Thought this might be of interest to you all. I didn't really notice any diversity at all, and if I recall the original pissed a lot of those people off, so, maybe something good coming. I just re-bought the original one to play a few weeks ago as I started it on Game Pass years ago and never made it far. I'll probably pick it up again this summer.
Yeah, that. I don't think it's a tranny but just an ugly woman. I actually looked her up a bit the second time through the trailer and at the very least couldn't easily find a screeching Twitter profile full of pronouns. Or really much of anything at all.
I appreciated this game, but I was also put off by the devotion to realism. In the end the combat felt repetitive. It all came down to timing perfect parry over and over.
Adorea Olomouc should conclusively prove that realistic fight scenes aren't boring. It's just difficult for video games to properly emulate the nuance of high level sword play. Here's their Youtube channel:
For me it was quite satisfying to master with all the different moves.
edit: Should point out I totally understand what other people hated about the combat at first... it just becomes much faster and fluid once you get used to it and know the patterns.
Against multiple enemies yes. But 1vs1 you can also just go close for the struggle session u didnt even need that much strength to win almost all and then get a free hit in. Then poison/hammer to the head against armored opponents very effective.
Yeah, I remember when I started it before the combat annoying me. If it gets too awful the second run I'll either cheat if I want to finish the game or move on.
The main issue was how sluggish it got whenever you tried switching targets. Like I understand that fighting multiple enemies in melee should be challenging, but a sticky targeting system is not the kind of thing I had in mind.
Also, there were multiple mods that addressed a fair number of issues, but certain aspects of the combat system still remained a bit irksome at times.
It took me a moment to realize what you might've been referring to. At first I thought you were referring to floaty combat (usually related to damage or collision), but I think I know what you're referring to.
A certain level of "drag" when climbing stairs for example, some clunkiness with character and terrain collision, and overly long animation-interaction events that "block" player input/movement until they're completed. There were also some quirks specific to the combat that had some "floaty" vibes (like the target switching sluggishness I mentioned in another comment).
Which reminds me, I really wish game developers would stop using the "press to hold and complete action" interaction for really unnecessary situations. Like in Hell Let Loose you have to do that just to redeploy after you die, and I seem to recall The Division 2 applying it in way too many menus.
That interactive mechanic CAN be fun in some instances, but I find it remarkably annoying in menus and NPC interaction.
Well depends how much hands off embracer was here, Vavra sold his company so if they really wanna to push the message for that ESG money he would have to do that. So I would wait for reviews before buying. They know their audience doesnt like it so they wouldnt put it in the trailer.
Wonder if they ever patched the infinite load bug on the console version. I had about 80 hours in the first game and was never able to finish the final stretch.
The combat was weird if I remember right. Otherwise it's an RPG that goes for a really realistic depiction of medieval Bohemia. I only played probably 10 hours a couple years ago, I'm going to start fresh. I've heard a lot of good things about it.
Henry's coming back! Christ be praised!
Glad to see no nig nog knights in the trailer. A big middle finger to all the game journos complaining about this in the first game.
Thought this might be of interest to you all. I didn't really notice any diversity at all, and if I recall the original pissed a lot of those people off, so, maybe something good coming. I just re-bought the original one to play a few weeks ago as I started it on Game Pass years ago and never made it far. I'll probably pick it up again this summer.
Check the 10:39 mark and you will see my concern
Yeah, that. I don't think it's a tranny but just an ugly woman. I actually looked her up a bit the second time through the trailer and at the very least couldn't easily find a screeching Twitter profile full of pronouns. Or really much of anything at all.
I'm still always skeptical of any game.
That is promising then, i'm mainly hoping the studio bloat doesn't fuck things over like it tends to do these days.
She is also an environment artist in the first game. She got bumped up to Lead in this it looks like.
The forests are so incredibly realistic in the first one, I say she deserves the credit.
It's Henry!
I appreciated this game, but I was also put off by the devotion to realism. In the end the combat felt repetitive. It all came down to timing perfect parry over and over.
Realism in games should be like Mil-Sim airsoft. It looks real, it feels real, but it's fun.
CoD is bigger than ARMA because the gun play is more approachable, like airsoft vs firearms.
Adorea Olomouc should conclusively prove that realistic fight scenes aren't boring. It's just difficult for video games to properly emulate the nuance of high level sword play. Here's their Youtube channel:
You could toss Hellish Quart in there.
At year 7, can confirm.
For me it was quite satisfying to master with all the different moves.
edit: Should point out I totally understand what other people hated about the combat at first... it just becomes much faster and fluid once you get used to it and know the patterns.
Against multiple enemies yes. But 1vs1 you can also just go close for the struggle session u didnt even need that much strength to win almost all and then get a free hit in. Then poison/hammer to the head against armored opponents very effective.
Yeah, I remember when I started it before the combat annoying me. If it gets too awful the second run I'll either cheat if I want to finish the game or move on.
The main issue was how sluggish it got whenever you tried switching targets. Like I understand that fighting multiple enemies in melee should be challenging, but a sticky targeting system is not the kind of thing I had in mind.
Also, there were multiple mods that addressed a fair number of issues, but certain aspects of the combat system still remained a bit irksome at times.
Can you elaborate? I was just watching the trailer and saw some weirdness in the movement animations but I'm not sure that's what you mean.
Yeah I meant the first one but wasn't sure if I'm seeing that in the trailer too. What does floaty movement mean? I've heard the phrase before.
It took me a moment to realize what you might've been referring to. At first I thought you were referring to floaty combat (usually related to damage or collision), but I think I know what you're referring to.
A certain level of "drag" when climbing stairs for example, some clunkiness with character and terrain collision, and overly long animation-interaction events that "block" player input/movement until they're completed. There were also some quirks specific to the combat that had some "floaty" vibes (like the target switching sluggishness I mentioned in another comment).
Which reminds me, I really wish game developers would stop using the "press to hold and complete action" interaction for really unnecessary situations. Like in Hell Let Loose you have to do that just to redeploy after you die, and I seem to recall The Division 2 applying it in way too many menus.
That interactive mechanic CAN be fun in some instances, but I find it remarkably annoying in menus and NPC interaction.
So hyped. Vavra is probably the one developer I trust not to inject bullshit.
Well depends how much hands off embracer was here, Vavra sold his company so if they really wanna to push the message for that ESG money he would have to do that. So I would wait for reviews before buying. They know their audience doesnt like it so they wouldnt put it in the trailer.
Definitely, I'm still not gonna preorder anything, even in this case.
Nice. I bought this game to support the creators. Fun game but I really don’t like first person so I hope it gives you the option in this
Wonder if they ever patched the infinite load bug on the console version. I had about 80 hours in the first game and was never able to finish the final stretch.
The combat was weird if I remember right. Otherwise it's an RPG that goes for a really realistic depiction of medieval Bohemia. I only played probably 10 hours a couple years ago, I'm going to start fresh. I've heard a lot of good things about it.
I had no idea Gamefly even still existed.