As you said, those who lived it are the harshest critics of it. One of my take aways from the interview was how the people were gas-lit into believing the grocery stores were empty, not because communism is a big fail, but because their greedy neighbors down the street succumbed to capitalism and bought everything up... eye roll
Another common commie cope was "explaining" the overflowing shelves in the West being a result of massive waste, whereas the bare shelves of the USSR was proof of "efficiency" and everyone was getting their Fair Share™.
I’m not going to believe Kotaku. At this point I think it’s safe to assume it’s just fud. A smear from leftists still mad about the first game. The first game was diverse, it had Hungarians, Germans, Cumans, Czechs, etc. For now I will assume that is what the developers mean when they say KCD2 will be diverse. BTW you are playing right into the leftist’s hands by amplifying this fud.
The development team is promising the next game, which will release later in 2024, will be much bigger and feature “a wide range of ethnicities” this time around.
Chief among the additions to Deliverance II will be more diversity. “Naturally, in a place like this, people can expect a wide range of ethnicities and different characters that Henry will meet on his journey,” Warhorse Studios spokesperson Tobias Stolz-Zwilling told IGN. Back during the lead-up to the first game, Vávra insisted there wouldn’t be any Black people in it.
“Would you please explain to me what’s racist about telling the truth?” he tweeted back in 2015. “There were no black people in medieval Bohemia. Period.” Vávra’s deployment of historical accuracy to defend the fictional RPG’s lack of people of color and his frequent embrace of pro-Gamergate rhetoric made it hard to separate the first Deliverance from some of the online reactionaries who rallied around it. The studio seems to be taking a somewhat different approach this time around, though it didn’t go into much detail.
“We are trying to depict a realistic, immersive, and believable medieval world that is being reconstructed to the best of our knowledge,” Stolz-Zwilling told IGN. “And naturally to achieve that we are not only having our own in-house historian, but we are very closely working together with universities, historians, museums, reenactors, and a group of experts from different ethnicities or religious beliefs that we are actively incorporating into development as external advisors.”
It would be hilarious if they were just different White ethnicities. However, this is definitely enough to make anyone knowledgeable about DEI concerned.
So... they're saying all the same stuff they said about the first game, which also had “a wide range of ethnicities”? All the contrast is inserted by Kotaku. None of the direct quotes suggest a change in direction.
See where the quotation marks end in the article:
“a wide range of ethnicities” this time around.
Notice how they didn't speculate on whether black people will be in KCD2. They're too pussy for that fight just yet, plus everyone's grown way more sick of blacks since KCD1, so it's a losing question. However, they're acting like it's been asked and answered by contrasting Warhorse's milquetoast PR against the statement "back during the lead-up to the first game, Vávra insisted there wouldn’t be any Black(sic) people in it" - as if there is a clear change.
DT990P is right, this is FUD D&C bullshit. They are still seething about DEI rewriters like Sweetbaby being uncovered so they want you to be seething too and to think of their presence as normalised, in every last patch of the industry. Quick search shows the entire blogger warfront, pcgamer etc. all the usual suspects, are running this exact line: 'KCD2 will be diverse this time, what now racists!' They haven't told you a single thing that wasn't in the game reveal or prior PR, but they're acting like there has been some ideological confrontation that has worked out in their favour. The fact that at this stage they're too cowardly to have pushed the issue as strongly as it was pushed last time, suggests maybe the opposite.
That's not to say KCD2 won't be pozzed. Warhorse got acquired by Koch media and who knows if Vavra still runs his own show. I don't know, but neither do Kotaku et al. They are a lousy irrelevance, let them die.
You must have been under a rock. It was pretty controversial at the time to move to a generic black guy protag, the culture war just wasn't loud enough to push it to mainstream media coverage.
The entire game suffered for that change. Now every single villain and half the fucking game is a long "RACISM BAD BAD BAD." It beats you over the head with it every possible fucking second. Including a lot of bad guys whose only crime was not liking niggers, who are in fact committing lots of crime as part of the story and setting, and they must be wrong because of that.
It can join Prototype 2 in the pile of "taking an established franchise, replacing the MC with generic angry black man, and then nobody cares anymore" IPs. And at least Prototype still had a unique idea under that instead of being a worse GTA.
