Turns out that there is now a German arrest warrant out for a Ukrainian diving instructor who is thought to have helped blow up Nordstream. And 2 other Ukrainian diving instructors are people of interest.
Of course, the Guardian being the Guardian has to say
It remains a mystery who was behind the explosions that destroyed three out of four pipelines, which became a symbol of German reliance on gas from Russia after its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, and Russia and the west have accused one another of being responsible. Each has denied involvement.
No, no it does not. I've yet to hear one valid reason from anyone as to why Putin would sabotage the pipelines when he can (and I believe did) just turn them off. And now there's an arrest warrant for one Ukrainian, at least 2 more are being investigated and you STILL say "oh, we don't know who did it?"
Yeah that story made no sense from the start, but I don't think a random Ukrainian diving instructor who has conveniently disappeared in Ukraine again never to be found again did it either. These aren't PVC pipes in your wall, they were massive and 80m deep. I just wonder why the sudden change in narrative, they could have stuck with the original "putler did it because he's evil and stupid", noone really thinks of the story anymore anyway.
I'm willing to compromise that they did it but it was the US whether special forces or CIA that supplied them the resources to do it.
There's no way the CIA was involved. My source is the CIA said so!
It's how we know there was no shooter on the grassy knoll.
Why? Because the CIA guy there would've seen him if he was there next to him!
This. No way it was done with a diver instead of a submersible drone.
See my previous posts: it was Poland.
Trump gets elected, war's over. They think Trump will be elected.
Once the war is over people start asking the real questions, like 'hey like who did blow up our pipeline?' Now if you ask those questions you're against Ukraine.
So they're trying to pre-answer the question with the 'right' answer. "Hey Germans don't protest American elites making you pay $0.50/kWh and push Germany into BRICs, stay with team globohomo!"
I blew up Nordstream. It’s wasn’t to hurt Germany or to make Russia look bad. I did it because I liked it.
Autograph please?
It was me, Barry!
I can respect that motivation at least.
It's fun to do bad things.
It was demonstrated that the US did it long ago. Even from the first few days someone tracked a US mil airplane and showed a flight path consistent with a bomb release over the pipeline - later it was found that the only thing that guy got wrong was that it wasn't a depth charge, it was a radio transmitter to set off already planted charges.
No no no, it was some random diving instructor who blew up the pipeline quite literally right under the nose of a US recon fleet that was doing maneuvers at the same time over the pipeline. Source: trust me, bro.
I'd point to the simpler piece of evidence that Biden told everyone on video that he was going to destroy the pipeline, before somebody destroyed the pipeline. You don't have to be a superdetective to find the shooter when the first suspect is the guy who said "I am going to kill you."
That is strong circumstantial evidence, but it's not proof. When you're arguing this kind of thing, proof is king. The military operation is proof.
When will they tell us that Ukraine are controlled by Nazis?
Note: These Ukraine Nazis are Bandera supporters, and more extreme than the Nazis in WW2 Germany. They see themselves as superior. They were involved in killing a lot of Polish, and using other people in the front-line as cannon-fodder.
We see the same thing today. They use other people as cannon-fodder, usually picked from the street. They still kill civilians. What seems new is that they stage fake events with a lot of media support to blame the others. A bit like how Mussolini used the media to create fake reporting.
"Nazi", in the context of Eastern Europe does not have the same meaning as it does in the West. In Russia (and Ukraine) it doesn't mean anti-jewish or even "white supremacist" - it means anti -russian.
Indeed the actual German Nazis didn't consider Slavs to be "white", and by official estimates exterminated twice as many Slavs as Jews (even counting Jewish Slavs as Jewish only). Indeed much of Europe was not considered "white" by older standards - especially not Italians and Spanish. For that matter , they considered the Turks to be a superior race and they aren't/weren't white.
I don't mean this to be a "well achtchuallly.." post. You should consider:
Most westerners won't believe Ukrainians are Nazis working for a Jewish president, as in Western frame Nazi just means "someone who hates Jews".
These Ukrainian "Nazis" aren't really pro-racial supremacists as they are anti-russian.
Racial supremacy isn't the only thing Americans have against Nazis. Also just the enemy thing.
I think "enemy" is too strong a word really. Id say "competitor". If they were truly enemies they wouldn't have taken all their scientists in Operation Paperclip.
Opposing belligerents in the war.
They exterminated the Slavs en masse. Poles especially.
A shitty screenshot of an unofficial document doesn't change that.
yea, putting honor guards at the grave of a deeply respected Polish leader shows just how much they were hated. allying with us Romanians shows just how much we were hated (go ahead and tell me how it was actually coercion and the soviets "liberated" us...)
If you honestly believed this (that it was Putin), even at the time, you are retarded. Sorry.
The United States did it. Biden told everyone they were going to do it at a press conference.
Poo tin blew it up so he wouldn't get assassinated you dunce. Turning it off means you get your head blown off so they can pay the next guy to turn it back on.