posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +53 / -2

They think that they can just end this by going after the likes of Trump, Bannon and Alex Jones it's suddenly going to stop. All they're doing is pissing those of us who hate them off even more and red pilling others especially the zoomers as it turns out which is causing their plan to capture the younger vote to completely backfire.

Yes it's blackpilling but at the end of the day all that happens in my world is I readjust my wargaming accordingly because now I know they are more than capable of trying to pull off something like this and how deranged the normies are. If I were Trump I'd go private with my security and rely on vetted ex-military volunteers.

Should ask Ron Paul about people who might want to help, he's had plenty of support in the military due to being a non-interventionist in the past.