sexy in My Cousin Vinny despite being quite stereotypical "New Yorkah" with the accent, but it was 2008 when she went topless in The Wrestler so quite a few options to pick from 👀
I loved The Wrestler
Somehow Tomei being in it let alone topless was erased from my mind.
Yeah, I have no idea why my post got downvoted
Am I missing something here? The guy (and ergo groypers in general) does sound unhinged, but the Left and Right do have their own variants of the "if she's under 18, you're a pedo" smooth-brain takes.
I would rather bang 60 year old Marissa Tomei than a child, and if that makes me a dangerous biological mutant then… that actually sounds kind of badass.
The mutant man that is attracted to beautiful women.......eww what a freak.
This is why he suffers so much in DS9. Remember, he was falsely accused and sentenced to a crime he didn't commit, twice, in two separate and unrelated episodes throughout the seven years of that show. You'd think they would at least pick someone else for the murder episode since the other one at least played off his previously touched on dislike/hatred for the Cardassians.
Why do they call themselves Groypers? Sounds like some weird porn thing.
AFAICT, the lore is very superficial.
It's all based off of a lumpy Pepe meme.
On 4chan Groyper is the name of the fat frog. The groyper army likes to use the image in their posts. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/623/958/76d.png
BTW the most common little pepe is called Apu.
It was some pre-existing meme from years ago.
I'm shocked, shocked that followers of a homosexual virgin would defend "ephebophilia".
Jon Miller is actually gay.
And he's crying about biological dead ends being a bad thing?!
It looks like he's part of the concerted effort to inject weird incel shit into the dissident right as a hedge against White identity. Anglin started doing the same thing a few years ago, and Fuentes followed. They then branched off into even weird shit about arranged marriages with child brides.
In other words, his just a guy playing a role. I guess the tards that take him seriously don't care that he's gay.
Oh he's like a mainstream "our pajeet poster" here?
I despise sodomites and even I can't get my head around why a woman aging well would bother them so much.
I don't even get the connection. It's weird it even came up.
Older women, what's the problem. No kids, no money problems, no immaturities.
They are into you, you into them. Job done!
I'm guessing you don't know any older women. Read up on what Barbara Streisand and Sharon Stone are saying these days to see what no immaturities looks like.
I am of the belief that women never mentally mature past 14 anyway.
Then you are of the correct belief.
There are crazies everywhere in life. I'm generalising.
If you can't read a woman then you probably shouldn't be going in.
Just don’t forget to lube
It can be fun going in dry!