Dan Vávra drives a Bentley convertible with a golden ballsack hanging off the mirror and runs dynamic shooting competitions in a tactical kilt. I'm not joking.
Regarding the 2nd paragraph, part of today's problems are definitely due to this. It mostly originates from the feminine mindset, that it's better to coddle someone, to cater to their emotions, than to tell them an uncomfortable truth, which will in the long run be more beneficial to them. The feminine mindset isn't inherently wrong, but it becomes damaging when prioritized over the masculine mindset (truth over all).
See here’s the thing, any time I’ve had extended conversations with commie supporters we always reach the same conclusion. Communism works…in theory. You’d have to have a governing body that actually makes rational and unbiased decisions in which people are satisfied without discrediting their work. The problem is not a single person or even group of people could ever selflessly use their power for the betterment of everyone. We don’t live in a perfect world where a kind and impartial leader can make the best decisions in the act of everyone’s self interests.
Capitalism is the best we got, and frankly I’m fine with that. If we cracked down on monopolies and encouraged a more free and open market, we’d be doing much better like we were in the past. Libtard commies can’t grasp this because they’ve been spoon fed the problems of capitalism but only sheltered with the (theoretical) idea of perfect communism. The biggest issue we have here is education and I’m extremely thankful my based 9th grade history teacher allowed us to debate about communism during our Cold War section.
Communism works in a community. You can easily make it work in a very small group setting without much trouble. All the common issues can be easily solved by keeping the power level low and immediate.
The problem is that the people who are pro-commie are always the least community oriented. They are absolutely the people who'd be tossed out of any possible one if they even tried.
The largest unit communism could possibly work under is the nuclear family, and anyone who had to share with siblings will tell you it doesn't even work then.
A simple thought experiment solves any hope of Labor Theory of Value being true. I give an idiot who can't make instant grits and an expert cook the ingredients to cook an apple pie. Which resulting apple pie will you eat?
Yeah, it would derive a lot of people of personal liberties and aspirations. In the make-believe world that there are an infinite number of resources and without evil people it could work. At that point are you even truly living? In a place where everything you do is controlled, I certainly wouldn’t want to live that life.
Turns out, those that have LIVED under communist rule become the biggest anti commies.
Just ask the Cubans, East Block, Hong Kong before annexation, Taiwan which is why they have so much military hardware...
If you have a spare 4+ hours, highly recommend watching this interview (2 parts) with a Navy Seal who grew up under communist control of Poland.
As you said, those who lived it are the harshest critics of it. One of my take aways from the interview was how the people were gas-lit into believing the grocery stores were empty, not because communism is a big fail, but because their greedy neighbors down the street succumbed to capitalism and bought everything up... eye roll
I heard that in Seattle.
Sounds a bit like the government blaming the lockdowns and all the problems that came with them on the unvaxxed.
Another common commie cope was "explaining" the overflowing shelves in the West being a result of massive waste, whereas the bare shelves of the USSR was proof of "efficiency" and everyone was getting their Fair Share™.
his childhood definitely sucked, but he's certainly a stronger man because of it.
I didn't see the diversity in the KCD2 trailer. Where are you seeing it?
I’m not going to believe Kotaku. At this point I think it’s safe to assume it’s just fud. A smear from leftists still mad about the first game. The first game was diverse, it had Hungarians, Germans, Cumans, Czechs, etc. For now I will assume that is what the developers mean when they say KCD2 will be diverse. BTW you are playing right into the leftist’s hands by amplifying this fud.
i think i read here that the company got sold and is now under deep silver (koch media) who might dictate certain topics.
Thanks for the links.
It would be hilarious if they were just different White ethnicities. However, this is definitely enough to make anyone knowledgeable about DEI concerned.
So... they're saying all the same stuff they said about the first game, which also had “a wide range of ethnicities”? All the contrast is inserted by Kotaku. None of the direct quotes suggest a change in direction.
