It is hilarious that the male gaze just means girls that are attractive, doing and photographed in ways that are attractive. Girls also find these things attractive so it’s not even a strictly male thing.
Remember when formula 1 got rid of the grid girls? Every single one of the girls protested. It was an easy gig and it paid well. Nobody harassed them. They didn’t feel “objectified” - they felt like stars. They loved it
And there wasn’t significant outcry from regular woman either. There certainly wasn’t criticism by fans. It was literally just a few fat ugly feminists who never watched formula 1 anyway.
Korra is about 60 years after the series with Aang. While other Avatars have lived much longer than that it gets reasoned that because Aang spent 100 years in suspended animation it cut down his life expectancy.
In addition to "The Avatar" being an ever changing role going from Air to Water to Earth to Fire then back to Air tribe, the timeskip means the overall world changes from more isolationist and tribal cultures to a "unified" 'Union City' where most of Korra takes place alongside steampunk tech because 60 years ago someone invented the hot air balloon. This eventually includes a giant steampunk robot and laser gun in the last season because why the fuck not? 🙄
If she’s not interested in dating you but she wants a free meal and she puts out because she thinks that’s her end of the bargain, it’s whoring. If she isn’t interested in dating you, but she puts out because she wants a one night stand and/or is super horny, it’s slutty. If she is interested in dating you and the chemistry is really good so she puts out on the first date because you’re both having a great time, it still leans towards slutty but it’s not always as much of a red flag as the other two scenarios.
Lie all you want. You clearly did this because you're jealous of the male gaze and the fact that you never get one, you ugly sweat stained fat ass miserable first world gross fucking cunts.
From Netflix of all places lol. To push woke propaganda out of there is basically in the job description. So stunning and brave to follow orders like that
"Boldly".. every western game has been downgrading boob size for a decade. How is this bold? Even the most recent lara croft titles had her breasts reduced.
"male gaze" = "male enjoyment"
so yes they are incensed by the idea of men enjoying anything
It's true, the proof of this is that they bitch about things without any sexualized female characters too.
They are also dead silent on male nudity or anything that THEY enjoy, even in shows/movies for younger audiences.
It is hilarious that the male gaze just means girls that are attractive, doing and photographed in ways that are attractive. Girls also find these things attractive so it’s not even a strictly male thing.
Remember when formula 1 got rid of the grid girls? Every single one of the girls protested. It was an easy gig and it paid well. Nobody harassed them. They didn’t feel “objectified” - they felt like stars. They loved it
And there wasn’t significant outcry from regular woman either. There certainly wasn’t criticism by fans. It was literally just a few fat ugly feminists who never watched formula 1 anyway.
All of this stuff comes from complaints of people that don’t actually buy the products. They don’t even support their own shit.
Tiny, organized, disproportionately loud minorities who just want chaos and destruction.
Note how the complaint is always “well, they’re too big,” but the fix has gone and removed them entirely. She has the torso of a man now.
That's just a patriarchal conspiracy theory. Where would her organs even go? Name one women with breasts, let alone a V shape fuckface.
I thought this was Legend of Korra at first glance.
Boy did they go woke with that.
The show could have been good if written by better people.
It could have been good if they didn't do the same plot every season.
She's literally the worst Avatar ever.
So Korra is the Avatar not the bald kid anymore?
Korra is about 60 years after the series with Aang. While other Avatars have lived much longer than that it gets reasoned that because Aang spent 100 years in suspended animation it cut down his life expectancy.
In addition to "The Avatar" being an ever changing role going from Air to Water to Earth to Fire then back to Air tribe, the timeskip means the overall world changes from more isolationist and tribal cultures to a "unified" 'Union City' where most of Korra takes place alongside steampunk tech because 60 years ago someone invented the hot air balloon. This eventually includes a giant steampunk robot and laser gun in the last season because why the fuck not? 🙄
Korra takes place many decades after the original series. Aang has died by that point and a new avatar emerges. A lame and angsty one.
Ahh, thanks
She’s also a whore. She dated all of her cohorts.
That's just a slut, whores do it for money.
So sex in exchange for a free dinner and movie is slutty or horny?
If she’s not interested in dating you but she wants a free meal and she puts out because she thinks that’s her end of the bargain, it’s whoring. If she isn’t interested in dating you, but she puts out because she wants a one night stand and/or is super horny, it’s slutty. If she is interested in dating you and the chemistry is really good so she puts out on the first date because you’re both having a great time, it still leans towards slutty but it’s not always as much of a red flag as the other two scenarios.
all these shows keep using the same character designs lately.
Instead of being made for the male gaze, it's being made for the male gays.
First sweat stains, what next? Shitty pants so the non-housebreakable retard set can feel included, too?
Axe wound discharge.
"With no thought to the male gaze."
Lie all you want. You clearly did this because you're jealous of the male gaze and the fact that you never get one, you ugly sweat stained fat ass miserable first world gross fucking cunts.
Even Lesbians do not want angsty, sweaty, cross-dressing men.
Lena Dunham's show was popular for a time and I can think of no one else who would watch that.
I thought it could be entertaining and very quickly found out that I was a drooling retard who should never be allowed to touch the remote control.
literally, actually, in real life: kill yourself, journo.
That's okay. Things can just be finished. I don't need any more Lara Croft installments.
"Bold", there is nothing brave about pushing feminist sanctioned garbage
From Netflix of all places lol. To push woke propaganda out of there is basically in the job description. So stunning and brave to follow orders like that
"Boldly".. every western game has been downgrading boob size for a decade. How is this bold? Even the most recent lara croft titles had her breasts reduced.
The goal of feminism is to make all women look like transgender aliens.
The goal of feminism is to destroy the foundation of society, the family.
Classic we didn't make it for you. Why didn't you watch it? Now we're out of work.