Most of the insecure women who hate Eve's physique and and criticize "conventional beauty standards in women" have one thing in common.
Most of the insecure women who hate Eve's physique and and criticize "conventional beauty standards in women" have one thing in common.
Let me guess without looking. They're men.
Fuck. I guessed Danger Hair. I feel so out of date with the latest trends in mental illness.
To be fair, at least one of them is "all of the above".
It’s usually all of it.
Actual women are yesterday's victims. Now it's the trannys turn
You missed the "male pattern baldness" joke that was perfectly set up.
Argh I'll have to remember that.
Stellar Balds?
Even the most virulent, Imp-level misogynist couldn’t hate women a fraction of a percent as much as the average MtF tranny does.
They hate what they will never be
Amusing how often trannies more and more end up resembling Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs.
Yeah, men can never hate women more than women hate women.
Now remembering how men can be 'overachivers' in a women's space, you can kinda imagine the hatred MTF are capable of..
Demons hate all life.
He always defends MtF trannies given the opportunity, and some people speculated he was one.
It's similar to how your average online leftist effortlessly manages to be a thousand times more racist than the most toothless inbred white supremacist stereotype you could possibly imagine, and they don't even realize they're doing it.
To save you the trouble, this sums up the images
It's a known at this point, and attempt to mix sexual traits with identity produces degenerates, I'm just saying we never had this issue with the Thailand ladyboys....
An Adam's Apple.
Same people happy about the Pokemon Go avatars as well.
It can't be understated that trannies are doing the same thing to themselves as steroid abusers. They're drug addicts, and fucking around with hormones is no joke, you might as well have an industry full of crackheads, tweakers, and heroin zombies. That's why they get so hysterical and violent when anyone wants to take away their drugs.
Gooners who mix their porn addiction with literal chemical addiction are bound to become some of the most depraved degenerates. I almost feel bad for them...almost.
Look it all boils down to: "If we make all the women in games and entertainment ugly guy looking fat bags we won't stand out as freaks."
One of the better descriptions of feminism I’ve ever heard: women doing everything they can to lower the bar for themselves in order to raise the perception of their own value. Beautiful girls support feminism because it sabotages their rivals. Ugly girls support feminism because it pretends they are beautiful. Trannies support feminism because it says they are real women. It’s all a bunch of selfish narcissistic lies.
HE hate it cause he ain't it and he knows he's NEVER gonna be it.
They make Lola embarrassed to be on the same scene as them.
Considering imgur links never work because they are always 403 error, there is no point on clicking them. That said I don't even need to, they're all degenerate trannies, I don't even need to look to know.