See where the quotation marks end in the article:
Notice how they didn't speculate on whether black people will be in KCD2. They're too pussy for that fight just yet, plus everyone's grown way more sick of blacks since KCD1, so it's a losing question. However, they're acting like it's been asked and answered by contrasting Warhorse's milquetoast PR against the statement "back during the lead-up to the first game, Vávra insisted there wouldn’t be any Black(sic) people in it" - as if there is a clear change.
DT990P is right, this is FUD D&C bullshit. They are still seething about DEI rewriters like Sweetbaby being uncovered so they want you to be seething too and to think of their presence as normalised, in every last patch of the industry. Quick search shows the entire blogger warfront, pcgamer etc. all the usual suspects, are running this exact line: 'KCD2 will be diverse this time, what now racists!' They haven't told you a single thing that wasn't in the game reveal or prior PR, but they're acting like there has been some ideological confrontation that has worked out in their favour. The fact that at this stage they're too cowardly to have pushed the issue as strongly as it was pushed last time, suggests maybe the opposite.
That's not to say KCD2 won't be pozzed. Warhorse got acquired by Koch media and who knows if Vavra still runs his own show. I don't know, but neither do Kotaku et al. They are a lousy irrelevance, let them die.
You must have been under a rock. It was pretty controversial at the time to move to a generic black guy protag, the culture war just wasn't loud enough to push it to mainstream media coverage.
The entire game suffered for that change. Now every single villain and half the fucking game is a long "RACISM BAD BAD BAD." It beats you over the head with it every possible fucking second. Including a lot of bad guys whose only crime was not liking niggers, who are in fact committing lots of crime as part of the story and setting, and they must be wrong because of that.
It can join Prototype 2 in the pile of "taking an established franchise, replacing the MC with generic angry black man, and then nobody cares anymore" IPs. And at least Prototype still had a unique idea under that instead of being a worse GTA.
these are from almost 8 years ago, i hope he hasn't cucked since
Dan Vávra drives a Bentley convertible with a golden ballsack hanging off the mirror and runs dynamic shooting competitions in a tactical kilt. I'm not joking.
Regarding the 2nd paragraph, part of today's problems are definitely due to this. It mostly originates from the feminine mindset, that it's better to coddle someone, to cater to their emotions, than to tell them an uncomfortable truth, which will in the long run be more beneficial to them. The feminine mindset isn't inherently wrong, but it becomes damaging when prioritized over the masculine mindset (truth over all).
See here’s the thing, any time I’ve had extended conversations with commie supporters we always reach the same conclusion. Communism works…in theory. You’d have to have a governing body that actually makes rational and unbiased decisions in which people are satisfied without discrediting their work. The problem is not a single person or even group of people could ever selflessly use their power for the betterment of everyone. We don’t live in a perfect world where a kind and impartial leader can make the best decisions in the act of everyone’s self interests.
Capitalism is the best we got, and frankly I’m fine with that. If we cracked down on monopolies and encouraged a more free and open market, we’d be doing much better like we were in the past. Libtard commies can’t grasp this because they’ve been spoon fed the problems of capitalism but only sheltered with the (theoretical) idea of perfect communism. The biggest issue we have here is education and I’m extremely thankful my based 9th grade history teacher allowed us to debate about communism during our Cold War section.
Communism works in a community. You can easily make it work in a very small group setting without much trouble. All the common issues can be easily solved by keeping the power level low and immediate.
The problem is that the people who are pro-commie are always the least community oriented. They are absolutely the people who'd be tossed out of any possible one if they even tried.
The largest unit communism could possibly work under is the nuclear family, and anyone who had to share with siblings will tell you it doesn't even work then.
Ancoms have left the chat.
Communism doesn't work in theory.
A simple thought experiment solves any hope of Labor Theory of Value being true. I give an idiot who can't make instant grits and an expert cook the ingredients to cook an apple pie. Which resulting apple pie will you eat?
Under LTV, some idiot digging a hole in your yard deserves payment for the labor he provided, even though you didn't ask for it.
Yeah, it would derive a lot of people of personal liberties and aspirations. In the make-believe world that there are an infinite number of resources and without evil people it could work. At that point are you even truly living? In a place where everything you do is controlled, I certainly wouldn’t want to live that life.
a.k.a Every Rust "programmer" who ever lived.
Yea, but he's white, they will cry loud and proud like that means he's so privileged.